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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in nothing (42)


Take a second glimpse

Notice what happens as you feel that taking a second glimpse changes everything.  In essence, you see nothing as it is.  Every instance you notice someone judging or hear it inside the mind, you forget who you are. Every instance you allow your focus to be on the past, you allow what does not exist to fool you.  This is not about psychological time so much as being aware you choose to see or obscure the view.

As goes with anything, you are invited to taste it again with al lthe senses, as if for the first time.  For you see, there is only ever this moment.  There is only ever one time that unfolds over and over however you choose to perceive it.  Do not allow yourself to be baffled or worried about something that is not there.  You are only ever bothered by nothing.  Know you can always choose again so that you may see things as they are.

"Words are creation of self and every time you open your mouth, you give the world a glimpse into who you really are." -Ashley Highland


Allow simplicity to speak

The essence of being is unlimited energy. The human is the part of being conditioned to focus on limitations and seek that which cannot be found.  That which is aware through the human part is always here, yet the human mind has you believing what you want most is outside of you.  Notice what happens as you consciously love and appreciate yourself in thought, feeling, all expression.  You feel more alive.  You accept all perceptions and recognize each one invites you to embrace simplicity.  Allow the truth to reveal itself.  Everything you do and do not points toward that which you are.  Notice what is irrelevant falls away as you shift attention away.  Nothing remains.

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." -Mark Twain


5 Tips to notice nothing and everything

Many people know what its like to think a lot, to feel restless and even torn between perceived options. You can be sitting somewhere and feeling tension about doing or not doing.  You may ask how to make this stop, even wonder how to liberate the mind.  Consider these five tips to notice nothing and everything that matters;

1. Pay closer attention- rather than give in to ignoring the situation or listening to your desire to escape, notice this invitation to recognize something the body is telling you about yourself.  What is the underlying reason for your self-doubt, fear or contemplative behaviour? Consider imbalance or negativity invite shift of attention.

2. Notice what you say to yourself- your word choices reveal a lot about self-worth and self-acceptance.  Consider the mind does not know you as well as it leads you to believe. It distracts you from core instincts and inner knowing by creating beliefs that make you think you are less than you are.  See the ego agenda for what it is.

3. Feel the nature of the situation- the experience perceived by the mind with its attitudes and sense of history has nothing to do with feeling reality. You experience what you think about.  So, if you wish to change a situation, begin by shifting what you see in it.  Listen to your intuition. What does this feel like? How can it help you?

4. Let go of struggle- the more you struggle, the more limited your awarenes and heavier you feel.  As tenstion mounts, emotional reactions also tend to get out of control. Frustration and self-criticism distort what other parts of you discern with clarity.  As you let go of struggle, you discover nothing to struggle about.

5. Assume nothing is missing- the reference for what is real is in the mind and emotions until your sense of what's real arises from the ground of being. From this point, the reference for how you function shifts. Only the fear-based mind notices anything is missing. The soul only knows perfection, love and acceptance now. Consider what is conditioned and innate and how it feels to let go of what you outgrow.

"Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul, that you never knew was missing."
-Torquato Tasso


Let things be as they are

Feel what existence is like as you not only forgive without question, but you intuitively see beyond error.  There is no chaos, imbalance, nothing to undo or rectify.  You no longer act out of fear.  You perceive no problems, no need for solutions. Dissatisfaction and restlessness are gone.  You are not at war with the mind, or struggling to stop thinking.  You drop pretensions, drop hypocrisies, and willingly let go of conditioning.

Observe what happens as you let go of the attitude of control and manipulation.  Nothing anyone says or does fazes you.  What has no effect ceases to exist in your scope of awareness.    As you let go of agendas, let go of the desire to transform, to self- improve or better understand, related people and situations dissipate that are incompatible with your energy vibration.  The intention of realizing ambitions, becoming famous or accessing magical power do not cross the radar screen.  You no longer notice opportunities to actively bring these things into your experience. 

As you let things be, the desire for more ceases. History is irrelevant. A sense of the past fades.  This is the returning to innocence, seeing things as they are without the filters of mind. You allow the natural state of being to reveal itself. Just being natural, being yourself is nothing extraordinary.  This is about noticing what is, that is all.

Consider when Lin Chi was asked, ”What has happened to you? People say you have become enlightened,” he shrugged his shoulders and said, ”Happened? Nothing. I cut wood in the forest, and carry water to the ashram – carry water from the well, cut wood because the winter is approaching.”

 "Man is a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally or not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human." - Aristotle


Revert to nothing

Whatever you feel the creator is, it is forever speaking through you. What is essential is never forgotten. The force is in you and it is you.  Love created you in its natural image.

You choose to be controlled by ego and the fear it evokes or, listen to soul. This voice of truth replaces everything the ego echoes.  Your role as you dream in this body is not to change others in the pursuit of happiness, but to revert to nothing. That is, be willing to systematically let go of everything you think is you. Get out of the way. Be empty. Do nothing. Allow presence to make itself known.  Embody the unconditional love that is.  Notice what you are willing to relinquish. Notice what is already gone.  What remains?

"We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness."  -Thich Nhat Hanh

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