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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in unconditional love (29)


Kim Peek & expand all you are

The majority of people limit themselves consciously and unconsciously. Watch this glimpse of the savant Kim Peek who inspires the oscar-winning film, Rain Man. His remarkable memory is celebrated. How do you awaken your memory? How does Kim resonate with you? What is the extent of patience and understanding? Love and unconditional aceptance are completely redefined by your life experience. How do you sense freedom and choose to transcend your self-created or society's created limitations. What is your current sense of self-worth?


What does being mean?

Every moment, whatever you are doing is reminding you what you are.  Part of you resents and resists the truth.  Ask your true self why.  What if you remember you have a choice how to think and feel?  What if this is reminding you what you know by choose to forget? Life triggers remarkable revelations.

You choose to be as you are or not.  As you attune to where you are, you are willing to detach from negativity, from those things that block you from uncondtional love, forgiveness and acceptance.  Share what being means to you at this moment.


Nothing transforms you faster

Nothing transforms you faster than love that is unconditional, unwavering and constant. Time suddenly loses all meaning. Everything is now. Where you are and how you perceive relate to awareness of and surrender to pure love energy.

As love grows more unconditional, every event is viewed as an expression of compassion or invitation to reframe perception.  As you propel along a process of self-revelation, the mind is selectively aware, yet the soul being is universally alert. Consider you are about to unveil what the core already knows;

1) To transcend temporal, linear processing, stop thinking.

2) Reason is the major block to reaching higher consciousness.

3) Accept love and non-judgmental forgiveness as a lifestyle.

4) Recognize no justified resentments or grudges exist.

5) Prepare the conscious mind for a holographic universe.

6) Grasp how you react depends on worlds you perceive.

7) To be humbled by futile beliefs urges willingness to change.

8) All beliefs are unfounded at higher levels of awareness. 

9) Unless you choose to change, painful lessons lose meaning.

10) You are powerless until you intend and act to self-disclose.


Do you love yourself?

Seeking approval is a sign.  Reaching for approval reveals you doubt yourself.  If you decide not to seek approval, you begin to see that what other people think doesn't reallyaffect who you are inside.   Why? You don't have to be what people desire or expect.  Loving yourself unconditionally means you accept yourself and do not seek to change anything.

As you begin to consider things about yourself you might wish to change, reflect also on people or circumstances that may have prompted you to feel this way. Learn to rise above these influences. Tell yourself honesty triggers a fulfilling life.  Denying innate love and acceptance blocks a human being from living physical existence to the fullest.

"How do we love ourselves? One way is by not seeking approval outside ourselves."

-Byron Katie

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