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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in soul (109)


Know all doors are open

As you choose to experience existence through the lens of soul, suddenly, every door is always open.  The essence of being is pure awarenes and it passes through all doorways unobstructed. The mind creates a sense of obstacles, imagines barricades and percives reasons for closed doors.  Notice the perspective you adopt or the assumptions you are prompted to make.  What does this tell you?

To sense awareness is selective or fragmented is only temporary.  To identify and perceive separation is part of the journey that invites you to see reflections of divine being in everything. Know every belief resists something and offers clues to what and why.  Stop seeking. Turn inward.  Be the answer that never leaves home except for a temporary change of scenery.  Feel the swinging or rotating door now.

"You cannnot look for awareness.  You can only be awareness." - Ram Dass


Be more aware

Notice the diverse perspectives available to be experienced and among them, that of the silent observer within.  It offers a soulful view on everything.  What does it feel like to be aware of its presence? How does your life perception shift as you step back and view things from different vantage points?Notice power in being open and receptive.

BE aware every choice, perception and state of being all serve higher consciousness. The mind does not have to explain or understand for soul to know and be what is.

"There can be no knowledge without emotion.  We may be aware of a truth, yet until we have felt its force, it is not ours.  The cognition of the brain must be added to the experience of the soul." -Arnold Bennett


Appreciate your own presence

Brace yourself. Everything is you.  There is no space as mind would have you believe. You are in process of altering your perception of reality this very second. Stop taking notice of anything except you. Something is catching up.  It is beyond the rational mind.

Notice how certain activities and priorities are falling away and disappearing from your focus of attention. Notice how certain relationships are shifting. Some you outgrow and move on from and others arise with perfect timing. Notice how you are gaining confidence dealing with the unknown, feel comfortable in unpredictability and only know improvisation.  You never look or feel this world in the same way. It sparkles!

Logic in your life loses importance. Doing anything as you have before no longer crosses your mind. What beckons has no methods. It has no name. Anything you previously viewed as illogical, unrealistic or impossible is your present focus. The extraordinary is suddenly ordinary. Something whispers to observe and see what comes at you and passes by. What was previously invisible or unknown to you reveals itself and boggles the mind. See everything as fresh and you create a new reality.

"You are a powerful, unlimited and eternal soul who is here to enjoy the experience of creativity and contribute to humanity's evolution." - Author Unknown


Know where you want to be 

Knowing where you want to be is the crux of everything.  The mind may tell you one thing and the heart another.  How do you reconcile things?  Is there any need?

It serves you to get in touch with the nature of your personality, your motivations and underlying fears. Consider the possibility that your choices and experiences are intricately connected to aspects of yourself that are not always fully conscious. Notice what you are committed to and determined to make happen. Could it be thoughts you are thinking and actions you are taking do not feel the best? It is always possible to tap into healthy energy and new inspiration. Get in touch with what matters to the soul.

"Things won are done, joy's soul lies in the doing." -William Shakespeare 


Seeing through the veil

Every moment, you are invited to see through the veil of your own illusions.  That is, what is real and enduring exists beneath the layers of beliefs, perceptions and judgment that arise to cover it. The process of allowing true nature to reveal itself is about letting go of everything you are taught is real and no longer resisting what is.

Even now, situations you observe are not what you think.  The ego-mind may tell you these situations are not about you.  You see yourself as separate or as a reflection in everything. One view is anything you perceive is a projection of Self-love.  You love and accept unconditionally, see everything as equal and balanced or you are not aligned with the real you, that is, divine being. Notice life lessons that invite your attention. Notice the mind filters and the heart cherishes all. How does innermost soul see?

"Were I called on to define, very briefly, the term Art, I should call it 'the reproduction of what the Senses perceive in Nature through the veil of the soul." -Edgar Allan Poe