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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in spiritual (49)


Who thinks organs speak?

Increasingly similar stories are emerging from recipients of organ transplants. Certain individuals report changes in habits, inclination, personality, idiosyncrasies and taste preferences that did not present before the transplant. Could your degree of spiritual awareness affect the acceptance or rejection of a transplant or the idea of donating? Who would have thought;

1) Individual cells could have extended consciousness.

2) Personality dissipates in energy fragments.

3) Physical bodies may be violated before the spirit leaves them

4) The spirit of a dead donor may attach itself to the recipient. 

5) A donor soul may be earthbound due to this attachment.

6) Life is not limited to neurological phenomena.

7) What seems impossible scientifically, is not spiritually.


15 steps to nurture psychic insight

Why does psychic insight often mystify people? The dictionary offers varied meanings for “psychic.” Some people believe it pertains to things non-physical and non-scientific. Further, some people believe it relates to mystical aspects of the human soul or mind not readily proven or left unexplained.

Other people believe it describes individuals who are sensitive to forces, energy and forms that appear supernatural or inconceivable. Still other people prefer to avoid labels and detach from any view that requires external validity. Whatever your perspective, consider 15 steps to nurture psychic insight;

1) Attune to energy. Take steps to discern energy in diverse forms within and around you. They comprise you, affect your perception, scope of senses, faculties, health and well-being.

2) Raise self-awareness. As you begin to awaken to your thoughts and feelings, you can employ different techniques to gain insight into their underlying (and unconscious) causes.

3) Notice what is unnatural. Decisions you repeat reinforce conditioned responses to stimuli. You adopt practices based on vibrations expected from your senses or, based on what you are told, until you come to define what is natural to you.

4) Rediscover traits of "natural". Human beings are taught to forget what is. They are urged not to express how they feel when they feel it, to believe and consume man-made things and ideas. Life is a process of recovering inner-knowing on the natural, spontaneous, uncultivated, formless, and presence.

5) Recognize the influence of ego. Most of what you think and feel is displaced. The ego cannot relate to or begin to understand the present. Ego urges you to resist, devalue and avoid anything that would refer to the here and now.

6) Move beyond time. Wherever you perceive, you draw from conditions to rationalize a certain reality. Learning how you obscure things is a step toward dissolving what is not happening now. To detect when your mind wanders in time is how you realize ego distracts you from truth. Take time out of the equation and you remove ego influence.

7) Prepare to dissolve mindsets. A shifting of core consciousness must occur for you to consistently and genuinely change focus. This involves progressive stages of feeling, exploring and dissolving emotions using guided methods of mental discipline. To step beyond the"I" and "me" in thoughts and actions means you begin to transcend it.

8) Awaken deliberate intention. When you are busy getting somewhere, you are not present, do not notice inner patterns or deal with them. To awaken soul is to uncover something beneath your ingrained attitudes worthy of new attention.

9) Purge self-indulgence. Human beings are motivated by what they imagine will bring them pleasure. To humour your whims and satisfy your cravings is to self-indulge in ways that do not always serve you.

10) De-condition the mind. You exert yourself as part of a goal-setting process hoping to achieve certain personal outcomes. It is necessary to de-condition the mind to purify and restore your former, high estate of awareness.You may encounter resistence but this is but a trapping of the mind.

11) Accept events that unfold. As you consciously choose to align with energy as you sense it, you begin to embrace the concept of inner non-resistance. Choosing to accept getting what you want and not getting what you want, is like opening a door into unseen worlds. Beware though: indifference and reactivity are judgments. Acceptance is something else.

12) Choose to be in the now. At a given moment, when reasons for your action relate to a sense of presence, then you do not act based on ego. Moving beyond conditioned reasons for identity brings you to new levels of awareness and opens your senses to ingest energy outside human perception.

13) Move beyond fear. You no longer have reason to judge and consciously grasp what is. This is a mental place where you begin to view life with varying levels of insight. Words do not always adequately translate experiences.  You learn to recognize and dissolve walls to deeper, psychic awareness.

14) Nurture a gentle heart. Intuitively understanding the hearts of others means you arrive at a point where you sense everything is either from the view of perceiver, he who is perceiving, or the thing perceived; or, consciousness, force, or matter. Then, you evolve to sense all views simultaneously.

15) Align with pure love. To consciously move beyond conditioned mental images brings you to align with energy without conscious reference. You do not compare, juxtapose or analyze. Higher awareness allows you to experience an energy state or field without self-absorption. To access high energy vibrations between the spiritual self and fragmented selves, rediscover the practice of love.  Go beyond limitation.


Review the indescribable

How many people have you met who have read fantasy books and concluded they would like to attend their own school of magic? Its not that far-fetched. What would you wish to learn? Would you look at the back of a fantasy novel for an application or website?

Life teaches you that if you would like to experience something unusual, you may need to put yourself in unusual places or create conditions which seem out of your sense of the ordinary.  You can do that where you are or travel great distances to find real magic. 

People will say they had a profound spiritual experience near the pyramids in Egypt or next to Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Other people will share mind-boggling energy vibrations at Stonehenge or other locations where the earth grid concentation is heightened. Would you view such experiences magical because they aren't yours? What if you share mystical experience?

Different mystical arts exist. Light energy expands in directions can travel. Reconnect with invisible thread to the core of the soul. You travel to infinity and back in the blink of an eye and are consciously unaware of implications. Mystical is never out of reach.

In your current mindset, you are out-of-touch with and unaware of many dimensions of reality.  You may not know what's "there," even right in front of your eyes, but you can always learn to stretch yourself further. 'Out-of-reach' is a state of mind, a perception of where you belong or not, and what feels right.  You create your own version of magician, sorcerer or conjurer. You often find teachers yet may not recognize the implications.


Restore your inner strength

For much of your life, you may have derived your self-worth from how you performed in the office, with romantic partners, in athletic competitions or, in some other area of your life.  Even if you haven't been consciously aware of it, you may have felt that the more professional or group recognition you gained, the more personal compliments were directed your way, the more money you earned, all determined your underlying value.  Are you the type of person who thinks, "the better I do, the more people will like me?" Is this the crux of your view of success?

If you've had thoughts like those described above, you may have accomplished things, but still miss out on a lot.  There's more to life than simply lving according to other people's criteria or how they think you should live.  Some of the most challenging experiences are those that trigger most personal revelations and initiate inner healing. 

If you have been frightened of making new decisions or taking initiatives, you may assume fate is in charge and there's no point in taking steps to shape your course.  You may not yet have realized its up to you to restore faith, trust and tap into existing inner strength.  Consider this:

1) You decide what comes of you mentally and spiritually.  Conditions such as lack of food, little sleep, and other disconcerting sources of stress, remind you that what becomes of you results from an inner decision.  Do you decide to give up, stop seeking solutions, and stop fighting or, do you decide external circumstances will not control your attitude? Just as you may experience the suffering sides of emotions, you can learn what it means to stop suffering just as soon as you formulate a convincing, multi-sensual, mental picture of what it means and believe. 

2) You can make use of or forgo opportunities.  Are you aware that your inner strength can raise you above your outward experiences?  You are confronted with fate, each time you have the opportunity to achieve and learn through suffering.  You can choose to face hardship in a courageous and dignified way, and value your health in whatever state or, see meaning in other perceived predicaments that challenge your comfort zone. Ask yourself how would whatever you sense is difficult in your life actually helping you? Embrace it.

3) You can decide to take spiritual evolution seriously.  Your free will and decisions shape your observations and how you understand success.  You determine how long you fear your circumstances, and when this destructive mindset will end.  Another way of seeing is to realize difficult situations are gifts that enable you to interpret life as an opportunity to grow beyond what the mind can teach you. Embrace the challenges where you perceive.  Shift your perception.  Turn your circumstances into the reason for your latest, inner triumph. Decidr to take spiritual evolution seriously. Respond with joy and stretch yourself.

"If you haven't the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you." -T.S. Eliot

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