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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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The Power of Integrity

Notice something attained can be lost. Attainment exists because you can lose it. Attainment also echoes the attainable is not you. Rather "You" are that which attains. It is wise not to cling to attainments or identify with riches. You can be rich but you are not richness. A sense of richness will leave you. As it does, the unshakable I AM remains. "I" can feel successful yet I am not external versions of success. Where chaos exists, so does order. Where injustice exists, so do the righteous. To have the freedom of expression invites us to ask what type of contribution are we willing to give to collective Spirit? It starts with our abilities and how we treat ourselves. As we love and accept ourselves and feel sacred, we radiate and transmit this to others. Life is about decoding and sharing true feelings. To inspire change, simply be loving and share love. Live in integrity, be vulnerable. Gentleness is strength.


Realize why you are here 

Realize why you are here.  In the heart, feel you exist to be truly helpful.  There is no need to worry about what to say or what to do because you are always divinely directed.  The highest being, call it Holy Spirit, Source, God or whatever, it arises not always as a voice, but as an inspiration, intuition, or a feeling.

You can have a feeling 'something' is going to happen and not know what it is.   This thing, reveals itself, all with perfect timing.  It can speak through another person to whom you truly listen. Spirit reaches you in dreams, whispers in the wind as you walk in nature, shows up when you least expect it.  Simply be open. 

You may be asking what does this mean for you.  The more the mind sees through and lets go of attachment to beliefs, the freer the mind is from blocks that prevent it from hearing Spirit.  This can be described as the 'call of the wild'.  Smile. Go with it.

Recognize Spirit does not have to evolve, or else it would not be perfect.  You, as perfect love, only ever speak to yourself in different forms.  No matter how complicated life seems, you only have two choices, to love or fear, and only one of them is real.  Only one exists.  No-one else.  It only seems to be so.  The conscious mind sees separation in bodies and forms yet, its all illusion. The unconscious is like an iceberg that knows what exists beyond surface appearances.  What is all-encompassing is real and what is not perfectly whole is unreal.

The way you experience and feel about yourself is determined by how you look and feel about the apparent external world.  May the revelations continue and infinite trust arise.  See things as they are: immortal, invulnerable, untouchable by this world.


Let go of what is important

Enjoyed engaging interactions with Stevn Hairfield and special guest Jeff Daugherty on Insight Radio.  Access the archives to listen to the May 15/16 show.  Feedback is always appreciated.

In this particular program, Jeff offers his own compelling story about what caused him to wake up, see his behaviour and life in a whole new way. He shares how direct experience enables each of us to explore the power of ego to control us and what it is to let go of all we think is important.  He reflects on his resistance to certain attachments, ambitious professional roles and lifestyle, and how he now feels born again, and all his experiences makes him who is his right now. Losing what he thought was important enables him to see the world and his place in it with new eyes. 

Whether life-changing revelations are triggered by relationship break-ups, environmental disasters, health concerns, work-related crises or something else, the universal message is clear: Move from self-centred to soul- centred living. Nothing is hard unless you believe it is. The underlying question is, why allow things to escalate to where crisis is what you require to shift from seeing your life through the selfish head to seeing through the compassionate heart?

The irony and blessing is that what the ego thinks matters temporarily hides who we really are. The unreal life that temporarily engages our attention can be very convincing. However, the real is ever-present and cannot die. It is part of an individual journey to forget how to feel what is right, and also an option for each person to shift back from ego-based thinking to heartfelt or authentic living. You may be taught to over-complicate what is simple, but whatever it takes, the universe brings you to a point where you are invited to trust your own feelings more. The more you trust in the unknown, the more the universe gives you reason to trust life. Honouring this is easy. Live from the heart a new kind of purpose-driven life. Lick your finger to feel the wind direction. Go with it. Shift from doing to being. Be aware and love who you choose to be.


Be real

From the moment you are real with yourself, you can be real with others. Even now, you have the means to see things as they are.  You already sense what is real.  The most important thing is to challenge your own mind.  When did you last question your beliefs, emotions or sense of reality?  Be brave.  When you are in denial of reality, life is painful.  Fear and discomfort arise from ill-will. Shift focus. See things as they are.

Notice our desires bend the mind.  You cannot trust your perceptions, expectations or your thoughts.  When you remove attachment and ill will, then all is only ever going well. Challenge your assumptions.  Watch what happens as you stop what you are doing, or do things more slowly.  You see deeper meaning, notice what you skip over when you go fast. You suddenly have time to linger, to know things more intimately.

To find the truth, you must move beyond fear and wishful thinking.  There is nothing wrong with natural course of things, of the evolution of life and death.  Accept that.  It is not the length of life that matters but the quality of it.  This is where you get real. Be still.  The truth erases suffering. Problems do not exist when you love unconditionally. 

"From a certain point of view our real enemy, the true troublemaker, is inside yourself." - Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama)


Why the story loses its appeal

At some stage, the story and details you share to describe who you are no longer resonate. The drama, entertainment value and emotional triggers lose their appeal. You do nothing and watch elements of the identity you construct fall away of their own accord. The urge to offer credentials or opinions fades.  Listening replaces talking.

In essence, you systematically see through layers of your self-created illusions.  You recognize reasons for attachment and detachment, and outgrow certain ways of experiencing the world. You begin to realize it is part of life to feel and let go of all perceptions, not only those that evoke negativity, but also those that trigger positive and uplifing feelings.  Perceptions of lows and highs are all transitions guiding you home. What is natural unfolds through it all.  The mind has selective awareness.  The heart always knows what is meaningful.  As heart and mind are seen as one, be that.

"Renunciation is not getting rid of the things of this world, but accepting that they pass away." -Aitken Roshi