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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


The proof is in the pudding

You may hear the proof of the pudding is in the eating.  Yet, you only truly know the taste of anything as you put it on your own palatte.  Then, the body begins to recognize texture, sensations, and vibes on a deeper level. Each flavour is unique and bursting with a story.

In other words, to fully appreciate something, you have to experience it directly yourself.  You can assume you have the same taste preferences as someone else, but this is not the same as tickling your own tastebuds or savouring something again, as if for the first time. 

Notice how opinions are created based on heresay.  Notice the actual reasons you agree or disagree with someone.  So long as ego drives you, it has something to prove, so you speak up. From the moment you experience peace and contentment, questions are answered as they arise.  Peace is felt by everyone in your presence.  There is no need to say anything.

On another level, to fully appreciate this moment, you are invited to stop comparing it with memories of other experiences.  You are invited to stop judging and assuming history has to repeat.  As every moment feels new and fresh, you are allowing life and energy to flow freely without doubt or fear.  This allows feelings of joy, peace and freedom to reveal themselves.  Paths you think you have trodden, places you think you have been, never feel the same again.


Its all a sign

Sign of the moment.  Sign of the times.  Signs are everywhere.  Do you notice the signs?

As you open the senses, you grow aware that every roadsign, food name or label, license plate, book cover, billboard, bumpersticker, T-shirt, and cloud formation, is simply another sign to guide you in life.  If you keep running into certain people, or always feel good when engaged in some activity, this is more than sheer coincidence.  If snags keep arising in a business deal you are working to finalize, its a sign.  Pay attention to little events in life and the bigger picture. 

I recall how the universe showed me I no longer needed to wear a wristwatch. On three separate occasions, its battery seemed to stop.  Each time I took it to the watchmaker to replace the battery, the watch started working again and I was told I did not need a new battery. Go figure!?

As I tapped into deeper awareness, I knew this was not really about the watch or battery. Rather, it was a message to stop allowing perceived time and rigid schedules to control me. As I gave up wearing a wristwatch, I almost magically detached from certain ways of living. This gesture reduced stress, allowed me to open my heart to greater spontaneity and a new leash on life.

As you reflect on signs in your life, what is the universe suggesting? As you recognize you are the universe, what are you inviting yourself to recognize? Trust the intuition.  It always knows.


When all is said and done

As you become aware of thoughts, you grow aware of the colour the ego gives them. The awakened mind sees through the colour that takes form as beliefs and attitudes. Everything that moves through the mind may manifest through the body. Everything is a pointer.

Engage the intuition. Feel your way into what is reliable. You know how it feels to sense imbalance and to recognize decision-making time. How we deal with each other is what matters. Be at peace with yourself and in harmony with others. Whenever you want to, you can stop the universe and be still. What is real creates peace, stillness and happiness. Be aware of the reactions going on inside the mind. Notice what you know without thinking.

Ask how you can argue with love, harmony, peace? You cannot know them in your head, only through direct experience. When all is said and done, nothing remains. Nothing is always here and is often overlooked. Why? An underlying stream of thoughts adds colour.

Notice what you allow yourself to see. Notice where you get emotionally involved.  Notice where you observe and remain humble and silent.  Notice darkness and light and what it feels like as they merge.  Saying nothing, doing nothing, being nothing, simply be who you are. If ripples exist on the surface of the lake of your mind, you do not see the stars clearly.

"You know if its truth if it leads to peace and harmony and freedom, it leads to letting go, to enlightnement, to the highest happiness, you cna know it must be the truth."  -Buddha


Accept the nature of evolution

The nature of evolution is not only about a particular outcome or series of outcomes.  It is about the journey and what unfolds during steps all along the way. You add to evolution with all that you are living.  Every moment, new ideas are being born, expansion is taking place, and satisfaction is expanding.  As you grow consciously aware, it all feels right now.

Recognize that without a perceived problem, you do not reach out for a solution.  Similarly, without asking a question you do not embark on a quest to uncover an answer.  Problems and solutions present in the same moment much like questions and answers do.  You simply choose what you are willing to see.  Notice the nature of your own purpose-driven life. 

More specifically, how do you focus your attention: on what is here & now/ how it feels as it gets here or on what is absent and why? Know you can get to wherever you want to be from where you are.  It is easy to transform your conditions.  Be selective about how you feel.


Keep nothing in mind

Notice what happens if you allow thoughts of what is right for you to limit your experience. The inner judge is active. Resistance, restlessness, impatience and disharmony are a focus.

As awareness grows, you see inner conflict only arises as you compare or exert effort to control. If this has not crossed your mind, its because thinking has nothing to do with it.

Notice what happens as you feel all is well and keep nothing in mind.  In this state of being, you appreciate everything as it is and see the beauty in it all. Intuition is the rudder and joy is the pilot. This is experienced as mindfulness.   Relish the sun rises and sets. Cherish all that is in between. At any moment, feel what happens as you no longer feel the urge to choose.