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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in timeline (7)


Let go of limitation

Notice as we let go of limited ideas of who we are, the fluid truth reveals itself. The more mysterious something is, the more we come to think we understand it until we are humbled by what the universe reveals though us. It dawns that a constant decoding process of the brain and sensory systems allows us to experience perception, create a reality based on illusions happening outside us.
Turns out, based on color spectrum, the colours that we are not are projected back into the world around us for us to see. Our perception is between 360 to 720 nanometers. We have 88 octaves of experience across spectrum of sound, thought. Light is the 55 octave above sound. This is the only octave of visible spectrum. Beyond that is the non-visible spectrum. The pineal gland is that part of us that translates light beyond the visible spectrum. The pixels we thought are us, are not us but only reflect the light signature of us in motion. Each time we think we move, a whole other group of pixels are reflecting us. The only limitations are the beliefs we hold consistently, such as time. Otherwise, the real is energy in constant motion.
Based on Hermetics, the entire universe is mental not material. What we perceive in the external world is not material, its energy. How we decode it changes based on level of consciousness. Our beliefs, expectations create a reality unless something shifts and wider awareness takes over. Linear time only exists in the mind. Actually everything happens now, every reincarnation exists simultaneously. Let go of all that you have been taught. Feel the way into the next stage of remembering. Shatter your own myths.
So, from an infinite point of view, no such thing as past lives exist, only parallel lives we jump into, at will. As we move into higher dimensions of vibration, the world around us starts to shift into this new vibration in resonance. This creates changes in our perceptions and has effects retro-causally. This means we live in a different timeline and certain changes are noticed like the spelling of a brand name or pattern of glasses.
As we elevate consciousness, all dimensions of time also change. We notice the result of the change of consciousness rather than how this happens or what we must do to get here. The urge to analyze falls away. This process is all about transcendence of judgement and duality. We are the designer of our own game for the benefit of our one conscious expansion. The reason we exist is to remember how to love and receive love. Choosing love accelerates the motion of energy, allows us to activate dormant systems. The things we do not like about ourselves simply project in the world around us and take shape in ways that perpetuate a visious circle so we continue to believe lies.
As authenticity arises, we fall in love with Self, and everything else as well. This is the path to illuminate from within, to recognize one is and has always been enlightened. In duality, we simply do not see see things as they are, but how we judge ourselves until judgment ceases and love is all that remains. What we assume is bad or not working as we had hoped in our lives, eventually turns out to be a blessing and precipitates shifts.
Consider the analogy of musical intervals. Musical chords can be played in ascending or descending order and change the vibrational effect. The seed of sadness has within it the seed of love and joy. Depending on the order of notes played, different emotions are evoked. Inverse relationships of music are profound. As consciousness expands, big connections stand out. 
For example, research reveals thirteen musical intervals (full spectrum of sound) are perfectly represented by the geometric pyramids of Giza Plateau. Sound is the absorption of light. Its representaation in wave form is a rainbow spectrum of light. This suggests the pyramid complex is a musical key. In 3D, we are taught time only moves forward. Yet from a higher dimension, time flows backward and forward. It is retrocausal. Turns out, time is a torus that loops on itself.
So, we have a view of the universe that is grounded in our unique perception and observation bias. Step outside of that, and see that our sense of reality has been grounded on a recurrent pattern. We incarnate to recognize and get past our self-created patterns to remember who we truly are beyond all that. Engaging in conscious alchemy takes the experience to whole new levels.



Manifest a new timeline

(Image: sacred geometry 792 by Endre Balogh)
Notice as we identify our desired vibrational state, consistently shift into this, we amplify and strengthen it, create a new reality. As we stabiilize a coherent emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude for the emerging reality, we accelerate it coming to be. The first two steps involve our sovereign will. We choose a timeline and matching vibration. The third step is locking in the vibrational state. To do so, we focus on natural capacity. open channels to feel.
This simple act of appreciating, or feeling gratitude, for the new timeline catalyzes its reality in ways mind cannot grasp. The next step requires our sovereign will again. We must persevere, hold the vision of the new timeline and the vibrational state, no matter what our senses echo. This is the passage where many fail.
The manifesting of a new timeline into 3-D reality requires ability to accumulate and hold energy. If we persist in holding the vision of the new timeline, with the vibrational field (or feeling of it), along with gratitude for it already existing, we build up energy. The task here is to be true to our vision while paying attention to what the current reality is showing us. It is not about pretending. It is about facing reality as it presents itself in our scope while holding a higher vision. In essence, we deal with life's current reality while holding the vision of a different life. Its like existing on one world while simultaneously creating and shifting into another. This is the art.



Step into Optimal Being

Notice you are consciousness, the energetic force that enlivens the body and gives you the ability to ground in this world and explore infinite dimensions every moment. If being omnipresent and omni-potent seems unfathomable, the ego mind may have you believe that you are less than you are, that you are unable to be, do or have something due to deficiencies, inadequacies and other lies. A most empowering revelation is that we only ever hold ourself back from our true greatness. To expand consciousness is to realize whatever is not working, blocked or not appearing in one timeline is already mastered or transcended in others. We each hold immeasurable abilities to see through self-created illusions and obstacles. In the optimal state, our endocrine system and all other energetic systems are fully activated. We are consciously communicating and interfacing with energies and beings in other realms. To allow higher vibrational realities to be dominant in our experience requires we grow conscious of all falsity, illusions, distortion and electro-magnetic interference and let it all go with love. Let the fearless Soul be your cosmic pilot. Allow imagining that every situation is a gift, catapult and opportunity for transformation into optimal being.


Separate from the stories

(sacred geometry art by Samuel Farrand) 

Notice what happens as you separate who you are from those stories that re-run through your head. Beware of the unloved for they will eventually hurt themselves or others until they awaken, feel, integrate soul fragements and heal. So many of us choose our Earthly path disguised as fear out of practicality. Our dream may seem so ridiculously out of reach, we may hesitate to ask the universe for it. Yet, on a parallel timeline, we shift frequency to fearlessly request the unthinkable, stand up for ourselves, validate our own worth, speak our truth, and ask for something others view as impossible. Infinite Being has a limitless view and activates the mysterious power of the boundless imagination. Unexpected cosmic doorways or gateways reveal themselves. One becomes one's own cosmic guide to vibrational harmony with Source. Conscious interdimensional travel guides one into the twelfth dimension, the origin of all energetic reality. It is the ultimate power source for everything, the origin of the ALL that is, the energy of the universal Dreamer. We call ourselves The Star That Illuminates Infinite Moons. The universe you experience is one of many within this Star. Each Moon symbolizes an experimental dimensional reality. Each HUman exerts influence within all realms, some of which are connected to our solar system and include planet Gaia. This is the spirit of Earth, not only the planet itself but also all inhabitants. As one expands into cosmic consciousness, the basic reality beyond physical senses reveals itself, and how our moment-by-moment vibrational output shapes our conscious creation


5 Tips to shake you up 

Perhaps you have heard people set the intention to find a parking spot nearby their destination. What about yourself? Do you always get that space, even visualize it before it comes into sight? Do you regularly set intentions, and experience their power in action in real time?  If you do, are you satisfied with how things play out and how you feel?  If not, what are you waiting for?

1. Clarify what you want

Maybe you have a general idea of the partner you seek or begin to add detail for the ideal vision of where you wish to live, work or play? Only taking a moment to ponder general ideas is not enough energy to consciouslt shape your life.   Ever wonder why things seem to pass you by? What if you could add more detail to your vision, even polish it so you feel repeatedly energized and exhilarated about unfolding events?  What if writing things down makes a big difference?

2. Give yourself a deadline

This could be a goal of meeting or surpassing a monthly quota, structuring life changes or preparations based on an upcoming event such as a birth, wedding, divorce, retirement, or family move.  Whatever that point in time, working backwards from here can enable you to feel more relaxed and better organized for what is coming. The point is to get your butt in gear to act.

3. Adapt or extend the deadline as needed

Maybe you feel under the weather, unforseen obstacles crop up or you just do not feel motivated to carry out some of your original plans. Whatever the reason for diverging, the point is to be kind, gentle and understanding with yourself. The point of shaking yourself up can be to loosen up your own reigns.  If you sail, you know you have to adapt to changing weather. If you engage in interactive sport, you know the value of changing direction.

4. Rediscover the art of surrender

As much as you might like to think you can control everything, being shaken up is also about accepting what it is to set an intention and let go of attachment to the timing of results. Nurturing a vision and repeatedly focusing attention on it is also part of the art of not controlling what/when a vision comes through. What if you get a cream opal car instead of the white one? Can you accept the result the universe brings and know its the best option?

5. Keep your eyes on the prize

Come what may, you may not always get what you think you want but you always get what you need. Blessings are found in whatever arises. You may not get the meal you envisioned eating at a restaurant because its sold out.  Yet, as the result, you may be pleasantly surprised to discover what turns out to be perfect for your palette. Keeping an open mind changes everything.

Your intellect may be confused by your emotions never lie to you. -Roger Ebert