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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in compassion (49)


You make this place

You make this place what it appears to be based on how you think and feel about it.  Do people you encounter seem to behave as monsters or angels?  Your attitude shapes your experience.

If you seek to conquer others, the universe points to opportunities for profound lessons. If you wish to control others, you know suffering.  As you recognize controlling behaviour does not serve you, other options are still open to you.  Notice love is the opposite of control.

If you are kind, compassionate and non-judgmental, you see goodness in the hearts of others and overlook what the mind would have you compare and judge. Notice they see in you what you see in them. The world is a mirror that reflects how you feel about yourself. 

Let things be.  Flow with them.   Love people and things so much you are willing to let them go. Be happy, come what may.  State of mind and emotions fluctuate with conditions while being simply is. Unhinge the door the mind places in front of of the heart.  Love no matter what.


Three points for clarity

You may ask how to develop mindfulness.  Its less about doing than letting go.

Regardless of the area of your life, keep these three points in mind:

1)    The most important time is NOW

2)    The most important person is in front of you (in the mirror or whom you offer service)

3)    The most important thing to do is to care (show compassion)

"Enlightenment is understanding that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, except exactly who you’re being right now."- - Neale Donald Walsch


3 Friendly reminders

Here are a few friendly reminders to help you raise awareness to new levels:

1)If you notice naysayers about something you would like to do, then a spark of self-doubt in your mind has created them.  They are a living mirror that invites you to look at the real issue inside. They point to what you are not accepting.

2) Noise doesn't disturb; you disturb noise.  You allow the external world to press your buttons to bring anger to the surface so you feel, acknowledge and release it.

3) Everything invites you to see the right thing to do is love. Be kind and also compassionate with yourself. Being compassionate with others is the same thing.


Come to your senses

Falling asleep is easy.  Notice how many people are sleepwalking through life. Have you ever had the feeling that anyone is falling awake? Are you connected with yourself, your passion, your destiny? Who is asking this question? Who is answering it?

Many people have the impression their life is splitting apart.  Notice your own inner conflict? You may think you want one thing while you are doing another. If you work in one place, you may wish to work somewhere else or shift focus to start a business. If you are involved in one relationship, you may wish to be involved in another.

If you feel restless, think you want to go "there" while part of you is here, this is an invitation to recognize the nature of overthinking. If you have a body, a mind and especially if you have a cell phone to interrupt you, why not come to your senses?

Notice five familiar senses are sending you messages. The non-conceptual sixth sense is also active. Which ones do you hear and overlook? Senses reveal everything.  The mind judges or shifts focus from what no longer matters. Notice the focus of your attention.  How do you feel about it? What does this reveal about wakefulness? and tainted views?

Notice the diversions in your life of wants, fear, doubt and pain. Notice when you feel suppressed, repressed, or like you are running from something. How many times during the day do you interrupt yourself in thought and speech? Forget what matters?

Everything invites you to ponder what it means to be here in this moment.  Listen with your bones, your organs, your flesh and your whole being. Reflect on your life with an open heart and pure compassion. Notice what you see deep within. The distinct possibility exists you are re-introducing yourself to who you truly are. When not grounded by thoughts, time and space, then what happens to 'you?' Next time you are in the shower, notice who or what is in there with you. Notice the mind wanders away from the refreshing water and lather. Next time you are in public transit, notice the mind churning. Areyou asleep while awake? What sort of trail are 'you' leaving?

Do this simple exercise: be aware of the breath.  This is mindfulness or non-judgmental awareness.  It invites us to be aware of what is fundamental in life rather than on what the mind thinks is urgent.  Notice thoughts that arise as the mind prompts you run on an endless treadmill.  Notice the mind distracts you from the breath and just living.

Ever had the experience that you can see without seeing? Its like something is in front of you but you only notice it when you are ready. Something knows where you came from before you were born and observes everything all the time. We also only see and hear what we are willing to accept. Meditation allows mindfulness to arise. It enables you to cultivate intimacy with what is ordinary. Stop taking what comes naturally for granted.

How often are you true to yourself? The problem is not with doing anything in particular, its with the personal pronouns you use to identify with something you think has virtue. It is not what we do that matters but being aware of it and allowing ourselves to feel deeply. Allow yourself to be at home in all of the senses. Bring the mind home to awareness and refine your capacity to see things as they are. The challenge is to atop doing all that gets in the way. This is advanced training in the art of living.

"Today like everyday we awaken empty and scared." - Rumi


Monk wisdom is here

One day, a loyal young monk witnessed conversation between a very rich businessman and his master. Seeing how disrespectful the business man was, the monk was angry. But his master kept smiling.

When the conversation was over, the monk asked the master,

“Master, how can you let him treat you like that? He thinks he is much higher than you, he’s so full of pride, and greed. How can you be so patient? I cannot help but to resent him!”

In response, the master patted him on the shoulder.

“Look deeper, and see; behind every pride is the fear of not being acknowledged by others; behind every greed is the fear of lack or losing something. Seeing that fearful man, I cannot help but to feel compassion toward him; and wish he is freed from such sufferings.”

Hearing this, the monk was silent.