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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in love (374)


20 signs we resonate with 5-D

At this moment, it feels increasingly as if we are redefining a new  normal. As we grow more conscious that every thought and choice we make has far-reaching impact, a 3-D materialistic way of life no longer feels right. Our feelings, urges, and behaviours are changing. Reflect on these 20 signs and signals we are shifting to resonate with fifth -dimensional existence.

1  Tune in cosnciously to the vibration of Source, the Unified Field or divine consciousness

2  Notice that fear, the need for safety, security and a lack of trust are illusions

3   Observe the old (+/-) polarities merge in harmony

4   Sense only synchronicities 

5   Let go of the need of physical pain (pain= a warning sign we cling to the 3rd dimension)

6   Are aware everything is interconnected. To give loving thoughts to others is to give to self & all

7   Surrender all thoughts and actions to a Higher Power or Source 

8   Accept all needs are satisifed

9   Know what is real is unrelated to what we see, hear, or touch

10  Realize the only real choice is to LOVE or FEAR

11  Accept everyone and everything (without judgement)

12  Are aware that all that matters is the LOVE we share

13  Know love transforms all low vibration (negativity)

14  Recognize we do need not do anything or go anywhere to get insights or have revelations

15  Co-create with the Source to orchestrate a perfect plan 

16  Have smooth spinning chakras & energy fields that accelerate 

17  Aware that everything is unfolding perfectly in multiple dimensions simultaneously

18  Know the expansive peace of non-attachment

19 Allow resources and opportunties to naturally come to us

20 Tuned into intuitive guidance & feeling like a wayshower in 3-D


5 Tips to live more fully

At the perfect moment, we recognize what is required to be more fully aligned with the Laws of the Universe.  We are challenged to explore all areas of human experience and to develop different aspects of our being.  The more we recognize where we are being inauthentic or unconscious in our behaviour, the easier it is to make new choices.  As we choose love, we feel more alive and whole and we get into harmony with our true self.

Ponder these tips to live more fully:

1. If someone is lying to us, this implies we are lying to ourselves and need to live more in integrity. This may require clearing the throat chakra and finding courage to speak our truth

2. If we experience people being irresponsible toward us, we are invited to take greater responsibility for how we think and act as well as our conditions in life. Every moment, every thought and action or silence is determining the direction of our lives.

3. If we feel others are not listening to us, this echoes we are living inthe head and not listening to the heart.

4. If we feel judged or criticized by others, we are doing it to us and can be more accepting and loving to us.

5.  If others are focused on stuff, we may benefit from decluttering and lightening our mental load.



5 Ways to live joyfully

As long as suffering exists inside us, we cannot live life fully. It is up to each of us to identify the sources of  suffering in our lives. Only then can we accept, release and replace that life view with genuine joy and celebration. Consider 5 ways to decode setbacks and live more joyfully.

1.  Identify our inhibitions

When we are self-conscious, we are unable to act in a relaxed or natural way. Getting to the root of our hesitation or doubt is key to moving beyond it and existing in a higher-vibrational state.

2.  See the underlying reasons for suffering

Everything arises and disappears in the mind. Anxiety arises as we focus attention on the future, worry about an imagined outcome. Depression arises when we focus on ideas of the past.

3.  Be fearless 

This involves looking at each moment as fresh and new. It is about undertaking all endeavours with enthusiasm and an optimism, knowing everything is possible when we set the mind to it.

4.  Be passionate

No best thing exists to do or be.  We simply make judgements and choices. Being passionate, putting our heart into all we choose to focus on, uplifts and energizes us and all we touch.

5. Love everything

When conditioned, we see the world in terms of limitation. A genius is drawn to do what is needed joyfully. It is no more about you. Self-cosnciousness shifts to selflessness. This is a limitless way of looking at life.


5 Tips to reframe rejection & criticism

It may not always be clear, but we always have choices about how to respond to what is going on around us and also to what is being directed towards us. Being open to explore our own role in the dynamic is important also. Breathwork often sheds light into our beliefs and patterns so we can change what we outgrow. Consider these 5 tips to reframe rejection and criticism;

1. Do not take things personally

Don Miguel Ruiz expands on this in a fabulous book entitled, The Four Agreements. When criticized, do not allow criticism or rejection to trigger emotions. We can respond with "thanks for sharing that..." or, "I am happy to discuss things calmly with you when I do not feel attacked," or, " Would you like to rephrase that?" If the person is unwilling, turn attention away, leave the room and refuse to channel energy into this.  (Differs from withdrawing in silence)

2. Ask the individual to repeat the negative comment

In many cases, the individual will not repeat it as s/he knows we are onto their game. If the individual does repeat the criticism, we can respond, 'we are not sure we heard that correctly.' Please repeat that... [or #3]

3. Say directly, "Sounds like you wish me to feel badly about myself..."

The individual may say no, no no, just offering constructive criticism or, yes I am! You are a _____! ect. This is an opportunity to take a deep breath and say to yourself "I am not my body, not my mind, not my emotions, not any name someone would like me to believe." (Conscious living is about knowing we have a choice about what to believe and how to feel)

4. Say, "You can say what you like, but I am not choosing to let that in. "

This would not be stated in a way to taunt someone on or nudge them into an argument. It is simply a way of standing our ground. (To ourselves, we can say. 'I am a confident person who is worthy, talents. We must also realize that the way we are being treated is reflecting how we feel about ourselves inside. If we want external behaviour of others toward us to change, we must be willing to take steps to explore how and why we feel about ourselves.)

5. "Say, " did you know critical people reserve the harshest criticism for themselves?

In fact, every instance we criticize others, we are actually making a statement about our own discomfort, pain, fear or inadequacy.  Whenever we criticize others, we are actually relfecting how dissatisfied we are with ourselves? That is a shame. We need not be mean or harsh. We can simply choose to be strong by loving ourselves enough not to be affected by false information. Loving and accepting ourselves fully means we love others enough to show them love rather than reacting in fear. This is done though an open heart.


5 Reasons to Trust

Ten reasons to trust:

1. The more we trust (the universe), the more the universe gives us reason to trust

2. The more we trust ourselves, the more we build our confidence (and it shows!)

3.  The more we trust, the more we strengthen our intuition

4.  The more we trust our intuition, the sharper senses grow & more our perception shifts

5.  The more we trust in love (what we feel), the more consciously we manifest