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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in silence (35)


Why build a business?

It is said that silence is the loudest voice within you and yet, you may not choose to hear it.  The silence that looks after us is within every movement, even in noise.  Notice voices within that are getting louder. They mirror people you encounter.  This tells you that you are consciously willing to hear and integrate what they say into your life. 

Take for example, entrepreneurial ideas that suddenly grab your attention.  You may have a night dream like Alexander Graham Bell did about the phone or like Thomas Edison did about a thing he calls a lightbulb. You may simply wish to apply skills you have in a new way.  You are always guided.  Yet, do you allow the heart to speak?

Perhaps you outgrow your workplace, have a local or internationl business idea and wonder what to do. Perhaps you are a stay-at-home parent who recognizes you no longer wish to do the same job you did before. Perhaps you are made redundant and see this as an opportunity to turn over a new leaf. Perhaps you have lived an experience that transforms you, brings you wisdom you wish to share and use to help others. Perhaps your existing business would benefit from guidance to  flourish. Do not believe that if the world shows you you failed that you have.  The overall intention or vision of a situation is held by a field of intention.  The vision can trickle down and manifest. 

Ultimately, its not what you do that matters, but how you feel about it.  Your life is about the changes that evolve within you, how you honour and respect yourself.  Something inside you always knows what to do.  This is not associated with familiar senses or thinking.  Notice your level of expectation gets in the way of seeing synchonicity and allowing joy to flow freely through you. Tap into that inner sense of precision and clarity.  Active energies are present within you every moment. The energy keeps you here and the power of intention guides you around the next bend. 

Know you are always in the perfect place to meet your goals head on.  Be aware.  Every encounter is synchonicity.  Everything points toward the insight you reach for.  Ask a question.  The answer is given.  How you interpret this determines what you do next.

Be open to receive guidance.  Recognize what you are asking for.  Whatever form the dream takes, acknowledge and go for it.  This is the first moment in the rest of your life.

"If you build it, they will come." - Kinsella, Field of Dreams


Monk wisdom is here

One day, a loyal young monk witnessed conversation between a very rich businessman and his master. Seeing how disrespectful the business man was, the monk was angry. But his master kept smiling.

When the conversation was over, the monk asked the master,

“Master, how can you let him treat you like that? He thinks he is much higher than you, he’s so full of pride, and greed. How can you be so patient? I cannot help but to resent him!”

In response, the master patted him on the shoulder.

“Look deeper, and see; behind every pride is the fear of not being acknowledged by others; behind every greed is the fear of lack or losing something. Seeing that fearful man, I cannot help but to feel compassion toward him; and wish he is freed from such sufferings.”

Hearing this, the monk was silent.


Know all doors are open

As you choose to experience existence through the lens of soul, suddenly, every door is always open.  The essence of being is pure awarenes and it passes through all doorways unobstructed. The mind creates a sense of obstacles, imagines barricades and percives reasons for closed doors.  Notice the perspective you adopt or the assumptions you are prompted to make.  What does this tell you?

To sense awareness is selective or fragmented is only temporary.  To identify and perceive separation is part of the journey that invites you to see reflections of divine being in everything. Know every belief resists something and offers clues to what and why.  Stop seeking. Turn inward.  Be the answer that never leaves home except for a temporary change of scenery.  Feel the swinging or rotating door now.

"You cannnot look for awareness.  You can only be awareness." - Ram Dass


Notice what is self-evident

Notice what the mind says is real, important and worth your attention.  Mental thoughts focus your perception on external worlds, on a sense of a future state or circumstance to work toward.  Observe the range of emotions you feel and what they point toward.

Notice the essence of being is here in the stillness and awareness amidst all else.  What is self-evident in the mind distracts you from what is ever-present beyond it.  To quiet the mind reveals another kind of stepping stone. Intuition allows the unveiling of inner activities and that which has no name.  That which is validates itself in silence.

"No one remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself." -Thomas Mann


Stop, and see what happens

Notice what happens as you stop doing, denying or asserting anything.   This means you cease agreeing and disagreeing, shift to the silent observer perspective.  Feel the state of receptivity, the awareness that knows you have never been what you appear or pretend to be.  Everything points toward something that is is listening attentively now. 

Now, this kind of listening is not limited to sound.  It goes deeper, to detect energy of love and fear, to feel sensations of the unspeakable.  It recognizes everything is constantly communicating with and through you in its own language.  Attune to what the body is telling you through signals, to what the mind says through its ego personality.  Notice the power and intention in silence.  Read the sand, moon and stars.  Every aspect of nature is engaged in soulful dialogue. Are you aware?

"I guess I've spent my life listening to what wasn't being said." -Eli Khamarov