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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in Merkabah (4)


See through lens of sacred geometry

otice much misinformation and confusion arises in use of language and adopted meanings. Sacred geometry has been my core reality since childhood. I tune into everything as geometry first, decode energies into a human realm of perception.
In practice, the terms dimensions and realms are not the same. Sacred geometry serves as a tool to reveal dimensions are different points of view of the same reality. Math is the universal language. One view is nine dimensions frame our existence (1-9). To exist, a single dimension (point) must express itself into another. This creates polarity, or the second dimension. As these two points move, they create a third dimension, or an axis. These three points of view are energy in motion around each other which creates the fourth (time). This fourth dimension begins to generate energy and light, known as the fifth. Then, this 5 D shape can change it position which creates the sixth dimension. This said, the sixth dimension can move through and manifest itself as the seventh dimensional reality. The infinite motion of these changes is captured in the toroid or eighth dimension. Everything comes full circle to divine wholeness. This takes shape as the nineth where all universal laws and the conditions in each universe are clear. The cube precipitates the formation of the platonic solids that generate everything that exists in our dimensional reality. The merkabah is the light body vehicle and it is key to understanding how to move from between dimensions.
So, to tune into things from point of view of geometry helps us to realize that we are not actually moving from 3D to 5D. Rather, we embody all dimensions simultaneously already. It may be said awakening is about growing aware of our conditioned emotional processing of information, realizing we have options. As we tune into the vibrational nature of things, we can recognize disharmony, shift focus and connections to amplify a different or more all-encompassing view. We exist to recall what it is to be our true self, and experience a spectrum of energy.
As Mrs. Whatsit explains in the film trailer of Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time: "The fifth dimension’s a tesseract. You add that to the other four dimensions and you can travel through space without having to go the long way around. In other words, to put into Euclid, or old-fashioned plane geometry, a straight line is not the shortest distance between two points.” A tesseract is an interstellar shortcut, more or less." Seeing as energy and geometry alters time.



Be open to deeper Truth

Notice in Truth, we are each a continuous fountain of cosmic light. The breath echoes eternal flow of energy that connects seen and unseen worlds. What we detect through, as and within ourselves may differ. Ongoing events echo potential for wider Transformation and Transition. We have opportunities to move through or beyond subconscious fear and linear time-locked patterns, to live consciously in love and activate full energy systems. Every human being is divine and spiritual. Some choose to expand consciousness in new ways. No choice is better or worse. Superiority and inferiority are illusions. To tune into the endless vibrational song of existence, is to activate the multidimensional being of light that cannot be extinguished nor affected by the external. If it resonates, visualise being enveloped by a beautiful golden matrix of pure energy. Imagine thin tendrils of light swirl down to wrap around you. Feel exhilarated, rejuvenated, bathed in Love. As this energy flows, it moves into organs, blood vessels, through every area of the body and beyond. Recall you are not the body, not the mind, not the emotions. You are Spirit and Soul. This is not what you do or do not do, not your personality, not your behaviour. Its pure cosmic energy.


(platonic solid merkabah art by )

Notice as initiates, we quest for insight into our own creation. This is about remembering our Soul's purpose along a journey to growing awareness. Within us is power to access information that links past, present and future, where time stands still and All is understood. As we uncover True Nature, we realize a human being is the alchemical lab, a cosmic technology cultivated in a system outside linear time. The human being, consciousness and body, form the laboratory where alchemy happens, where the philosophers’ stone does its work to grant immortality. The human consciousness, mind and heart are tools used by the cosmic magician. Alchemy involves actual substances on the subtle or essential dimension and not on the corporeal level. The mind, heart and body are conduits. The more we recognize them as conduits of cosmic energy, the more the elixir of eternal life flows through veins of the human consciousness, revealing the light that illuminates itself by illuminating obstacles in its way. By illuminating itself, this light (our Nature) illuminates whatever it encounters. Alchemists spent ages on quests for this "Holy Grail." They viewed it the final magnum opus, or great work of spiritual and material transmutation. Alchemists widely believed it was an object to be made or discovered. Some thought it was a stone, others, a liquid or gas. Yet, some also sensed this stone as a metaphor. It is an analogy here. Imagine the key to the secrets of existence, True Nature, is so mysterious and so invisible that it reveals itself in stages. We can only experience True Nature in the many ways/ faces it presents itself, and yet it is always one thing.


Activate your Light Body

Notice plants grow toward the sunlight to generate more energy, transform and thrive. Similarly, our bodies are evolving.  The human body transforms into a Light Body, we feel drawn to spend more time in Nature as well more intense Sun. Light Body activation is a practical and effective tool to release restrictions and promote alignment, enhancing the dynamic synthesis of your system. This elevates the frequencies of your body, bringing you into contact with parts of yourself you may have been craving to connect to for what feels like forever. This occurs on a cellular level, as we adjust from a carbon-based anatomy to a crystalline-based form. Our experience of receiving, decoding and transmitting light alters us. As the human body gradually assimilates, it absorbs increasing amounts of light. Sun-gazing also allows us to absorb light differently. The light Body merkaba is a bridge to Divine Love. Imagine creating a reality of universal co-operation and conscious communion rather than division, separateness and disconnection. Children inspire us to be in harmony with the Light we truly are. They mirror True Radiance.