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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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10 Tips to be radically responsible

Get back on track-

Commit to our 21 Days of Radical Responsibility Program

Start with 10 tips to be radically responsible (for your life):

1. Make choices based on what’s actually true, rather than what you think should be true.

  • Listen to how you feel in this moment-be aware of signs, signals, sensations as pointers.

  • Tune into the heart vibration and rhythm of the breath. To feel calm or rattled is a reliable guide.

2. Assert and reinforce your feelings, needs, boundaries, requests.

  • Be aware of when someone attempts to talk you out of your feelings
  • See everything as an opportunity to trust yourself more

3. Own your choices and visions. Don't blame others or the external.

  • Know you are who you are because of all your experiences

  • See the lesson or blessing in all situations whihc you create for yourself to grow

4. Honor personal power of others. 

  • Treat them as whole, creative and resourceful rather than needy

  • See your role is to allow others to make their own choices rather than control them

5. Filter for present-moment thinking

  • Be aware of tense of language spoken

  • Let go of thoughts of past or future

6. Focus on what's in your control

  • Focus on yourself and your responses to the external

  • Accept what is within your power and reach

7. Be radically honest with yourself and your values

  • Be aware that every choice has consequences

  •  Do not go along with others simply its easier (recall Dumbledore: "The time comes Harry, when w must choose between what is right and what is easy.")

8. Practice your ability to respond to your emotions, sensations, and thoughts in useful ways 

  • Validate your truth, intuition, signs and signals from within you

  • Meditate to sharpen subtle senses

9. Practice self-compassion: treat yourself with kindness and grace

  • Set realistic standards
  • Love yourself, your choices & inclinations

10. Take action. Action is reciprocal with confidence. Don't stay stuck because you're unsure or the path is unclear. Take a step forward.

  • Notice feacing fear is the reliable choice (so long as it doesn't put you in harm's way)

  • Recall your thoughts and feelings direct every moment of your life – no one is coming to save you=

Be the light unto yourself  

Notice everyone has the innate ability to create something precious, meaningful. Deep down, Soul knows this and also perfect timing. So, when a cement block appears in our lives, we may initially assume its ugly rock or a metaphor for what prevents us from moving ahead, realizing potential. We may think Higher Self misunderstood our secret wish for freedom, joy, aliveness. Yet, sometimes an idea is too big to move or manifest instantly. The process is what unleashes us.
When we least expect it, the voice of a sculptor emerges from within us. This co- creator will not permit us to destroy what he says we asked for. We're about to have something valuable, wonderful in our midst. What part of us sees as a frustrating mental or physical block, the visionary sees very differently.
Turns out, as the confused mind patiently tolerates the sculptor, the mind slowly begins to understand. The sculptor didn't see a block of cement at all. He saw art! He proceeded to remove all of the cement that didn't belong around the art. The sculptor "saw" inside the rock. Something beautiful emerges in the block. With a flash of light, the sculptor transforms. He becames part of us, taking his place within attributes that make us whole. He is like a soul mate, a spiritual twin-flame, and a wise advisor to help us see the light within ourselves.
Curiously, we never ask the "separate" sculptor's name. It dawns, that is an aspect of true being. Not only do we receive the manifestation we wish for, but we also get an active wisdom guide. This is about expanding perception. Perhaps what is unseen is essential for true seeing, and what gets subtracted or let go from distorted reality is what allows for miracles. We are the light unto ourselves.



10 Things to reflect on about Love

Here are 10 Things to reflect on about Love:

1. Each person is a unique expression of Love

From this view, love is not an action, not a commodity that we give or trade. We cannot leverage this kind of love, barter or exchange it as currency. We cannot brag about having more or less Love than another being because the Love we are is incomparable.

2. True Love is sometimes misunderstood as affection and attachment

As we feel our way into this kind of Love, we can no longer view it as an external factor or affected by external events or actions.  Whenever we view love as external, we encounter conflict with external conditions.

3. Love can mean letting go of attachments

This is an invitation to let go of the conditioning that objects and affection are scarce so we are taught to cling to what we have. In clinging to our preferred people, objects and experiences, we overlook examples of the infinite within and around us.

4.  Love is about releasing fear and hatred through forgiveness

This is a reminder that as we recognize our enemy's potential for Love, we connect with this individual's heart centre and hostility loses power.  As we awaken to relationships as a mirror, we can also begin to see that what we choose to resistor judge in others is what we resist loving fully about ourselves.

5. Sometimes Love may require you to accept nothing exists for you to do

A higher level of understanding of Love imply embracing the pwoer of wholeness, which is all-inclusive.  This involves a 'leap of faith' or trust consciousness.  This said, different degrees of understanding are all valid.  Some people need to be taught how to survive or helped in some way. Thus, Love can be an expression fo empathy and compassion also.

6. Silence can be the greatest expression of Love

Inner wisdom reminds us that infinite wholeness is the Source energy that commands life, shatters it and rebuilds it according to universal laws. To be an observer allows us to tune into the power of synchronicity, to sense separation from creation is illusion. This gives us broader understanding and we grow conscious of the nature of Love as immortality.

7. You are an extension of the Creator not a created 'Thing'

This is a reminder about the illusion of separation we are taught to imagine in the mind.  When we accept that we are simply a droplet in the cosmic ocean, we know the creator makes no mistakes and we are simply a smaller version of Source Energy. 

8.  As Love, you embody the activating power of further creation

9. Love is a vibrational DNA imprint, universally resonant with all of life

10. You have the right to honor within yourself all that Love brings you


Focus on the mental download

You are a galaxy, a conscious being, the energy that creates life.  You exist to create. You do not have to know exactly how it happens, but you can sense the process is perfect. Forms of consciousness exist that can create planets, galaxies, universes and more. The universe is put together to respond to your thoughts and feelings. As you learn to love and accept yourself fully in your current form, you no longer see yourself as a vulnerable body and your mind can no longer be manipulated.  You let go of victim consciousness and claim your sovereignty. Be free from fear. Nurture positive, loving feelings. How you experience the energetic downloads shifts. You choose vibrations to feel and generate. Be aware.


Take it apart

Recall the experience of building with blocks or other materials.  Recall you always have the option to take apart what you build.  You may do so in order to build something else.  You may also do so to gain new insight.

Notice how you make choices to create the life you lead.  The choices are like building blocks.  You build relationships and bridges as you may also dismantle them.  You create beliefs and attitudes which also invite you to take them apart so to rediscover where you started and who you really are.