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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in compassion (49)


The key to change your life

Notice from a cosmic view, Humanity exists to learn the power of creation and free will. From this view, everything in our physical midst has a frequency slower than the speed of light. Every human being has potenial to function consciously beyond the speed of light. This involves ability to travel metaphysically and know inter-dimensional worlds. Our frequency is mirrored in our reality. As we raise our frequency high enough, we see and interact with what exists beyond detection of physical senses. Those beings who think they are separate from Earth or weather, tend to blame adversity or cataclysms on external forces. To realize all is one consciousness is to realize we do everything to ourselves. This realisation triggers shifts in thought and energy. Taking responsibility means making taking action to reflect new level awareness. As Gandhi said, "be the change you wish to see. Toxic thoughts create a toxic world. When we create victim consciousness, we also create victimizer or manipulator. Before collective reality can change (move into higher frequency of experience), we must see each of us is a victim of our own thoughts, a victim of ourselves in the mind. We get out of life the energy we put into it. The human field of negative, fearful, sabotaging energy creates certain experience. Our perception of events and possibilities reflects the energy of our thoughts and feelings. Imagine physical bodies of water reflect the state of our emotions. Are they pure and clean or polluted through your lens? Every moment of our lives, we are creating the thoughts and feelings that translate into our reality. We each affect climate, weather and other unfolding events on Earth. Consciousness affects everything. If we are self-loving, compassionate and peaceful, we create a parallel climate. Every moment, we create our reality with our thoughts and feelings. As we make the unconscious, conscious, we heal our patterns, accelerate our own evolution , activate the light body and strengthen interdimensional communication.


Usher in a new way of life

Notice that in order to usher in a new way of life, we must be willing to consciously activate the alchemist within. This is about cherishing and recognizing symbolic sunrises and sunsets in our lives. This implies not only thinking, speaking or writing about things we desire or wish to shift out of our lives, but also putting this thought energy, heartfelt intuition and self-love into action. Every decisions and life choice is a powerful energetic imprint. When ready, we physically, emotionally and otherwise let go of self-created illusions, codependence and other dysfunctional patterns and attachment we adopt to maintain false identity and block true being. We may want to detach or distance ourselves from people or situations because this causes pain, while the idea to which we are attached does not. But to really understand this whole issue of attachment, to tradition, to nationality, to custom, to a habit, to knowledge, to opinion, to a saviour, to all the innumerable beliefs and non-beliefs of 'right and wrong', we must not be satisfied merely to scratch the surface and think we have understood attachment issues when we are cultivating detachment. Whereas if we do not try to cultivate detachment, (which only becomes another issue), if we can simply see attachment clearly, then perhaps we can delve deeper and discover something entirely different, which is neither attachment nor detachment. It dawns that where attachment exists, no love exists. Attachment is the outcome of fear, of various forms of loneliness, and emptiness. An alchemist discovers the field of non-judgement and universal love through letting go of the unreal and being true to a compassionate inner voice. We refresh and renew simply by tuning in and listening to the Highest Self.


Expand into True Self

Notice as one grows conscious, it dawns the light body is designed to take in energy to expand into more of True Self. This relates to how harmoniously you live (in thought, word, action). Living consistently in integrity is an act of self-love, respect and compassion.  This has energetic consequences for activating the light body. The resulting expansion makes room to receive higher vibrational light codes into your DNA. As this light is activated, your system actualizes the frequency, radiates it outward and shifts your perception of reality. One sees, embodies different versions of Self in parallel timelines.


Interview with Julie Cardillo


Shift toward greater integrity

Sometimes we get the feeling we are getting ahead of ourselves or, are not quite caught up with where we think we are meant to be.  Reflect on examples where you feel in between places or conditions.  These are signs of ongoing shifts toward greater authenticity.  Notice where the universe is echoing this message back:

  • Ever ask someone to assist with a project and that person responds after the job is already done?
  • Ever get asked to provide a service in a geographic area after you have moved to another location?
  • Ever feel like you are evolving at a different pace than your partner or entourage?
  • Ever witness individuals you know not behaving in their integrity and feel awkward or restless about it?
  • Ever see an honesty box by a roadside fruit stand and read a sign that some people take without paying, but feel compelled to pay?
  • Ever intuitively pay the toll for the car behind or feel drawn to show compassion in new ways

Now is the reflect on deeper sources of discomfort.  What messages is the Soul really offering?