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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in soul (109)


Imagine you are soul

Notice what happens as you judge and see things in terms of duality, good and bad. Then observe and be aware without judging. Notice how it feels to see worlds through the lens of soul. Notice how simply being with yourself allows you to exist in harmony with apparent duality. Its not you.

As you imagine you are soul, you can move beyond this imagined vision.  How? Stop noticing this is not done. Stop noticing who or what you are not. Let go of any thoughts or feelings of absence. Get into the presence of what already exists. Allow the soulful state to fill you. Move from a sense of possibility to certainty. Move into the state that is.  Allow yourself to feel something into being.

In other words, feel no absence of the manifested reality. Know the absence of resistance. Revel in the state of being. Feel how easy it is to focus. Be comfortable. The specifics of the vision are part of the process of the flow. The momentum is natural. The more you relax and meditate, you align with core love, harmony and well-being. When you sleep, you stop thought and resistance and align with this core vibration. Establish a vibration that is non-resistant. Allow who you are to reveal itself.


Accept heartfelt wisdom

Sense the magic of a given piece of music arises in the silence between the notes.This holds all forms together.  Its the soulful energy that flows through all things. 

The heart is invited make connections between innate soul wisdom and thoughts flowing in the mind.  Pure love offers a frequency that reveals the true heart is open.  If you wish to live an abundant, joyful and loving life, simply feel the way into these frequencies. Everything is vibration, is a field of energy. a kind of consciousness. 

The soul is the intelligence behind all that is visible.  Feel the way of the universal soul as you recognize your soul is a perfect copy of divine being.  Teach yourself to read between the gaps of words and lines.  Heartfelt wisdom reveals itself with clarity.

Recognize that the body, personality and soul are all sending you messages.  What do you choose to listen to and truly hear? The soul knows the way, the personality shapes the course and the body manifests the ways and choices made.  Read the signs.


The power of sound

Music offers a range or vibrations.  What you listen to is not always what you hear. You may underestimate the power of sound to uplift, renew and restore, and also to effect your flow.

Notice music effects your mood, sense of health and well-being. Notice certain kinds of music appeal based on your thoughts and emotions. If you feel sad, do you listen to music to wallow or do you reach for sounds that enable you to feel better? If you feel under the weather, or wish to shift focus after a hard day, do you instinctively tune the radio to a specific station? Reflect on genres of music that trigger a range of emotions. What attracts and alienates you? Notice what closes you off, evokes hard feelings. What soothes the soul is soft, peaceful, harmonious.  Notice whether you tune in your thoughts and words to the frequency of well-being or talk your way out of it.  You are not your words but may come to believe them.

As you act to raise your vibration, you also sharpen senses and open to higher awareness. Everything has a vibration even if your ears do not register. Know the range of sounds you think you listen to is not the only kind of sounds you hear. Vibrations penetrate consciously and unconsciously. All sound arises in and vanishes into silence. This quiet vibration is the loudest sound many people claim not to hear. Notice what apparent lack of sound feels like.  Under which conditions or where do you sense unconditional love, balance, or acceptance?

As an energy transmitter, you relay vibrations as a form of communication. The nature of your vibration affects the clarity of your vision, senses and the depth of your imagination. Each vibration has an impact on allowing or resisting harmony of body mind and spirit.  Have confidence to inquire beyond all notions.  Feelings are more intimate than thought. Reflect on what happens as you feel the sound and silent vibration of Tibetan Singing Bowls.


Imagine this

Notice energy cannot be created or destroyed.  What if immortality isn't a dream? What if an accelerating vibration of light energy is a quantum leap in human evolution? What if you are the light that is awakening to catch up with itself?

The stream of Love connects all things.  There is no disconnect, no difference or separation, except in the mind. Imagine you systematically shatter your own myths. Presto! Fears and insecurities disappear.  Any accompanying rationalisation does too.  See through the unreal.

Imagine you need not wait to realize a dream or to reunite with a person who leaves physical form. Feel what it is to allow the divine answer to reveal itself. Be harmonious and balanced.  Know all is possible now. Rather than work toward animagined ideal, be that, in-the-flesh.  The imagination is the laboratory of the soul.  You have carte blanche. Use this wild card. 


Open the door of the heart

Notice what happens as you think you must open the door of the heart. In truth, no door or barrier exists to prevent access to the heart.  Compassion and kindness are innate nature. What you are truly made of is clear: ever-evolving flavours and tastes.

Allow yourself to be creation.  Surrender.  See through divine senses, experience life and the world through the omniscient lens of soul. You need no other moment to focus upon.  Notice mental conditioning distracts you from a heart that is always open.  Be aware of what you feel in the now. Say, " I am now." Your divine light shining through everything. Every aspect of your life is a mirror that triggers deep revelations.