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Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in perception (195)


25 Ways to stimulate consciousness

It is no accident that you are alive right now. You move from basic survival mode to a threshold of self-acceptance.  You connect with parts of yourself that have been detached or temporarily forgotten.  Certain things you are rediscovering feel so familiar.  You are slowly remembering how things are.

Do you believe the history you have been told? Part of you is ready to forget everything you have ever been taught. You are in process of uncovering the strategy of harmony and cooperation. You have been given the opportunity to make prfound decisions during upheavals and enormous life changes. Whatever your baseline perspective, reality is expanding and everything that seems normal is changing; 

1) Your mission is to exist now. 

2) Your priorities are changing.

3) Your awareness is expanding exponentially.

4) You discern your energetic being with power and presence.

5) You reprogram your eating and drinking patterns.

6) You realize the truth is not what you thought.

7) You remember you give and receive unconditional love.

8) You know all things happen to help you.

9) You stretch in ways you do not yet register.

10) You sense time and perception are changing.

11) You detect spirit guides and indescribable beings.

12) You choose to let go of outdated ideas.

13) Your suddenly believe things you disbelieved.

14) You rediscover the direction and intent of eternal life.

15) You sense cosmic events occur to heighten sensitivities.

16) You foresee changes in polarity, emotions, and dynamics.

17) You feel rhythm and energy runs through everything.

18) You transcend the mundane to explore creative freedom.

19) You awaken capacities for memory and deeper recognition.

20) You consciously effect evolution beyond the physical.

21) You erase fear and open up to multi-dimensional reality.   

22) You let go of the physical to realize you never left heaven.

23) You review what is required to experience divinity.

24) You think about and absorb everyone you have ever met.

25) You grow to accept physical limits and spiritual perfection.


10 ways to take charge of your life

Many people would like to take more of an active role in defining their destiny. They do not always realize they can do this anytime they choose. You design and revise road maps of choices. Consider these ten ways to take charge of your life;

1) Notice how you think. The subjects you hone in on offer signs about what makes sense to you. Was it someone who drew your attention there? Learn to listen to your core self.

2) Realize thoughts shape feelings. It takes practice to sift throughthoughts andconnect them to how you feel. Even nothing comes from somewhere. Learn to recognize the shape you are in relates directly to what you choose to feel.

3) Decode your fears. As you learn to focus on the present, you begin to sense a new level of mindfulness. It becomes possible to discern the difference between healthy fight-or-flight response to valid threats and unnnecessary worries. Learn to detect and dissolve fearful imaginings that distract.

4) Align focus with intention. If you are unclear where you are or where you are going, it is more difficult tochannel your energy in meaningful ways. Getting to know yourself empowers focus. Realign thoughts and feelings with deliberate intent.

5) Be straight. You may have heard talkers and doers exist. Do you talk directly to people who bother you or avoid confrontations? As you learn to be more honest with yourself, talking comes more easily. Learn the meaning of core honesty.

6) Shift away from complaining. Listen closely.When you speak or write, is your reflex tobelittle or downplay efforts torave with enthusiasm? Negative energy drains your power. Learnall thought and feeling is controlled withdiscipline.

7) Switch from being problem-focused to solutions-oriented. Growing awareness allows you to realize the nature and slant of your perceptions. When your mind wanders to obstacles, you benefit from learning how and when to stop.

8) Recognize all emotions are your friends. Raising consciousness helps you realize that all emotions teach you. As you learn to let go of expectations and labelsfor particular emotions, you realize that each offers you valuable insight.

9) Stop ignoring your physiology. Your body constantly sends you signals about your health and well-being. Your heart rate, level of fatigue, temperature and energy are sample physical messages. When you feel under the weather, this draws attention toareas that require more attention.

10) Release self-defense mechanisms.More often than you realize, your mind goes on the defensive. People will say things and your conditioned impulse will be to correct, toprove your right, and establish some level of superiority. In truth, doing nothing takes charge. Learn to channel energy wisely.

10) Accept you are unaware of all answers. Although its said all answers lie within the self, that does not mean every person accesses all his own inner wisdom all at once. Learning to take charge of your life is a process. As you evolve to keep perspective, you nurture hope and self-acceptance. They empower you to transcend unwanted conditions and mindsets.


8 Ways to rediscover supernormal perception

Human beings differ in their levels of awareness of and degrees of resistance to energy vibration. As you intuit power over the self and the forces of nature depend on your understanding of energy fields, then you begin to realize anyone can alter his perception. To be motivated to do so does not mean you consciously know how or achieve consistency.

If you are willing to adjust the nature and path of your learning curves, you may evolve to rediscover supernormal perceptual states. This requires levels of self-realization and an extensive de-conditioning process in the physical world. No human mind can grasp the reasons for this process. Yet, you can evolve to tap into it within and become a more active participant. How?

1) Explore meditation. This practice teaches power of now. You rediscover meaning in silence and stillness. You grow aware of breathing rates, appetite, thirst, basic body functions, limited senses, and also activate dormant parts of your brain.

2) Engage in Yoga. This physical and mental discipline involves learning a series of postures and breathing exercises. Practice leads to achieving new levels of flexibility and control over the body and mind, and noticing misplaced beliefs.

3) Attune to energy. A subtle light body (electromagnetic field) holds consciousness and is made up of small energy vibrations. What you think and feel translates into vibrations which interact or interfere with your base energy vibration. Endless energy is available to those who learn how to take it.

4) Recognize emptiness. This awareness emerges as you discern sensations associated with clarity and openness. Dormant abilities arise naturally. Through deepening concentration, you shift your sense of base energy vibration.

5) Chant mantras. This assists your mind to focus when it is scattered. By chanting mantras, one is able to produce a spiritual effect which is associated with the physical sensation of the chant's vibration. Each mantra has connotations.

6) Grasp how mantras work. This expands yourconnection to the universe and insight into how energy functions. As a mantra is repeated, the effect is felt within and without to create frequencies that evoke peace of mind. Consistency requires practice. Chanting mantras enables you to manifest the intent of the idea in physical form.

7) Discern conditioning.  This stage refers to how behaviors or patterns must be acknowledged and understood for what they is before they are transcended.  As you realize "normal" psychological attributes bleed imperceptibly into the perceptual realms, you begin to connect form with formless.

8) Link the manifested with unmanifested.  This perspective connects the realm of consciousness with where you are.  If you come to believe energy interpetrates states and dimensions seen and unseen, then how you experience energy changes.  Awareness shifts.  Doubt, anger, and fear dissolve. Energy re-aligns.  You no longer offer excuses to give life to what cannot be possible. You simply experience what is.


Build faith in your success

Your day evolves, moment-by-moment, not based on what you do, but on how you think and how aware you are in any kind of circumstance.  The nature of confidence and trust that you are building within yourself brings you back to the present and the reality of your success.  What do you fathom as implications?

1) Success is now.  People often convince themselves that success is a thing to work toward in the future. They forget time obscures reality and reasons to be grateful. To disregard measures of time enables you to tap into synchonicity.

2) Perception limits reality. How you think about where you are shapes how you view what you do and whether you choose to change. Your perception shifts as you consciously recognize you limit success to what is measured by your familiar senses.

3) Purpose deepens before it is grasped. Learning more about who you are is the underlying reason for everything.  Achieving what you set out to accomplish draws attention to outcomes. You uncover two, inter-related core motivations.

4) Inner alignment is expanding. As you move to focus on quality rather than quantity in experience, you begin to realize you dwell on energy that acts as the backdrop of everything.  Your field of awareness is expanding beyond self-created limits. Success loses its form and you sense loving feelings.

5) Awareness is the key focus. The nature of your journey evolves from this moment and everything you discern about it. To feel capable of linking more than one view of success is part of transformation. You reconcile mental, physical and spiritual growth and grow aware of interconnectedness.

6) Cycles reshape success. Transitions are always unfolding. Every event is created so that some new experience arises. Each stage invites learning.  You become more and then feel like less. You gain possessions, experiences, relationships and gradually lose, sell or give them all away.  Life grows and contracts and the physical body does the same. You are form now and return to formless worlds from whence you came.


13 Illusions to shake up your awareness

Illusions are self-created obstacles to a clearer view of things. Illusions are destined to dissolve as part of learning and unlearning.  This is part of a personal journey that is guided, diverges and finds its way home. Each stage is ultimately a choice. You decide when and where to pause. Your unique view of life is yours alone. You are invited to shatter your own myths.

When a person is ready to question or explore his own deeply entrenched ideas, he may awaken to acknowledge the rigidity of ideas and also shift positions or attitudes. Consider these 13 concepts to ponder and reframe;

1) Ego. Part of the psyche experiences and reacts to the outside world and imagines your self-image into being. To separate yourself from the selves of others and from objects of ego, thought causes you to forget or repress the truth. From the moment ambition is born, you are prompted to quantify it.

2) Money. This takes shape as a piece of paper with random value linkedto numbers. Virtually everyone buys into that idea and allows it to control how they think: what is affordable, enough, desirable, feasible, doable, relative and inconceivable. Currency is a human invention that arose with human motives.

3) Duality. To separate concepts into two parts is a gradual denial of unity or oneness with everything. To envision poverty distracts you from wealth and abundance. Polarities of positive and negative such as good and evil fragment underlying wholeness. As one concept exists, the opposite also exists, even if you do no choose to acknowledge it at this moment.

4) Consolation. From birth, part of you is consoled when you are fed, clothed, and loved. When was the last time you fully trusted all of your needs are met from outside yourself? Faith becomes consolation during trouble. Yet, you imagine issues where none exist and imagine what you require to dissolve it.

5) Comfort. This zone is a view of a degree of tolerance for mediocrity, anxiety, worry, and stress. It also denies what soul whispers. Some people view this as an excuse to stay put, to continue fooling self and everyone of what you need. To lose what you thought you needed shifts focus to what matters. You move away from tangible things that are bought, sold, stolen, burned or bequeathed to uncover other priorities.

6) Form. Your view of the physicality of things is grounded in beliefs. You envision or hear about objects, infer about density, texture and viscosity, without necessarily touching or experiencing them. You visualize shape without seeing and create interpretations of your sense of reality.

7) Beliefs. The focus of your devotion is hidden. It has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness or, level of conscious awareness and deliberate intent. To work in the realms of expectation and assumption creates layers of illusions you come to accept.

8) Fear. There is nothing to fear except your ability to create it. What you anticipate you will gain or lose goes deeper than ideas you access in the mind. This invokes fundamental views about what makes you who you are.  What can you live without? Few people recognize your own misunderstandings.

9) Pride. A high opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority is a view that grows from fears like inadequacy and insecurity. What you think you have or not does not change who you are.  Thinking without complete awareness explains many human issues.  People reflect each others issues, differing only in degree and level of awareness.

10) Effects. Reality is something other than perceived effects, for it is part of the Cause. Beside, over and above, under and behind, all forms of Being, Matter, Energy, Force and Power, is the ever-calm, contentedness. Reconnect to inner knowing grows into absolute trust. This translates into confidence in the goodness and justice of the only Reality that exists.

11) Crisis. When old ways of thinking and doing fall short or no longer satisfy perceived needs, a person may imagine the self is threatened. Behaving as you have done is not necessarily aligned with the natural flow of energy to start with. If you take too much without giving back, this creates imbalance. A sense of urgency draws attention to issues of survival.

12) Armageddon.  It is said a final battle involving good and evil will occur before the end of the world. Another way to view significant energy movement and upheavals is to concede former consciousness is dissolving on a wide scale. Such a view helps explain geographic, environmental and climatic shifts that might otherwise be viewed as a domino effect toward catastrophe.  Life-changing transition is imminent. How you understand it is grounded in perception.

13) Perception. If you agree your outer reality reflects your level of inner understanding, then indecision or turbulance speaks volumes.  How you come to recognize and grasp each experience is based not on superficial human senses, but on deeper awareness.  Answers do not always emerge in the form of words.  Letting go of ways you sense the world is an act of growth that dissolves dogma and resistance and brings you face to face with something indescribable.

"If the structures of the human mind remain unchanged, we will always end up re-creating fundamentally the same world, the same evils, the same dysfunction." -Eckhart Tolle