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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in judgement (16)


Grow beyond blind compassion 

(Image: Sacred geometry 792 by Endre Balogh)

Notice the importance of allowing all things to serve our awakening. When we are offended by behaviour or actions, if we are always completely non-judgemental, or at least, resist expressing true feelings or saying anything that could be seen as judgemental, we may be doing a disservice to ourselves and those who offend us. For, in not doing what we can to bring people face-to-face with the consequences of their actions, we are actually depriving them of Soul growth. Further, in letting them off the hook, we are doing the same for ourselves. As an analogy, by not allowing a butterfly to struggle its own way out of a coccoon, it emerges weak. Metamophosis is supposed to be difficult to build resilience, trust, discernment. Butterflies need a surface they can climb and hang from so their wings can expand properly. This is why they emerge in phases, building strength, confidence, energy at every stage. Similarly, certain kinds of compassion may hide misguided tolerance and aversion to confrontation, as well as avoidance of pain and anger that exist to facilitate human Soul growth. Although its helpful to examine how judgement of others can reflect our own shadows or invite us to self-examine, build our discernment a focus on self alone is misguided. Blind compassion for others can arise as a tool of survival learned during childhood. Recognizing our own patterns and changing our behaviour not only empowers us, but also nudges others to do what they exist to do. To cut to the chase, at some point, we would have to not only feel the pain of what we suffered but also feel its consequences later in life, and many of us resist that, even when we see value in doing so. At the perfect moment, it dawns that suppressing the hurt we were suffering often made things worse. Being solely compassionate about behaviour that evokes discomfort keeps us 'safely' removed both from standing up for ourselves and the consequences. Yet, if we do not russle feathers, make a fuss or contront anyone, it robs us of our autonomy and accountability, implying we do not have a choice when we do. To confront someone with fierce compassion (express true emotions) has another impact. If we hurry too fast to forgive, we skip the process that leads to authentic forgiveness, feeling our hurt, expressing our needs and navigating conflict. As we shed our blinders and see our pain clearly, our anger, hurt, frustration, moral outrage, we re-enter a realm of love that had been closed off from which we can now freely give and receive. As we welcome struggles and challenges, strive for nobel and lofty goals, we are connecting and expanding our Soul in ways beyond the wildest imagination


Choose love over judgement

The feeling of being in harmony with our surroundings may seem harder when among people or living our day-to-day lives.  The peacefulness of a nature walk, soothing meditation or centred yoga practice may wear off. Is the mind quick to analyze, group, compare, and label everything?

Although the comparison game takes us out of the stream of well-being, comparing serves a useful purpose.  It helps us grow aware of our preferences.  They create new desires in us which fuel joy and excitement.  This kind of energy propels us forward to create new realities.

Contrasts are part of what makes earth what it is.  What is important is to be aware of how to be connected to Source and not controlled by negative emotions and judgements.  Its part of a process to come to recognize changes in the body and behaviour and coming to connect them to changing thoughts, beliefs and perception. 

Before making a choice, tune into the energy surrounding it. Ask whether the urge to change relationships, career, circumstances comes from the desire to escape or avoid something or to embrace something new. Then, allow seeing everything as energy.  Feel forcefully pushed or conditioned in a certain direction?, or maybe a gentle nudge like the wind on the back. As we choose love more consistently over fear, we are subtly shifting our energy vibration, perception and reality.  We are expanding into new potential.  Each of us decides what and how to see.


Relish every revelation

Every moment, it is possible to relish your own revelations.  Notice a shift as what initially seems important suddenly grows unimportant.  Self-created filters of judgment are dissolving.  What remains is revealing itself and defying any explanation.

Every message you give yourself reveals a common thread... you are stringing yourself along, playing life too seriously as emotions rise and fall.   Laugh more.  See the big picture from the point of view of the infinite universe.  Right now, No-thing really matters.  No-body is in control. You are always no-where.


Connect with your intention

Every moment, you are either connected with your deepest intentions or disconnected from them.   Call them your intentions, purpose or mission. You may ask, how do you know? If you are asking someone, what does this tell you?  It is the right moment to;

1) Let go of all doubt that you are not where you are meant to be

2) Recognize the power of reflecting without judgment

3) Meditate on appreciating something wherever you are

4) Visualize something inspiring and notice how it feels 

5) Notice what you see and experience as beauty spreads


Trust your inner guidance

Everything you feel vibrates a silent message from the depths of your soul.  The question is, how often do you listen? How often do you realize that the soul level vibration does not always jive with what you are thinking? The truth is you create all experience in your scope.  What occurs as you empower self to be?

When people say, "I always knew it," that does not mean they are always conscious of sure-footedness or career-related purpose that they focus on now.  Be aware of what draws you to particular activities and environments. You have unlimited opportunities to stretch physically and otherwise, to learn and also grow.

What other people do or do not do does not matter.  What you do also does not matter.  How you feel about what you do is what matters.  A person feels joy doing anything and everything provided he is uninfluenced by judgment or approval.  Reflect on when you trust inner guidance. What serves you?