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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


Alter points of reference

Notice how what you allow yourself to see shifts as you alter points of reference. 

Rather than pinpoint flaws and tell yourself you'll feel better as you alter your appearance or behaviour, look deeply into the heart and connect with the perfect being staring back.

Rather than remark on an apparent lack or imbalance in your life, focus attention instead on the ideal scenario and allow yourself to feel unconditional love, wealth and well-being now.

Rather than work toward something, telling yourself that you'll know fulfillment at the end of the journey, imagine and savour fulfillment now, regardless of what you are doing or not.

Rather than rack your brain to determine how to make something possible within logic of the mind, be still. Recognize everything is already happening without you doing anything.

Rather than exert effort to explain through the mind, feel your way to what is here now.


See it all as One

Watch what happens as you move from viewing events though personal, mental filters, to imagining self in someone else's shoes.  Look into the mirror and see other as Self. This is a shift from ego self-centredness that invites heartfelt  acceptance, compassion and love.  Light bulbs are triggered.

On other levels, as inner shifts of attention occur, something inside notices a fallacy of altruism.  Nothing happens and you feel no difference, no sense of other, and everything is suddenly an extension of one being.  Everything, every crumb of bread, every cloud, leaf, pebble, animal, vegtable, mineral or grain of sand contains the elements of all else. Its all part of a hologram.

How do you register or recognize this cosmic being? What does it feel like? Can it be perceived?


Beyond rationale

To rationalize is to reason. To explain keeps you confined in the head. Notice what happens as you feel your way through justification. You sense selective awareness. That is, you are allowing the mind to block out what is real. What you think you want to hear is not the vibration felt in the heart and soul. Ask self why you want to feel anything other than love and acceptance. Be out of the mind.

Amidst the mental noise, the active inner judge and surface emotions, you hear phrases such as; "It's REALLY nothing!" ; It was ONLY nothing!"; "Nothing TRULY matters." ; Nothing ACTUALLY makes sense!" ; "Nothing is the end of me!". Ask yourself who or what is interpreting 'nothing'? Who gives meaning to nothing? Do you detect irony, cynicism, or fear? This is not what is here.

Go beyond the tactics of the mind. Nothing is quiet, reserved, humble. It simply observes.

Recognize nothing real is ever threatened and the unreal is never real or threatening.


Who is playing this game?

As you shift attention to and from external events, what do you notice?  The inner judge arises.  Watch it comment and compare.  Beliefs and morals pipe in.  Listen to the voice that asks who is responsible for the events and the fragmented perception of them. Who is playing this game?

As you shift from noticing difference and conflict in the world to feeling unity, the mind is quiet.  Observe the traits of the human ego.  It appears arrogant and selfish.  As you shift from an ego focus to feeling guided by the heart, your behaviour naturally changes.   Soul knows everything is always pointing to who you truly are.  Discover that.  What stands in the way is the desire to be "me." To know the truth is to want nothing in return.  Life shines out of pure grace.

Consciousness is playing this game. The human being is a divine expression of consciousness yet does not control or possess it.  So long as your focus is on a separate or individual identity, you overlook the divine being within.  The living spirit shines inside each being.  You only appreciate those things you feel mirrored within yourself.  True nature is present. Its never quite the picture you see with human senses. So much more is revealing itself. Allow seeing. Feel the way.

Everything points to the God or Buddha within you.  Everything evolves and regresses on some levels.  As you allow yourself to see and feel more of the divine within you, the pictures change.  Travel inward and expand on the kaleidoscope.  Many forces are at work to sustain this illusion.  Be awake and flow with the movement of consciousness.  Be alive to the light of consciousness.


Notice what is obvious

Notice what is obvious and "to whom".  Notice who is asking the question and who answers.

The ego mind has limited or selective awareness.  It sees the dream through conditioned filters.  It shifts attention between the past and future.  It judges and compares, sees body parts, people and conditions as separate, and even creates hierarchies of what is thought to be better or worse, more or less desirable.  This is the rebel, fault-finder and people-pleaser, always seeking to improve or find something out of reach or sight.  It attaches or clings and sees things as you are or through the lens of adopted thought, self-image and beliefs.

The omniscient observer sees all and judges nothing right in this very moment. It views through a lens of unconditional love and acceptance. It views everything as a mirror of pure peace, joy and love. In essence, it see things as they are, and feels everything points to this truth. It feels what is real and sees through what is unreal. It is the silent and ever-present guide home.  It knows clarity and enlightenment are never lost. It knows the essence of being cannot lose itself or be anything other than authentic. It is light, joy, freedom and all that direct experience reveals beyond words and associations. It only sees what it feels.

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience." -Pierre Tielhard de Chardin