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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in priorities (13)


5 Ways to Activate New Opportunities

Notice every moment is an opportunity to redefine the direction of our lives.  Its common to reach a hiatus, a point in life where the prospect of change appeals in some or many different life areas.  What to do about it?

1. Pay attention to discomfort

2. Review different life areas & priorities

3. Brainwstorm ways to empower yourself 

4. Be aware of your relationship to inner and outer worlds

5. Meditate on your vision of new opportunities



Honour Being in-Limbo

Notice amidst ongoing shifts in consciousness, emotional and global upheavals, its crucial to honour the "liminal space", in-between gap or transitional phases of transformation. There are periods of being "in-limbo", when what used to make sense to you no longer does and yet, you still resist completely letting go with peace and certainty to move ahead, above, beyond. It touches relationships, situations, identity- previous foundations or perceived truths of your reality are crumbling. Its those points where the mind does not yet see clearly where to go from here, does not yet completely accept or reject new ways of seeing, know how you will survive or operate beyond the familliar. This is where surrender happens.
It is my experience that we discover a great deal of freedom during this process of shifting to think less and feel more along our winding road. A similar feeling arises during lucid dreaming as we come to sense different levels of awarness and energetic activity.  This freedom does not necessarily imply the total elimination of suffering or all our expectations. And yet, it does free us to live more fully, can lead to profound changes in character, priorites and being open and receptive to the unusual and unforeseen.
From the moment we begin to accept we do not have to know everything, that our assumptions are unfounded, that ideas of past and future are distractions to the ultimate truth, our life shifts in profound ways. New opportunities arise as if from nowhere, what we had aspired to or struggled toward unfolds without effort, teachers and invisible guides make themselves known. Suddenly, it feels natural to experience pure presence. This is about bringing the ind to the present moment, seeing blessings & wisdom in whatever presents.



5 Revelations about priorities

Ponder 5 Revelations or ah-ha moments that require no thought. Breathe the way into each one, sensing the growing connection you have with yourself, heartfelt priorities. 

1. Feel why having money is not true wealth

2. Tune into love as the ultimate success.  Unconditional love and trust are conscious intelligence that unfold as we live through the heart.

3. Accept you have no time. The present is the only real time. No past or future exist. We are not results of the past. We simply are.

4.  Consciously connect with the Earth, whatever this means. Discover that once it begins nothing can stop it

5.  Notice as we take responsibility for our thoughts, we take responsibility for every choice and experience. 


5 Ways to greater joy

This is one exercise that is part of a group of workshop experiences created to guide participants to deepen theri authenticity. Reflect on 5 Ways to experience greater joy in life:

1. Understand Who you are

Meditate on questions like; 'Who am I?' & 'Why am I really here?'


2. Identify matters most to me at this stage of life?

Brainstorm, dream-vision, vision-board, use whatever means resonates...


3. Interact with those who live/ model or embody your ideal

Which books have you read? Which events have you attended? Where do models come from?


4. Explore obstacles to being yourself 

This implies examining; fears, frustrations, disappointments, irritations which point to belief in the illusion of separation. Only then can one begin to allow self-love to take root.


5. Write out and create the ideal vision of being you in the present tense

Where are you? What are you doing? Who is with you? How do you feel?


5 questions to reveal synchronicity

Every moment, whatever we do or not, we are responding to a call within to love ourselves more or differently. Asking ourselves questions aloud and writing them down is a way to step back and gain perspective. Allowing ourselves to respond intuitively to our own questions is an eye-opening exercise.  Jot down these five questions and respond ...

1. Why are we really drawn to move to or live in a specific area?

This invites us to reflect on our underlying motivation or changing priorities: (i.e., imposed career move, lifestyle choice, family benefits, reputation, climate, perceived energy or opportunities, logical or strategic stepping stone, intuitive decision. Does it reflect balance on physical, emotional, spiritual and other levels?)

2. What are we meant to do to generate income at this stage of our lives?

We may really enjoy certain endeavours, find these fun and rewarding. And yet, if how we love to spend our time does not yet pay the bills, we may feel an underlying guilt or anger arising. We are taught to follow our passions and money comes naturally. And yet, until we trust fully, and impatience subsides, the timing of that flow may require us to do things we do not like as much to pay for those we do.

3. Why have we chosen a particular/ current partner?

Our partners enter our lives as conscious and/or unconscious choices.  This may be based on impulsive physical attraction, lust, someone set it up or arranged the marriage, or it could also be deeper, like a Soul agreement or energetic entanglement.  Whatever the case, when ready and open, we are invited to unravel the reasons and lessons ourselves.

4. Which is the best course of action ?

If we feel caught 'between a rock and a hard place', or feel like we sit on the fence, about something, then it is helpful to remove ourselves from the personal and see the bigger picture. It pays to ask ourselves who's idea of 'best course' we are referring to here. Everyone is not at the same point of understanding or awareness of who they are.  Everyone is not even wanting the same thing.  Everyone does not give themselves the same message.  Depending on our priorities and how well we know ourselves, different desires emerge. Choose from the head or the heart...

5.  What opportunities should we pursue or avoid?

This depends on our soul level of development, whether we live based on the personal or whether we resonate more with universal laws.  Some souls reach a stage where relaxing and trusting feels completely natural.  To reach this stage of fearlessness implies we only focus on what evokes joy.  Pushing ourselves to overcome obstacles may have been important in the past.  In this moment, it feels right to trust what presents rather than seeking out specific opportunities.  If something is meant to happen, it will.  To release any feelings of constriction, flow with any opportunities that come our way.  This will be obvious, when we are open, relaxed rested and trusting. As we trust we are in an expanded state, we know what feels right and thus, where to go.