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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in soul (109)


Redream a new dream

Dreams guide us through a profound personal and spiritual healing process.  Each one prepares us for the unforeseen, that work that lies ahead.  As we come to recall and document our various dreams and learn to analyze them, we can each quickly learn or rediscover the language of symbolism and metaphors.  They provide a key tool for each of us to harness the power of our dreams for higher guidance. 

As expansion happens, dreaming offers inreasingly valuable insight for spritual growth.  It dawns one can have direct, contact with spiritual guides during dreams and sharpen insight into one's larger journey.  Dreams redefine signs and signals that orient and potentially reorient our journey so we get "back on track" of the Soul.

As in The Law of One, Session 86, Question 7, the source said, "While the so-called conscious mind rests, this adept (oneself), may call upon those which guide it, those presences which surround it, and, most of all, the magial personality, which is the higher self. "  (see


Know you are worth it

Form the moment we fuel our dreams with a mystical force, we are living as if we are worth realizing our visions and dreams. This takes shape as heartfelt trust.  It is imperative to live as if we deserve and embody what the mind tells us we are working toward. We must be the change we wish to see and feel. Unconscious conditioning might be temporarily holding us back.

We are either driven by a mental focus on perfectionism, logic and a dualistic connection or, by a focus on soul love and self- appreciation.  When we forget to love ourselves, moment-to-moment, we manage this though self-sabotage, denial, co-dependence and other unconscious addictions. Notice whether we are critical and shaming about ourselves or whether we are willing to snap out of it, love ourselves fully in this moment and live more consciously, the best we can.

Even now, it is possible to be fully present with our true selves.  What does this mean for you? The soul is our ever-present support system we can live by to rise above illusions and to help us see through the mind games we play.   Growing aware of who we are and what is possible requires self-acceptance. How is this arise? Well, its about diving deep, being with all the emotions rising within ourselves the best we can, knowing we are enough. How do we get here?  Affirmations are helpful. We benefit from reminding ourselves we are amazing, exquisite, talented, beautiful, gifted and perfect as is. Are you ready to receive compliments?

Turns out, positive affirmations are not the ultimate way to find yourself and feel better right where you are. Breathwork is a useful tool on the journey to deeper self awareness and self-love.   It is one avenue to get in touch with fragemented parts of your soul or shadow self, so these may enter your conscious awareness for healing and integration.  Every process is unique and divinely timed. Know you are worth it.




Getting here

The moment is here. We feel like everything is coming together, except, a few loose ends are lingering. We sometimes come to feel disconnected from our holistic self by not having an awareness of our soul's purpose.  We can lose a sense of purpose and regain or sharpen clarity.

If we feel off track, life seems to send us problems or issues to resolve  Each one is meant to teach us something, or open us up to seeing ourselves and the world differently. Take in a new workshop or activity this month that invites seeing from a whole new vantage point. We offer cathartic Breathwork events, conscious choices D.I.Y. workshops and Lucy Libido oils events to spark curiousity and stimulate imagination. Challenge or stretch yourself to lighten-up, have fun and be spontaneous more often. Go with intuition. It is reliable.


Listen to the breath speak

How often do we hear breath speak and truly listen? Here is an insight shared by a Rabbi: 

The name of God back in the day was Yahweh because breath was life. Give it a go.  As we breathe in, we make a sound similar to 'Yah' and out sounds like 'weh.' That's how God got that name. Originally, it was believed that every time a human being took a breath, we are praising the name of the Creator.

Imagine that every creature on this planet, whether they know it or not, says the name of the creator in the language of every breath. Imagine the impact of consciously reminding ourselves this is also the first thing we say when we are born in abody and the last thing said when the physical body dies and soul moves on. Every moment of every day, we are voicing who we are under and through our own breath.


4 Tips to move beyond limitation

Its common to question the meaning of obstacles that present one after the other and may feel overwhelming. Where do they come from?

Obstacles are simply self-created limitations or challenges that you create for yourself to stretch into and engage more of your capacities so you grow.  Consider 4 tips to reframe and move beyond limitation:

1. Shift from the ego to soul perspective

Whatever your situation, ego judges everything through filters of fear.  It sees problems and worries, and works toward a light at the end of the tunnel. Your psychological drama is mistaken for life.  Soul recognizes the old must fall away to make room for the new. Soul sees no tunnel.  If relationships fall apart, if you lose your job or if some environmental storm damages your property, Soul sees all of it as more of what you outgrow dissolving to reveal what you are not yet seeing clearly.  Being able to see everything as it is and accept it as it is, is about accepting positive and negative views on everything. Its about creating detachment or distance from every event.

2.  See beyond linear time

A key hindrance lies in our idea of, and addiction to time, in our habit of anticipating a future in light of the past. If you focus on history and assume it must repeat, then your life process cannot grow.  Every moment can feel fresh and new and be felt as a tremendous possibility.  Today, what you are is not the point.  Seeing beyond linear time is creating this moment as a privilege. You are worthy of being given a choice about how you live.  Exercise the privilege consciously. 

3. Stop talking about more than one version of you

Some voice within you echoes you could do better, be better or find a situation better suited to you.  There cannot be two selves in one body.  That is to say, there is no better or worse you, no more or less talented you. All kinds of states of mind and dreams present and you choose which to identify with.  How you see yourself is what manifests in your experience. How much you love yourself or fear success and true greatness affects what appears in your experience. The witness creates the person and thinks itself separate from it.  The witness sees that the person appears in consciousness.  

4. Evolve into your humanity

Each person can have something different going on in the mind.  You must be able to switch off the made up world to see another reality.  If you can identify what is real and what is made up, this is a spiritual process, a deeper understanding of who you are. You can choose love, misery, issues, its up to you. Choose consciously the nature of your experience.  Being in a state of compulsive reaction is a backward step in evolution.  Being conscious is what distinguishes you as a human being and allows a sense of inclusiveness to resonate and shape your existence.