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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in Source (22)


Honour your guru

It is often assumed that to honour your guru is to worship or highly respect something outside yourself.  Notice what happens as you view everything and everyone as a pointer to the guru within.  To know thyself is to reclaim what you can never lose.

Imagine that the highest goal of life is to recognize yourself as the Creator of your own human experience. The eternal moment of now is a forever changing mosaic. Your own consciousness creates your experiences. Whatever you fear you draw to you in order to shatter your own myths. As self- doubt subsides, you no longer view yourself as separate from anything. Honesty and transparency are clearly the right path. What you do to others, you do unto yourself. To see yourself as you truly are is to know you and God are indivisible, and the heart always echoes your own divine voice. You are love, Source, that from which everything is always in the process of emerging.


Be open to the Source

You may have dreams where someone invites you to 'see reason' or another point of view.  You may also have dreams where this Source of wisdom invites you to step back and see your fears from a new vantage point.  These dreams may surprise you due to your own willingness to listen. 

Guess what? This apparent person or source of wisdom is a version of the higher self. It shows love and compassion and invites you to recognize conditioned beliefs as the illusions they are. Know it is within your power to bring these dreamtime revelations to conscious living now.

Give this ago: view each person you encounter as a messenger from the higher self. Each person points to what you listen and whether you allow the paradox of fear to capture your attention. Notice every time you do something, you create restlessness. The more you do, the further you are from stillness. Stop thinking and measuring Self based on what you think you do. See deeper.

As you do nothing, freedom happens, solutions are obvious, you abandon sense of Self and all identity. Doing nothing allows mental energy to arise. This only has power in stillness. Notice "you," the body and preoccupations disappear. Stillness presides. Listen to the sound of silence. This allows peace to arise. Let go. Be still. Open the door of the heart. Freedom comes to you.


Allow unfiltered light to shine 

To view yourself as a person with a perceived identity, is to create reality using physical senses and psychological views of events. Yet, interpretation of reality is not actually reality.  You dream the dream of being human, focus on physical form until it loses its importance.  To recognize all you think is illusion allows mental filters to drop away.  To be present in this moment is to be aware of the higher self as it is and align with it.

Being aware is like allowing consciousness to recognize itself.  As you are increasingly transparent in every sense, you feel lighter and experience an incredible lightness of being.  Intrinsic light of being has different shades of brightness and vibrations. This is not something to grasp but is allowed or resisted. The multidimensional being that is you exhibits traits not discernable to the physical body. What you do not see still exists.

Notice the ebbs and flows of energy that emerge from and return to the source of everything. Unfiltered truth shines clearly through the eyes of soul. One perspective is that you incarnate to constuct and dismantle your own self-deceptions. You are the only witness to your own illusions. You are also the only judge and jury. To deepen inner-sight removes all barriers to knowing that unconditional love is what I am.

"Eyes are not forms, they are transparent, and what one really sees is the light of the soul in them." - Walter Russell


What is before human being?

Questions arise that beckon you to explore deeper.  You may have asked what came before the chicken and the egg? What is before the human + being? Is it all simply Oneness?

You broadcast the answer in every breath. It flows through you whether or not you exert effort. What is the nature of silence? Does it only speak through emptiness, timelessness and unseen energy?

Something you come to find is human identity is not what you think.  Something comes to know itself through you so that it can tap into and expand knowing about everything. 

Consciousness is expressing itself as a human being.  In this moment, what it develops is a fascination with itself.  The human never acts independently from its source.  What do presence and true nature reveal about "you"? Notice subtle nuances.  Feel that you embody the past present and future in this moment. How does it feel to be a stargate, a porthole to infinity?

"Human beings must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it. " - Albert Einstein

Recreate a new living vitality

Love and light adjust the energetic structure of what you do not see.  This process is open-ended.  Your clear intent and investment of thought energy are creating effects for your multi-dimensional self.  This shapes a larger picture.

Geometry manifests into physical form and transmits knowledge among dimensions.  Creatures exist in many dimensions simultaneoulsy.  Perceptions expand as part of highly-evolved consciousness.  You sense what life and death are and how everything is interconnected to the same energy Source.  This invites further exploration.

Those things that do not work are falling apart.  Earth needs you like the billions of microorganisms that live inside you in symbiosis.  Imagine balance being re-established.  Remember how it feels to be fully energized right now.  

In order to awaken to a new life perspective, you would be willing to reflect, make conscious changes in your choices and in turn, energetic imprints. This co-creation of vitality is a process of Cosmic Synchronicity. It may require a period of perceived time to integrate the inner knowing that is unfolding. Enter the space of wisdom.