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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Insights on Healthy Boundaries

(Sacred geometry 756 by Endre Balogh)

Notice a lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect as well as offers valuable opportunities for understanding ourselves and Soul growth. The consequences of our actions point to the possible unconscious nature of our choices. While we exist to love each other, we are not here to be one and other. One cannot force another to be aware of or feel his own feelings. One cannot think for, believe, grow aware or know viscerally for another. One cannot work through another's disappointments that another's self-created limits may produce. In essence, One can be a mirror but cannot grow for another. One only makes certain journeys alone. We are not powerless and at any moment, can consciously change our thoughts, feelings, behaviour and life direction to take responsibility to a whole new level. This is not about control, but rather, true freedom. As we accept the freedom of another, we do not get angry, feel hurt or withdraw as they set boundaries. Their behaviour invites us to better understand our own. As we come to recognize the hidden motivation behind our setting boundaries (or lack of them), we are empowered. Quantum shifts in life conditions occur as we grow aware of and heal possible guilt, deep fear of other people's anger or harbouring our own, fears of loneliness or abandonment, fear of rejection, and codependence. Making the unconscious, conscious allows us to shift from fear-based patterns to a more consistent love vibration. Shadow work guides us to new insights and expansions in consciousness. As we see through our impulses and patterns, we know what we stand for and tune into our energetic message. Often, boundary issues arise due to lack of initiative or insufficient assertiveness. Taking action is about finding inner courage. It is about speaking one's mind with kindness through the feeling heart. Deepening awareness shifts us away from an ego- driven life so we feel into limitless possibilities and tune into dimensions of experience previously unknown to us before this moment. 


Catch up with the future

Notice at a certain point of observation, there is no more free speech or free will, but rather Mindful speech and Mindful will. Focus here. Permission is granted from a Higher Source Energy. This is aligned with frequency of expanded consciousness. What is the experience of universal cosmic consciousness? Imagine humans live forever. Linear time is obsolete. Humans function through their activated light body, consciously, telepathically & symbolically share space with different Civilisations that co-exist on different planes of existence. Mastering reincarnation brings an end to ideas of fear of death, activates ability to shapeshift, move back and forth or in any direction or to any point in "time", shift form, gender, world, at will. Energy takes on any form it wishes based on the individual choosing. Food is manifested. Craft are powered by and interface with super-consciousness. All technology is powered by supermind. Electricity is obsolete, replaced by consciousness reactors or photonic reactors. We travel via ley line maps that appear on our hands, on planetary ley line grids, intersteller ley line grids, galactic stargates. We see and interface with energy differently. Recall Gandhi echoed, "Be the change. " Catch up with the version of you that is already functioning energetically at optimum potential.


Harness your true power

Notice sometimes we get a wake up call that itself triggers shifts in consciousness. Certain events draw our attention to what can no longer be ignored or avoided within ourselves. Nightmares can get your attention to face whats buried in the unconscious, yet the same energy can be seen detected as vibration to present in form as a reminder of your true power. Changes happen within you that prompt you to make more dramatic or conscious changes in different areas of your life. It dawns its up to us to unleash our own freedom. In doing so, we increase our life energy and allow what is bursting within to emerge.


Surrender to the Supreme Self

Notice incoming multidimensional quantum cosmic energies echo we are each the only power (I AM) intelligence ruling our reality. In feeling these powerful vibrations, Soul is building strength so we each see things as they are and act only in our highest good. The clear path arises as we let go of thoughts and behaviours that prevent living fully, let go of anything that insults our Truth or calling. Sense how energizing it feels to free yourself from anything that does not serve the most expanded version of your Soul. Relax into a healthy unified state. Tune into appreciation. Allow integration of energy layers. Feel revitalized, restored and renewed. We help heal ourselves, our communities, our planet, by sensing everything coming into balance and harmony and making intuitivel changes in our own lives. The brain responds to imagery and symbology. Imagine what helps you attune to your creative imagination. Bypass creative logic. Decide to no longer accept any feeling or thought that someone might harm you or hinder your path. It dawns no-body can harm us if our life and destiny are fully directed by the I AM Presence. Trust self. See only synchronicity. Continue to nurture that vision, to make it visible and tangible. Tune into great inner peace. Trust that I AM the supreme power that governs all things. Enter into a state of grace, ease and love. Integrate all thoughts, feelings and perception into an over-reaching sense wholeness.Surrender to the ever-present Supreme Self that loves and accepts you and everything as it is. Every moment, the human has capacity to consciously let go of the ego and open to the Atman (Supreme Self).  Simply surrender.


Honour your Soul journey

Notice the physical world suggests shortcuts exist to reach goals and flourish. Zig Ziglar echoes, "there is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." Similarly, there is no cutting corners in spiritual practice. Contrary to popular belief, one cannot fast-track spiritual progress to reap imagined rewards and instantly access what one is not ready to energetically handle. The very thought this is possible is itself ego delusion. All attempts to dodge the messy world of difficult relationships, uncomfortable emotions and anything else we would avoid, only sidetrack and obstruct the true Soul journey of authenticity which beckons. The nature of suffering draws us back to the steps we skipped, pondered or missed. We exist to identify, honour, digest, embody and integrate Soul lessons of our lives. Every choice has alchemical conequences that alter our frequency & experience. Reclaim the power and free will to consciously create your own happiness. Hence the Zen proverb: when the student is ready, the master appears. In other words, when the student has the mindset, has their eyes and ears open and stops acting like they know everything, then a teacher will appear. Teachers present as guides at different stages until one blossoms into the Master and weilds the power of a white lotus.