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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in silence (35)


Listen to silent whisperings

Notice how you are opening to a deeper trust in the heart, in intuition, in the timeless teacher of inner being.  You may find yourself poised between laughter and silence.  You may begin to notice nothing stands between here and here but yourself.  What does it feel like? What happens as you listen to the silent whisperings?

Something about the unfolding nature of energy connects you with the flow of the world, the current of everything.  You sense everything is alive, aware and soulful, staring right back through your entre being.  Suddenly, everything is in this moment; the answer to all questions, the key to destiny and more. Where to from here? Why go anywhere?

"Silence is the language of God.  All else is a poor translation." - Rumi


Tell it like it is

The conditioned mind would have you believe suffering is good for you and invites you to think and focus on that.  The mind urges you to 'tell it like it is.' For the mind, this is anything that distracts you from unwavering acceptance, peace and contentment.

Notice what happens as you focus attention instead on what you love, on what evokes joy and happiness within you.  Feel the vibration that arises as you talk about what touches your heart and inspires your soul.  Sing about it.  Compose poetry about it. Use any or all forms of creative expression that resonate.  Sense what it is to be authentic, to be still inside, come what may in the perceived external world.  Even take moments to say nothing and allow silence to speak.  Surrender to what is deeper.

"Be nothing, do nothing, get nothing, become nothing, seek for nothing, relinquish nothing, be as you are..." -Miranda


Bound to be silent

The mind eagerly listens and anticipates for the next word or whatever it expects to be coming.  How does it react to an event? It downplays the last one, asks about and begins to plan the next one. What does mind do with silence? It grows restless, voices anxiety or shifts attention to mental noise.  As mind hangs on a state of no mind, it is faced with its greatest fear, the threat of having no identity.  Mind responds to silence by doing things to change your focus of attention. Why does silence inevitably emerge?

The deepest being is only ever silent.  To know one is awake and enlightened means one is bound to be silent.  The heart feels this as ordinary, allowing silence to be as it is. Unconditional love accepts and appreciates each moment and all it embodies.


All paths offer truth

Whatever your chosen endeavours, love is communicating through everyone you meet and every unfolding situation.  They each reflect aspects of inner being.  Every experience is part of a broader, spiritual journey.  Whatever choices you make are the right ones for you at a given moment.  Notice your focus and how and why it changes. Notice opportunities to deepen insight, be more compassionate, forgiving and loving.  Recall I am you and you are me.

In silence, mental images of you vanish. The essence of being reveals itself in unconditional love that resonates energy through all that is. You need not say anything to know answers arise right on schedule. Their perfect timing and effortless flow is not grasped by the mind. Ego believes its identity is separate, calculated and forever threatened. Behind the illusion, all paths reveal one is always whole.


Discern the energy shift

Its easy to get bogged down with events you perceive to be unfolding around you. Do you lose sight of the energy shifts occuring within and around you? Notice the currents of energy that take shape in emotions and perceptions. Notice whether ego takes a god-like role in your life or fades into the serene emptiness.  Notice how you experience and exercise power and whether silence and humbleness reign as teachers.