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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in being (75)


See into the cosmic melting pot

Whatever mind tells you is going on in your midst, you can find something good about it. You choose to focus on what feels good or not.  As you transcend emotion and this no longer controls you, you sense different facits of this paradigm of existence. You are progressively moving through self-created blocks, that is, mental, physical, emotional, energetic and other imagined walls.  They distort how one senses unlimited being.  Everything orchestrates from one planetary reality. You are awakening to the nature of a cosmic melting pot. Recall the power of love energy merging into dark. Everything is a teacher beckoning you to transcend duality.  How do you feel as the process itself?


Focus on the mental download

You are a galaxy, a conscious being, the energy that creates life.  You exist to create. You do not have to know exactly how it happens, but you can sense the process is perfect. Forms of consciousness exist that can create planets, galaxies, universes and more. The universe is put together to respond to your thoughts and feelings. As you learn to love and accept yourself fully in your current form, you no longer see yourself as a vulnerable body and your mind can no longer be manipulated.  You let go of victim consciousness and claim your sovereignty. Be free from fear. Nurture positive, loving feelings. How you experience the energetic downloads shifts. You choose vibrations to feel and generate. Be aware.


Life is perfect

The vision of a perfect universe resonates deep within. Notice whether you resist it. Timeless beauty flows through you. The love you feel points toward it. Every moment, you are moving forward into uncharted waters, and  realms that are temporarily outside your scope of conscious awareness. You are invited to peel off layers of thought to see what remains. As you observe the mind from beyond it, the heart reveals what it knows. You are letting go of all that stands in the way of unconditional acceptance.

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”  -Antoine de Saint- Exupery


Have fun being human

Ever notice you can choose to have fun wherever you are and however you perceive?  Some people always yearn for yesterday.  Other people focus attention on tomorrow.  Where is your attention? To sense you are spirit energy choosing to have a human experience invites you to savour everything about being where you are.  What stands out for you? How is your experience shifting right before our very eyes?


Feel your way 

As you realize people are saying to you, 'I want what you have,' 'I want to do what you are doing,' you realize you feel your way to whatever you are asking for.  You realize what is normal and natural already exists. You realize your passion and enthusiasm are catching. You are already taking thought to where it has never been before.  From the universal witness, eternal point of view, one is aware everything is unfolding. The human mind would like you to believe you must work to create and wait for a dream to unfold. The universe knows the dream exists already. Feel that.