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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in limitless (12)


Create a new normal

(Seeing our true selves and breathing new life into what is truly possible- Ladybug macrophoto by Linden Gledhill)

Notice what happens as we begin to see extraordinary moments are dots to join for our new normal. A simple insect or creature in passing suddenly becomes a remarkable inspiration to shatter our own myths about what is possible. We see mirrors of our true selves in these little marvels, see existence through their eyes, experience the exhilaration, the wonder and awe, that is an energy of shared consciousness. Suddenly, our life shifts to operate in parallel with a limitless version of ourselves. We jump further, soar higher, savour simply being and effortlessly reach new heights.


Separate from the stories

(sacred geometry art by Samuel Farrand) 

Notice what happens as you separate who you are from those stories that re-run through your head. Beware of the unloved for they will eventually hurt themselves or others until they awaken, feel, integrate soul fragements and heal. So many of us choose our Earthly path disguised as fear out of practicality. Our dream may seem so ridiculously out of reach, we may hesitate to ask the universe for it. Yet, on a parallel timeline, we shift frequency to fearlessly request the unthinkable, stand up for ourselves, validate our own worth, speak our truth, and ask for something others view as impossible. Infinite Being has a limitless view and activates the mysterious power of the boundless imagination. Unexpected cosmic doorways or gateways reveal themselves. One becomes one's own cosmic guide to vibrational harmony with Source. Conscious interdimensional travel guides one into the twelfth dimension, the origin of all energetic reality. It is the ultimate power source for everything, the origin of the ALL that is, the energy of the universal Dreamer. We call ourselves The Star That Illuminates Infinite Moons. The universe you experience is one of many within this Star. Each Moon symbolizes an experimental dimensional reality. Each HUman exerts influence within all realms, some of which are connected to our solar system and include planet Gaia. This is the spirit of Earth, not only the planet itself but also all inhabitants. As one expands into cosmic consciousness, the basic reality beyond physical senses reveals itself, and how our moment-by-moment vibrational output shapes our conscious creation


Insights on Healthy Boundaries

(Sacred geometry 756 by Endre Balogh)

Notice a lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect as well as offers valuable opportunities for understanding ourselves and Soul growth. The consequences of our actions point to the possible unconscious nature of our choices. While we exist to love each other, we are not here to be one and other. One cannot force another to be aware of or feel his own feelings. One cannot think for, believe, grow aware or know viscerally for another. One cannot work through another's disappointments that another's self-created limits may produce. In essence, One can be a mirror but cannot grow for another. One only makes certain journeys alone. We are not powerless and at any moment, can consciously change our thoughts, feelings, behaviour and life direction to take responsibility to a whole new level. This is not about control, but rather, true freedom. As we accept the freedom of another, we do not get angry, feel hurt or withdraw as they set boundaries. Their behaviour invites us to better understand our own. As we come to recognize the hidden motivation behind our setting boundaries (or lack of them), we are empowered. Quantum shifts in life conditions occur as we grow aware of and heal possible guilt, deep fear of other people's anger or harbouring our own, fears of loneliness or abandonment, fear of rejection, and codependence. Making the unconscious, conscious allows us to shift from fear-based patterns to a more consistent love vibration. Shadow work guides us to new insights and expansions in consciousness. As we see through our impulses and patterns, we know what we stand for and tune into our energetic message. Often, boundary issues arise due to lack of initiative or insufficient assertiveness. Taking action is about finding inner courage. It is about speaking one's mind with kindness through the feeling heart. Deepening awareness shifts us away from an ego- driven life so we feel into limitless possibilities and tune into dimensions of experience previously unknown to us before this moment. 


The Truth is in Plain Sight

Notice the subtle consciousness has many layers to it. Spirit has many layers. As you get rid of all the baggage in your life, from decluttering things to letting go of what else you outgrow, it dawns who you are and why you exist beyond that. We all came from the same Source energy that holds everything together. During dreams, meditation, spiritual practices or while under hypnosis, pure radiance may feel like the Sun, but its not hot. Radiance is simply total love, bliss. Our concept of God, the Divine or words cannot express even a tiny thread of the totality. Soul is simply a tiny spark of light growing in awareness. A room or situation only exists because we collectively decide it does. Everything is an illusion. We are the producer, actor, director and scriptwriter of a holographic reality. As we go along, we are student and evolving light of ever-present awareness. Our script of reality is revised energetically by us. Our thought and feeling energy determines every moment of our lives, our perception and role in the story we tell ourselves. Our true power is unlimited. We are our own witness, judge, jury. We create experiences to deepen understanding and awaken to what we already feel in the heart. We are unknowingly attracted to certain forms of art or identify with certain shapes more than others. They “resonate” with us in different ways, because these shapes have a certain effect on our unconscious minds and the pace of awakening to deeper Truths. They guide travel through dimensions and evoke visceral feelings to find ourselves. We decide what we exist to learn. We choose parents, environment, the best situations to allow us to uncover the wider Truth. As you move through and discard adopted roles, labels, situations, you may feel like an antenna or receiver that exists to decode/ generate/ share incoming energy to other people in this world. Open channels are like stones that skip across pure water. They reverberrate energy in their midst. The shift from belief (in doing) to knowing and awareness (of being) is key to reclaiming innate power and freedom. If you cannot handle the growing intensity of incoming energy (translated into layers of illusions surfacing to burn away), Soul chooses to leave this world. Amidst apparent global changes, the same power of mind that creates fear and anxiety about the future also grounds you in this moment. Fear is nothing and only determines what you unconsciously allow. Fear of existence, fear of losing, fear of not being enough, any fear can control you if you allow it. How to transcend it? Fighting against it simply creates more conflict and can evoke suffering. Moving through pereived life challenges enables you to conquer fear. Rising up expands your perspective. You begin to see people around you fear nothing, create desperation in the mind and then manifest based on this vibration. The same powerful mind can be shifted into conscious creation. The sound of silence is playing right now. Tune into that and the bigger picture. Wholesness is not something to work toward or achieve. Pure presence is always here. Beyond self-image, one is limitless.  The Truth is Self-evident (In plain sight).


Precipitate a revelation

Notice each of us is a version of the universe experiencing itself. Fear nothing. Watch events unfold. A common regret before life transitions is the view: “I wasn’t true to myself.” At the supposed end of one’s life, the key is relationship to oneself (how well does one know self and live in harmony with this knowing?) In yoga, this is essence of the human condition. We are all on a journey to find ourselves, our true nature or "inner" self. Whole universe is an expression of consciousness. Your own consciousness ( sense of being) is part of infinite consciousness of the universe, just as a wave is part of the ocean. In fact, just like the wave, we are not only part of, but also One with the infinite. Not everyone realizes this. We are taught our existence is limited so we experience a limited reality. Yet, we have an inner longing for limitlessness. We want unlimited happiness. In Truth, we want bliss (infinite joy) within, to awaken to our essence. That’s why we’re seeking. That’s why we’ll only be content when we find ourselves. So if we can expand our sense of existence from ego consciousness to infinite consciousness; from our small sense of self to the greater Cosmic Self like a river merges in the ocean waves, then we will experience this bliss we long for.