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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in unconditional (14)


Lose your head

Remember the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland? She evokes fear in anyone she does not like by threatening to cut off his head.  The Legend of Sleepy Hollow often causes goosebumps with tales of the Headless Horseman.  He appears as a ghost to warn of the danger of decapitation. Does the prospect of being headless scare you or trigger other feelings?

Another way to lose your head is to stop analyzing. You can view every moment as a golden opportunity to quiet the mind and look deeper inside yourself. The moment you step outside mind, you rediscover what is there. You have intrinsic value, lasting strength and unconditional wisdom. Where is your head right now? Only as you choose to recall who you are can you become all you are meant to be. Your world is created in you.


Be kind to yourself

When was the last time you truly noticed how you treat yourself? Listen to the words you use. Are you kind? Are you understanding? Do you accept, resist or reject what is happening? Do you get easily uptight? This is an invitation to care.

Open your heart.  Allow yourself to feel your way through the inner messages you are sending. What if every time you communicate to the world, you are actually inviting yourself to love more unconditionally? Laugh uncontrollably.

“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.” 

-Mother Teresa


What do you reject?

On some level, every human being rejects aspects of the true self.  Why? Only you can answer such a question for yourself as you choose to be honest and attune to the messages you are always given. 

Negative thoughts or emotions draw attention to discomfort.  This actually draws attention to what you reject.  And yet, human beings have free will.  You do not focus on certain things by your own choice.

Consider that all human beings have a mystical side yet not everyone accepts mystical parts of the self. Why?  Fear of the unknown. Human beings are conditioned what to accept and reject. You listen or not.

Soul knows you as an energy being of peace and joy now. As you permit mental training to mould you into what you are not, you shift focus away from the timeless beauty and unconditonal love you are.

As you attune to how you really feel, you consciously make decisions in alignment with that or not.  You have reasons for listening to the mind or the heart. Every experience is meaningful for its lessons.  


5 Advantages to listening to your vibes


As new waves of energy appear, you may regard them as new opportunities or experiences opening to you. This may shake you up. Yet, each time you make conscious changes that are attuned to your inner self, you also align with your Higher Self and its intentions. To be aligned with your core self and passions is to transcend fear and realize your goals more quickly. Why wouldn't you listen to your vibes?

Still, you may know people who avoid or reject shifts in thinking, at least in the beginning. Some people equate the prospect of change with life disruption or discomfort. These people feel unable to handle what this represents, and ignore sensations of higher energy. At any time, you can decide to listen more attentively to your inner messages and change as you see fit. Consider these five advantages;

1) Discover Higher-self loves unconditionally. To recognize the impact of love vibration is to sense paths to your greatest fulfillment. This brings increased clarity and harmony to areas of your life that will benefit from guidance and growth. It may impact jobs, your relations, and other conditions.  You transmute or rise above negative energy and really feel good in any situation.

2) Learn to see beyond misperception. Some people believe they must struggle or even surpass a pain threshold, before they listen to the soul. Transition to a higher frequency can be experienced through love and joy rather than suffering. Your fears may not intially disappear, but you'll evolve to stop reacting with fear. Instead, you'll confront the fear, choose to send love and discern the real message behind it.

3) Fine-tune your heightening sensibilities. Some people have already begun to explore ways to sharpen skills and awareness. You may be startled at the accuracy of your ESP and have more faith in your instincts. You may deepen meditation, channeling and telepathy. The more time you devote to listening to the signs, the more surrounding energy levels will become apparent. You'll begin to believe your potential for growth and expansion has no limits. You'll sense synchronicity takes on whole new significance. Your awareness will trigger revelations.

4) Connect with like-minded people. You may find your understanding of things orienting you to interact with different people. The desire to network, to share ideas and to contribute to raising the awareness of others, all emerge as priorities. If you allow it, direct experience guides you in ways that have a profound impact on your spiritual consciousness and life situations.

5) Evolve to a Higher consciousness. Your reality will change as you realize this life isn't about getting what you want as much as being certain you really want what you ask for. The sacred secrets of manifestation function according to energies of the Higher realms. Imagine the time may come when you exist on Higher planes and experience what you think about immediately. As you embark on this deeper quest, you will realize the power of light around you and within you gets stronger each day.

"You just get the vibes of your surroundings and it rubs off on you." -Gordon Lightfoot
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