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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in self (24)


Sense what is

The feelings that arise draw attention to consciousness.  What is aware of consciousness, the idea of who you are, beliefs, conditioning, memories, personality and all the mind describes as identity? Whatever you notice, something unseen is behind it.  A light illuminates your focus of attention.  The process of discovery triggers introspection then unleashes knowing and perceiving of resistance, allowing and everything.  A force or presence is behind all you can see.  Notice direct revelations that are unfolding.


You are remembering

Right now, you are remembering more.  You are sifting through what you are not and awakening to what you are.  You recognize the witness because you know this is you.  The witness of mind tells you the mind is not you.  You are the light that shines its focus on perception of events.  The light intercepts and interprets glimpses of vibration.  You are the essence of being and non-being.  When you feel emotions or inclinations that seem out of character, you may sense an interdimensional bleedthrough of other aspects of yourself.  The essence of being is in more than one place now.  Dimensions are layered.  You are integrating past/future aspects of you.


Think without the thinker

The object of meditation is to reach a state where one feels without a feeler, thinks without a thinker.  Cause and effect are what you experience in the educational structure of the earth, and yet, what about all the mental forms not currently manifesting in the mind?  What happens as one opens deeply to no-self?

Some people sense that as the state of no-self is remembered, delusions fall away and trasformation unfolds as it does but with deeper and more conscious understanding.  Be bold.  Transform your life.


Observe the Self

As the silent observer, you watch the body that is active or inactive.  As you observe thoughts and behaviour, moment-to-moment, the Self gradually reveals the Source of everything. How does awareness of this serve you?

As you come to see beyond the personal, you grow aware of the nature of Soul, the essence of Spirit, silence, and emptiness and also how the ego-mind constructs the identity of Self. As you look deep within, you come to see beyond self-created identity. Be willing to observe.  Open the senses.  Notice action and inaction speak. Witness everything. Feel self-knowing constantly transforms.


Move beyond perception

As you intuit perception represents an early split from consciousness inside the mind, you begin to awaken to why many people view the mind as a perceiver rather than a conscious creator.  Consider ego prompts you to perceive self as you wish to be rather than as you are.  How often are you bent on becoming? What do you feel with certainty? Notice that only part of you echoes how things are open to question.