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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in nothing (42)


Know you are free

As you begin to see through illusions that take shape as your life, you sense your resistance to innate freedom or merge with it and let all else fade.  The mind has no neutral thoughts. They reveal a meaningless world if this is what you choose to see.  You focus on the action on the movie screen or the light projecting images behind it.

In other words, the external world only stops functioning as you see it when you stop believing and giving energy to this image of reality.  You are conditioned to overlook this. What happens as you do? As you awaken to what truth in the heart, however this translates itself to you, it is apparent you have power to evolve and devlove, to shift focus of attention and transform experience at will. Your choices create energetic worlds unfolding into your awareness.  What presents as you open Self to the flow?

Part of the universe seems to be devloving, focusing on the dark side, on fear and on conforming to systems without question.  The more negative your focus, the more asleep you are to why you are in this state and what you can do about it.  This is like a Star Wars film where clones arise to follow a centralized order. Does this resonate with you? Would unconsciousness and powerlessness be your choice now? 

Another segment of the universe seems to be evolving, waking up to see each other as equals.  This part of the population helps everyone they come into contact with, begin to activate dormant senses and to see higher realms. From this vantage point, cell membranes download frequencies and programs.  New species arise and vibrate on different levels based on a need perceived by the universe.  Experience and awarenes hinge on your vibration. The cyclical nature of things forever speaks through you. 

To know you are free is to accept you have infinite choices at any given moment.  You are so free you can choose mental and emotional bondage.   What if living in harmony changes the vibrational essence you set into motion? Every experience serves you to degrees you allow and also serves collective consciousness on its journey nowhere.  This is offered for your contemplation. Do with it as you will. 

"Enlightenment is finding nothing to find, coming to know there is nowhere to go, the understanding that all is perfect. It is not an achievement, but an understanding there is nothing to achieve, nowhere to go. You are already there -- you have never been away. You cannot be away from there. God has never been missed. Maybe you have forgotten, that's all. Maybe you have fallen asleep, that's all."- Osho


That which has no name

When you hear "he who cannot be named," the mind may wander to J.K. Rowling's fictional character Lord Voldemort in her Harry Potter stories.  Similarly, "that which has no name" often evokes feelings of confusion fear or dread in the mind. Why is that?

Take your dreams for instance.  You are conditioned to be able to name and thus, think you understand and have some level of control over your destiny. When you are unable to name or identify a thing, the mind cannot grasp it and assumes something is wrong.  What happens as you listen to the heart? What does it resonate that is beyond mind?

Consider "that which has no name" is not reason to fear, but reason to awaken to who you are. Perhaps it feels like a layer of a dream.  Indescribable sensations arise. Roll with this. Allow it to flow freely.  Notice what happens when there is nothing left to say. You Transform Your Life by admiring and identifying with others only to see yourself.

"Music...can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable."
-Leonard Bernstein


See through your questions

Every question you ask beckons you to read between the lines. Discern the lies you tell yourself. Notice that when you ask how to do something, you assume the knowing or solution is outside, you assume things are not already working themselves out. Why does the urge arise to look? Do not doubt yourself but doubt what you come to believe.

Be that which trusts the clarity of the heart. To know you dream this existence is to realize you are already awake. To be aware of a habit is to move beyond it so that unconscious pattern is broken. Every move you make, every step you take, something is watching and loving you throughout every choice and judgment. That which cannot be named has silent power. It knows transparency and has nothing to prove.

"No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious."
-George Bernard Shaw

Everything is cyclic

As you connect with what drives you on the wheel of success, fear arises in the mind, the thought that any joy or enlightenment you glimpse can also be lost.  Only as you allow yourself to explore your sense of truth and go wherever this truth guides you without resistence, do you truly surrender.  Shift vantage points and see what unfolds in silence.  What happens as you realize that everything, including the personal story and your dream, comes and goes without you? How does it Transform your Life?

You emerge in this body innocent and helpless and leave the body after coming full circle, returning to innocence and helplessness, and opening to degrees of inner-sight. You grow aware that motion is ceaseless and also non-existent. Suddenly, it is very apparent that everything comes and goes. Absolute acceptance of the way things are arises, including who you are, why existence is what it is.  You sense how it feels to be motionless.  Waiting is no more. From the moment, you abandon the wanting, stop fighting yourself, you see more clearly.  Nothing matters.  You no longer seek anything through experience. You are in this world but not of it. The wave of energy is being.

"All motion is cyclic. It circulates to the limits of its possibilities and then returns to its starting point." -Robert Collier, The Secret of the Ages


What is a smooth transition?

Every choice you make has infinite possible outcomes. The mind gives you the thought of movement on a timeline.  Dreams you envision unfold based on perceived time or, you move through the essence of the timeline and are aware of what is as it unfolds and know the outcome before it arises. Your perception and awareness determine the nature of transitions from 'here to there.' Notice how you think and feel.  This influences a smooth or rocky transitions. Sense nothing and everything.  Its interconnected inside.  How does it feel to Be your Dream in this moment? Notice how shifting your vantage points affects the dream.

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