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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in perception (195)


Tune into a deeper purpose

Many people are conditioned to create a vision for a happy life and set out to realize it. Such a vision tends to include a profession and situation imagined to be fulfilling.  And yet, as life challenges arise, shake us up, our experience deepens, and curiosity arises.  People can go through whatever formalities are deemed necessary in life, but these never interfere with what is most important. When ready, we choose to go beyond the familliar to uncover something more.

As we realize we create our lives, it dawns that we also have the power to change how we create and what we see. It also grows clearer that some people create a bigger illusion of importance for themselves than others. Adopted filters block seeing more clearly. To allow ourselves to develop is to grow conscious of our capacity to look at things differently.  When ready, it dawns that laying a foundation for a whole new life is unrelated to conditioned ideas of who we are.

We exist for those for whom we exist.  Every encounter we create to help us recognize perception, explore new connections and opportunities for growth.  To perceive what is really going on in our lives and the Universe, one need only look into one's self without filters.  Everything we devise arises so we get-to-know thoughts, feelings, emotions and aspects of Self often missed.  Everything we uncover depends on the purity of our thoughts and the motive for asking.  All experience invites us to tap into more confidence so we do what feels right even if it scares us.

In Harry Potter: The Philosopher's Stone, some characters say "there is no such thing as magic."  Those that experience a different reality hold a different view on magic and what is possible. The wizard Dumbledore says, "The time comes Harry when we must choose between what is right and what is easy." Thus, purpose evolves with us, how we choose to grow and redefine priorities.


Breathwork shifts habits

Maxwell Maltz had us believe we only need 21 days to change a habit. Other research, such as a 2009 study by Phillippa Lally, a health psychology researcher at UCL, entitled ‘How long does it take to form a habit’, found that on average it takes 66 days for a habit to become ingrained.

What is often left out in therories is that conscious intention required as well as a knowing or conscious intelligence as to why habits, often viewed as negative, arose in first place. Many habits are addictions. Cathartic Breathwork is one spiritual technology of awakening that effectively uncover unconscious details.  Consider 7 Steps to breathe more consciously.

Meditation and breathwork techniques purify the chi and consciousness on the level responsible for these habit streams.  No seminar series or weekend retreat is as effective. Breathwork can transform self-perception. To purify the mind and body, we must purify the sixth consciousness by cultivating emptiness and detaching from the other five consciousnesses. This is the only way to make a lasting change in perception, personality and behavior.  The key is to see things energetically, to shift into the consistent vibration of self-love and acceptance.  Feeling better is within reach of everyone.


5 Tips to master yourself

Its common to feel unfulfilled and also to underestimate your power to change.  Do you ever wonder if this life has more to offer, and if so, how to get a handle on it?  It is the perfect moment to pay closer attention.

Only as you get to know yourself inside out does the bigger picture begin to take shape.   Only then are you in position to consciously transform. Consider 5 tips to master yourself (or at least begin the process):

1. Notice the monkey mind

The monkey mind is engaged in imitating or distracting.  As long as the mind clings to belief, copies and adopts what it sees, it creates and perpetuates its own prison. An unestablished mind is highly influenced, ungrounded and unable to see clearly. Conscious attention is shifted to focus on unnecessary moments or situations.  Thoughts and emotions can escalate, disrupt natural balance and feeling centered.

2. Grow aware of unconscious behavior

Stepping back allows observing your own unconscious behavior.  This is about witnessing how you behave when you think nobody is watching. This is not about judging.  Its about simply growing aware of what you are doing and the underlying reasons or conditioning for it.  Being compassionate helps it grow clearer how you inhabit space. You may choose to videotape yourself and watch it play back. What is apparent?

3. Read your body language

Your body is the physical embodiment or manifestation of your unconscious attitudes, intents and desires.   Observe yourself when alone and with others. How do you sit? What is your posture? Do you lean or slouch?How do you carry your head and the rest of your body? Observations tell you about your attitudes, intents and desires.  How you move, and where you place yourself in relation others, says a lot.

4. Deepen the personal inventory

Branch out from mental chatter, body language and verbal communication. Ask yourself, how and why am I showing up?  Am I typically expressive, well-spoken or at a loss for words?  Am I allowing a range of emotions to flow though and be expeirenced or I am limiting my feelings? Am I generally active or passive? Do I appear confident?    Keep a daily diary of what stands out and also what is changing.

5. Create a well-established mind

A well-established mind  has a handle on the four directions of an integrated system. This whole system includes your mind, your body, your emotions, your energies.  When your thougths, words and actions are in harmony, you experience harmony in your external perception.


6 Tips to accept true genius

Whatever your vision, the process of getting to experience it is well underway.  At this point, you may temporarily sense a gap between the vision and its manifestation. Ponder 6 Tips to accept true genius (experience a more balanced and integrated perspective):

1. Accept you have what it takes

Encouraging self-talk is powerful yet it only takes you so far.   Stories about other people offer solace but are not themselves a solution. Shift from believing something is possible to knowing and feeling its already here. You are not allowed to have the dream if you do not have ability to create it.   Be aware everything is accessible via resourcefulness and ingenuity.   You may need to learn or unlearn something or collaborate. What is required is fearlessness and creative vision. Rest assured, any dream can take shape for you.  The what comes before the how. Details of the unfolding and the physical timeline are up to you.

2. See beyond the obstacles

Never ask why something is happening to you.  Always ask how you can reframe and transcend within your present level of experience. You may currently only know what is happening through the five senses.  Sense organs only know things in terms of comparison which creates distortion.  This is not perception, and is not sufficient to know the issue as it is. What you perceive directly, viscerally is what you know.  The rest is your imagination.

3.  Trust your vibes

Your feelings guide you to do things that are not understood by the logical and rational mind. Allow feelings to guide you.  If you feel restless in an environment or no longer feel good eating certain things, find the courage to change your environment and what you are eating.  You'll dind that making changes in one area of your life trickles over to peompt changes in other areas.  This is about being consistent and true to yourself on all levels.  

4.  Pay attention to how you are conducting yourself

Happiness or misery may seem to be arising within you. You not have to give anyone else the privilege of triggering emotions or deciding for you how you will interpet incoming energy available to you. If you give your power away, reclaim this power. You decide how to perceive and respond to everything. 

5.  See value in negativity

Frustration, impatience and tension are all subtle forms of anger.  This is very powerful energy which can be harnessed and rechannelled in creative and productive directions. the choice of how to recognize, and direct energy that is constantly flowing through and around you, is completely up to you. Decide to see it as inspiring, otivating, a stepping stone to realizing more of your true greatness.  

6.  Recognize your mortality

If the longing for salvation (to know the truth) is genuine, and you are constantly conscious of your mortality, you only do what truly matters to you. You do not waste a moment doing anything else.


The key to changing the world

The key to changing the world is recognizing the source of your external perception.  As Gandhi echoes, you must 'be the change you wish to see.'  You can think about this on a personal level, related to your body and life or, go deeper, to focus on the impersonal, to recall the origin and nature of true leadership, and grow into a living example of that.

As it happens, ancient leaders in Great Earthly Civilisations saw and governed from a holistic perspective. True leaders were not ego-driven but functioned based on a strong heart-mind connection.  Everything early leaders did was seen through the activated Third eye or heart centre. Many people in the the modern Age have forgotten how this feels, what it is in practice. The downfall of Great Civilisations can be traced back to ego taking control. The cause of the Fall of Atlantis, and disintegration of Great Civilisations that grew from dispersed Atlantean survivors, illustrate this well. (The wisdom of Atlantean survivors is felt to be reflected in ancient Greece, Egypt, South America, Mayan/ Toltec Mexico, Tibet,  and other places, some of which have mysteriously disappeared in ways unrelated to egoic control)

Encouragingly, the global trend is to recognize what humanity is doing collectively in not working. The nature of interest and desire to act related to the environment, economic and governing systems, are all shifting.  New kinds of collaborations and partnerships are arising that did not exist before. New interaction is being explored and timeless wisdom is being rediscovered.

Come what may, the key to changing the world guides one to the authentic message of transcendence and unity that echoes through ancient traditions and works. The moment is arising where it no longer makes sense to denounce anyone or entertain negativity. Every being of wisdom knows the life-breath intimately.  Awareness of the life-breath united with the upward breath, together with insight into Self, creates the most desirable world.