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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in soul (109)


Build energetic Soul muscle

(Image from
Notice one's capacity to tune into true feelings and find the strength to act on them is not about intellectual or emotional intelligence. Rather, our responses to perceived challenges reflect the Soul's strength, resilience, willingness to grow. The Soul builds energetic muscle through initiations and allowing oneself to feel deeply. Its about opening oneself to the pain, the sense of lack, and raw hurt from which our false identity is born, that broken aspect of self so Soul fragments are reintegrated. Through this opening, we enter the heart of our core wounding until it no longer generates solutions or distractions. One cannot turn away from Oneself forever. Go beyond All and exclude none. The heart can accommodate All. Any Light Code may be chosen to assist you by simply noticing how it makes you feel as you see it. You may be drawn to its color and shape or you may be attracted to its vibrational message. Whatever resonates is right for you.

Breathe into Soul Alignment

Notice we are spiralling up energetically and revisiting familiar themes with a different level of consciousness. Core energy reorganizes and recalibrates different situations from inside out. Ongoing shifts in frequency magnify one's inner compass, and prompt increasingly spontaneous action. This may include living more simply, moving geographically, changing jobs & relations, sungazing more often and consciously absorbing cosmic energy. We continuously ask Spirit what is most loving to ourselves, what is in our highest good, and then take action we are guided to take. The higher vibrational version of you is resetting or reinforcing boundaries, rebalancing, easing into congruence. We re-arrange, redirect, or reconnect energy in new ways, all of it with purpose to empower the highest version of you. It is about reclaiming sovereignty and staying sovereign, calling energy through us, allowing ourselves to be compassionate, to harness and redirect energy for greater good. We recall what being genuine feels like by connecting with people who are loving and supportive. Create the reality you deserve. Live and breathe in alignment with Soul.


16 Revelations for Soul Contracts

"We have soul contracts with every person in our lives to live in the vibration of truth.” -Molly Friedenfeld

Notice that before you took on human form, your Soul made an Agreement, outlining a Purpose or Destiny to fulfill. We all have Soul Contracts and essentially the list of lessons that are assigned in our life. We can learn to view our lives from different perspectives, from within and beyond the body. Flow into Quantum leaps with 16 revelations about Soul Contracts and how you travel;  
1. Your time, date and place of birth are selected before birth. You arise in this Earth dimension at a specific time, to a specific place and to a specific purpose. Making that purpose conscious & align
2. The family you were born into was chosen to contribute classes.
3. Some people are destined to enter your life to help heal something, by an event in a past life or in this one.
4. The events in your life arise to help you evolve into a superior state of consciousness.
5. Death occurs the moment you realize you've completed what you exist to do & return to the Spirit.
6. Life is full of choices and we have free will. These choices are seen as our luck / destiny.
7. All souls on Earth are here at different stages of their evolution.
8. Essentially, your Soul Contract is the deal (Covenant / Covenant) you made with yourself.
9. To fulfill your Soul Contract, you are supported by Higher Forces, Spirit Guides, Angels & people.
10. You receive signs, signals, messages to let you know if you are on track with Destiny.
11. The more you tune in, and act on synchronicities, the more you align with your Divine Path.
12. Being "on track" means encounters with the right people, right time, who can offer you info, guidance 
13. You can break your Soul Contract, and these are moments when your choices don't always flow with your Destiny. When this occurs, you can experience confusion, negativity or illness.
But sometimes challenges are needed to help you align naturally and return to the Flow to fulfill your Alliance.
14. Think of your Soul Contract as the mountain you were destined to climb. You can choose how to reach the top, you can choose how you want to climb; each of these choices results in a different experience, but the destination will always be the same.
15. It's not a race to see how fast you summit.  It's not about climbing someone else's mountain. The challenge is to be true to yourself and climb your mountain, feel excited about the Journey you drew before incarnation.
16. You are catching up with a future version of expanded being (Multidimensional Self).



Shift into best version of You

Notice every decision we make triggers shifts in energy, conditions and consciousness. As we live consciously, every decision echoes taking increasing responsibility in our lives. As it dawns every thought, word and action is shaping every moment of our existence, we shift focus to breathe and grow into greater alignment with True Being. All we think, say and do, how we live, all has energetic consequences. It is said the 5 people we spend the most time with are the 5 people we are becoming. Life invites us to move into what energizes and inspires us, evokes joy, creativity and spontaneity. Let go of resistance to recalibrate into greater harmony with Self. Allow the incoming cosmic codes to faciliate shifts in vibration, timelines and expand consciousness. Every decision echoes a frequency that teleports us through a cosmic stargate to experience new ways of being. Soul guides us to listen to our inner voice, and act on intuition. Being the flow is seeing only synchronicity and taking quantum leaps into the best version of ourselves. (Image: "Time Travel" by Samuel Farrand)
(Image Time Travel by Samuel Farrand)


Be open to receive Light language

Notice at the perfect moment, it dawns the curious energies of external events are pointing to the activation of inner crystals in the head, which can activate to receive, Light languages from the upper dimensions. The revelation of one's own crystal skull activating triggers a knowing about the source and frequency of projections and then, focuses on receiving complex encoded cosmic data. Two of the crystals are located above the eyebrows, directly over the pupils. The third is just below the hairline, inline with the nose. The recorder cell receiver crystal also activates (on the right side of your head, about 1.5 inches above the ear). At this stage, it dawns one had forgetten how many times one has died and how much insight is retained in the crystals. They hold immeasurable wisdom that the Soul has gathered over many incarnation cycles on varied planets and stars. More and more, the recorder cell will download parts of the data into the receiver crystal. You may experience sudden flashes of insight, deja-vus, tingling, even a periodic burning liquid sensation in the area of the receiver crystal. As cosmic codes flow on, their exact origins may be unclear. You may engage more in spontaneous, creative expression or behaviour. Like me, you may have what seem to be memory lapses for what were assumed to be simple things. Such 'glitches in the matrix' arise as conditioned brain pathways grow non-accessible while entirely new pathways are being created. You may tune into new tones, bands of light, color, geometry, Hebrew letters, hieroglyphics, complex equations. This is Spirit energy communication or light codes. As crystalline templates realign, energy bodies change their usual motion into spirals of energy. You begin to hook up into multidimensional mind and begin to receive streams of Light codesl or “Languages of Light”. The pituitary and pineal function together when open, they cause what is known as the “Arc of the Covenant.” It’s a rainbow light that arcs over the top of the head, from the fourth eye to the third eye area. That is one of the decoding mechanisms for higher-dimensional language. Your brain functioning begins to change and you begin to perceive and think in terms of geometries and tones. This may even be all you hear. This may also have been functioning for years (Earth time) and you only recently give it more attention. It may feel unsettling if a direct translation into words may not yet present. As the translation paths open, words simply come and you begin to understand tonal languages, geometries and patterns telepathically. Spirit is using these languages to shift the higher dimensional structure of your blueprint into a new template for a fifth-dimensional Light body. More of the bigger energetic picture reveals itself in alignment with shifts in vibrations. What enters sensory perception in experience is in harmony with one's own level of consciousness. Every Soul is on a unique energetic journey. By creating a more fluid attitude, eating and behaving in ways that resonate, you prepare inner terrain to allow the natural unfolding.