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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in love (374)


Merge with Expanding Reality

Notice new realities already exist within a bandwidth created by high frequency waves of light that are now flooding the planet at an accelerating rate never known here before. Love, freedom, trust, connection and peace shape the emergence of higher vibrational reality. Instant manifestation happens as one is energetically aligned with Soul. Such existence is not easily obvious in the external. It is manifesting first inside of us. Tuning inward reveals only synchronicity. Something profound and life changing is palpable in the 5th metaphysical chamber of the heart. A sense of empowerment and inner freedom is growing. Inner strength and energy arise as we navigate through uncertainty and the collaspe of idealogies, structures and liberties encountered along the road. Notice hidden gifts and talents revealing themselves. Be aware of new understandings that arise, that miracles are happening every moment, conflicts and misunderstandings are spontaneously being resolved. This new reality is emerging amidst the collapse of the old world. As you tune into the vibration of excitement unlike anything you have experienced before, its possible to experiment with these energies, activate immortality and modes of effortless freedom. Everything that manifests from a deep compassion for yourself and others echoes that a sense of serenity and joy are always available. We now have power and ability to jump into new higher vibrational timelines that were previously out of reach. Negative energies and emotions will affect you until it dawns and energy shifts into resonance. Issues may arise and fade much more frequently without the need for you to do anything at all. A naturel flow is occurring in your body in which old energies are being released and new energies are accepted and integrated. Imagine the impact. 5D reality is a level of consciousnes that effortlessly manifests external reality. Comfort, blessing and harmony begin to expand. As new connections are made, we are constructing webs of light. As consciousness grows, it dawns other webs of light are emerging all over the planet. As more webs join, we can feel the presence and energy of apparent strangers in our heart. Enormous changes are unfolding where hatred, exploitation, control and oppression still in effect are healed and released. We are each sovereign beings with power to live in the bandwidth of new higher vibrational realities now. This requires trusting intuition fully, letting go of all we outgrow. Nurture confidence in supernatural thinking & vibes. Be open to tuning into the higher Soul-ray harmonic. Get back into harmony with the highest version of Self. The experience of resonance with the Soul is unparalleled. We are actually existing in multiple dimensions simultaneously. One must be familliar with vibes of a new existence before it emerges fully as reality. Tune into the sounds that align with the highest version of Being. When you're in it, everything falls effortlessly into place. Things simply feel right. We break free of the Matrix choice by choice, step by step. The density may temporarily pull you down but only until the next wave lifts you up to expand the view and remind you who you are. 

Usher in a new way of life

Notice that in order to usher in a new way of life, we must be willing to consciously activate the alchemist within. This is about cherishing and recognizing symbolic sunrises and sunsets in our lives. This implies not only thinking, speaking or writing about things we desire or wish to shift out of our lives, but also putting this thought energy, heartfelt intuition and self-love into action. Every decisions and life choice is a powerful energetic imprint. When ready, we physically, emotionally and otherwise let go of self-created illusions, codependence and other dysfunctional patterns and attachment we adopt to maintain false identity and block true being. We may want to detach or distance ourselves from people or situations because this causes pain, while the idea to which we are attached does not. But to really understand this whole issue of attachment, to tradition, to nationality, to custom, to a habit, to knowledge, to opinion, to a saviour, to all the innumerable beliefs and non-beliefs of 'right and wrong', we must not be satisfied merely to scratch the surface and think we have understood attachment issues when we are cultivating detachment. Whereas if we do not try to cultivate detachment, (which only becomes another issue), if we can simply see attachment clearly, then perhaps we can delve deeper and discover something entirely different, which is neither attachment nor detachment. It dawns that where attachment exists, no love exists. Attachment is the outcome of fear, of various forms of loneliness, and emptiness. An alchemist discovers the field of non-judgement and universal love through letting go of the unreal and being true to a compassionate inner voice. We refresh and renew simply by tuning in and listening to the Highest Self.


Recall the Christ Consciousness Grid

Notice Christ Consciousness (or Oneness Consciousness) is a geometry being that has been present around the Earth since the origin of Humanity. It is the 5th level of consciousness that human DNA can achieve. This is one level above the current widespread one of 46+2 DNA chromosomes. The 5th level form is a stellar dodecahedron (sacred geometry). The biblical 'Fall from Grace' is a metaphor that refers to descent from higher vibrational (5th level) functioning to lower functionning. It occurred after the collapse of Atlantis 13,000 years ago. Around 1989, the Stellated Dodecahron (Spirit/Prana) re-emerged. Yet, it’s energies also combine both the Dodecahedron and Icosahedron. Its a powerful tool of Unconditional Love Frequency. The Stellated Dodecahedron, or the Christ Grid, holds the template of all the preceding templates expressed as geometric forms. It is an expression and model of integrated completion and coherent unity of all the foundational templates. The Christ Grid stimulates us to evolve into conscious awareness with our open heart and with high levels of impeccability and integrity. The Christ Grid also helps us integrate and harmonize a group unity. This Grid is a single, collective consciousness. The grid of unity or Christ consciousness is a combination of two Platonic solid forms that form a star dodecahedron – a dodecahedron (12 pentagonal faces) and an icosahedron (20 triangles). These forms are two of the five forms known as Plato’s solids or Perfect Bodies. Platonic solids are the only existing shapes whose vertices perfectly match the inner surface of the sphere. Many cultures viewed these forms as sacred. The structure of Christ consciousness creates a network of third-stage consciousness of the human race, which is the electromagnetic field that surrounds planet Earth and unites human consciousness. A network of consciousness of unity exists around the planet about 100 km (60 miles) from the earth’s surface into the atmosphere. This network also exists around every living thing. There are millions of these nets and from space they look like a ray of light around the earth. Every single species of every living thing, even if it is a beetle, has or must “have” a network of energy that surrounds the Earth in order to exist. This Grid is the Akashic library of this planet. It allows access to any information about everything that ever took place on Earth. As consciousness expands, the true story of Earth is accessible within along with vibrational Truths of Source that cannot be tampered with. The true Love vibration is ever present.


15 Ways to Be more Zen

Amidst all worldwide events unfolding, here are some ways to get in touch with what matters and be more Zen:
  1. Review priorities. (What is necessary & what can you let go?)
  2. Breathe & act slowly and deliberately
  3. Be okay with doing less
  4. Immerse regularly in Nature 
  5. Designate time for Self-love/ selfcare & service
  6. Integrate mindfulness into everyday
  7. Face everything with inner calm and peace
  8. See everyone as a Buddha/ master/ mentor 
  9. Be receptive to shifts in awareness & perception
  10. Set a daily intention
  11. Create space for negative emotions 
  12. Cultivate wise thoughts & spiritual practices
  13. Face a something you fear everyday
  14. Choose love, note fear (fear= resistance, love =openness) 
  15. View everything as a blessing

Reality is not what you think

Notice sometimes it feels safer to stand-by and avoid prickly feelings that show up in our lives. What does this mean? and why carry what complicates our lives or evokes discomfort? To only focus on the blessings and endless beauty around us may overlook different ways to love ourselves. Everything is a call for love or a message about love. Every thought & feeling has deeper messages. Tuning into the heart reminds us the inner Sun is the most reliable guide for insight & light body integration. It is only by diving into infinite emotional waters that we get in touch with what matters Now, unleash more of True Self and let go of whatever postpones blossoming into our radiant Being. Shifting from ego-driven reality to heart-centred choices echoes big shifts in consciousness. Remember your choice is your freedom. Every moment, we choose to fear or love. Perceived reality extends from this energy. The will to change how we feel resides within each of us. Sovereignty is our power. Reclaiming soverignty changes everything.