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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in time (68)


Walk the path

Every experience you choose is part of your journey.  Allow it.  Unfold it.  Savour it.  If you want to know something, walk the path knowing you create it with divine insight and love.  Tune in.  You connect with an ongoing energetic journey shared by all.  The wider you is choosing what is now.  See what happens as you journey deeper into yourself.  Notice patterns in your life.

Allow yourself to step back and recognize when you resist your life.  Notice if you judge, fight or attempt to solve any puzzle in your midst.  The path is all you.  Let go of destinations.  Experience what its like to be outside linear time.  Allow pressures and limitations to fall away. Release what you have been holding. Tune in to the resonance of your own being. The heart is always open. Use the energy to be on your own journey.

This is about mastery and sovereignty. No reason to worry about what is coming.  Its all you. Take what resonates, integrate it, explore feeling more wholeness, to know all is always well.  Explore what you choose. Keep the experience flowing. The nature of being is ever-changing and expanding freedom.  You bring together, bridge, all things.  Be willing to walk through the vessel of yourself.  Trust yourself and all that you are creating.  Its all a gift of love and wisdom.


The secret of time 

Human life has a perceived time span.  It seems to fall between two moments in history. Notice how you live life based on the clock and schedules.  Notice at what stage time, as the mind knows it, begins to lose its hold on your focus of attention. Notice how the end always meets the beginning.

Time travel is not only possible, it is happening now.  Feel the vibration.  Notice what happens as the power of the imagination travels faster than the layer of perceived time in which events seem to unfold. From different layers of time,  information is retrieved and brought to your attention. This is not merely the role of seers and prophets.  Every being has this gift. The soul itself is the timeless oracle. Only the head and heart are grounded in perceived time. Enter inner time and access the field of abundance. Only the mind has you believe in secrets.  The heart is open and transparent.

The secret of time is that desires know none.  To be awareness is to experience the power of time travel, to move forward, backwards or in any direction and sense the playfulness. Whatever the wish, it is already realized in a future. Mastery reveals you can travel there and bring it to this moment.  The only time that exists is imagined into being by humans.  You stop your own clock.


Its all a sign

Sign of the moment.  Sign of the times.  Signs are everywhere.  Do you notice the signs?

As you open the senses, you grow aware that every roadsign, food name or label, license plate, book cover, billboard, bumpersticker, T-shirt, and cloud formation, is simply another sign to guide you in life.  If you keep running into certain people, or always feel good when engaged in some activity, this is more than sheer coincidence.  If snags keep arising in a business deal you are working to finalize, its a sign.  Pay attention to little events in life and the bigger picture. 

I recall how the universe showed me I no longer needed to wear a wristwatch. On three separate occasions, its battery seemed to stop.  Each time I took it to the watchmaker to replace the battery, the watch started working again and I was told I did not need a new battery. Go figure!?

As I tapped into deeper awareness, I knew this was not really about the watch or battery. Rather, it was a message to stop allowing perceived time and rigid schedules to control me. As I gave up wearing a wristwatch, I almost magically detached from certain ways of living. This gesture reduced stress, allowed me to open my heart to greater spontaneity and a new leash on life.

As you reflect on signs in your life, what is the universe suggesting? As you recognize you are the universe, what are you inviting yourself to recognize? Trust the intuition.  It always knows.


Three points for clarity

You may ask how to develop mindfulness.  Its less about doing than letting go.

Regardless of the area of your life, keep these three points in mind:

1)    The most important time is NOW

2)    The most important person is in front of you (in the mirror or whom you offer service)

3)    The most important thing to do is to care (show compassion)

"Enlightenment is understanding that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, except exactly who you’re being right now."- - Neale Donald Walsch


Timing speaks

Perfect timing is all there is. Everything flows like a river running downstream unless the mind gets in the way to stifle momentum. Allow yourself to feel the synchrony among all your life choices. Watch what happens as you only see connections, only allow yourself to think and feel that you are doing your best.  You no longer focus attention or thought energy anywhere else.

Notice how you allow time to speak to you. Notice that when you are grateful for the time you give yourself, and how you use time, that life gives you more reasons to feel gratitude.  As you detach from distractions, watch body, mind and perceived conditions. You no longer think or experience things you do not like.  You are always in the right place, right time.

As you respect and value yourself, its amazing how you recognize timing is always perfect. As you choose to see value in everyone, that is what you look for and see, and this is what they show you back. Allow yourself to see something lovable in every other person.  

Drop everything. Be in harmony. See through a lens of equality. Suddenly time is silent.  As you recall you are an unlimited being, its no longer relevant to focus on past or future.  From the moment you have no point of reference in time, you recognize what lives eternally.

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." -Albert Einstein