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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in confidence (23)


Rediscover what is natural

What matters does not come through your familiar senses and brain so much as through your skin, your emotions, your heart and your entire body.  Notice how closely you listen. 

Recognize who you are and make peace where you are.  Notice your relaionship with others.  Appreciate the uniqueness of others as well as your own. Know everyone complimentary.  As you listen more closely to how you think and feel, make these discoveries:

1) Anytime you allow uplifting thoughts to fill you, nothing else remains

2) Anything you conceive is yours to be, do or have provided you are open to receive it

3) Any obstacle you can think of, already fades as you shift your attention

4) Anything you think about attempts to distract you from how you truly feel

5) Anytime you align with what feels like bliss, happiness, joy, love, confidence, appreciation, love, well-being, wellness, and abundance, you rediscover what is truly natural.  You allow yourself to be where you want to be rather than imagine what you have to do to get yourself here. As you get your head out of the clouds, and are picky about how you feel, this is the swiftest path to recognizing where you want to be and already are.

"The more things seem to change, the more they remain the same." -Steven L. Hairfied (An American Monk) The Twelve Sacred Principles of Karma


Generation Z & quality of life

Generation Z describes people who grow up connected to the internet and communication technologies.  They have little or no concept of life before digital media and globalization.  You might wonder if they are techno-dependent.  What would you do without your own gadgets?

On the one hand, using technology is proven to simply your life and to facilitate communication in ways  not even imagined previously. Email, fax, SMS, MP3 players, internet chats, video or satellite mobile phones, and iphones are examples.  You hear people rave about convenience, educational apps and strategies to save time. More cutting edge inventions just keep coming.

On the other hand, what about people sitting across the table engaged in using technology rather than each other? One result is young people communicate more using intermediaries such as friends or parents to work out their conflicts.  Boyfriends and girlfriends break up with an SMS or email rather than face an in-person confrontation.  You may notice how techno connections already replace or redefine human interactions. Not everyone is convinced this is a good thing.  

An interesting development with Generation Z is the growing focus on homeschooling.  Here, the rapid expansion and growing access to technology is nurturing self-directedness.  People are realizing they can help others and themselves at the same time.  Maybe you notice that using technology does not have to make you feel separate and alone. Something echoes all is well. 

Rest assured, no matter how much technology exists in your midst, you can always adapt.  You may notice a budding entrepreneurial spirit inside and realize you learn what you require as you go.   Notice the nature of your environment and how you respond to perceived change. What does the mind tell you about resourcefulness and versatility?What is your quality of life? Everything you notice is a pointer to what you are not yet seeing.  Get ready to feel what matters.

"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected." - Steve Jobs


Notice subtle influence

Every moment, you resonate subtle vibrations that influence more of the unfolding than mind realizes.  What you choose to believe, and in essence, how you focus your attention, emits a field of energetic influence.  Every person and situation in your midst is affected. 

Consider how your perceived life unfolds when you feel good and your energy is high.  To feel confident and loving in one area of your life carries over to positively influence other areas.  Beyond this, you send out a field of influence that uplifts others.  You actually draw people into whatever level of consciousness you are resonating.  People find it easy or hard to align with true sense of self based on how you feel and what you vibrate.  You also decide whether to be affected by external energy and what you encounter.  Energetic influence is everywhere. Sense it.


You are more

You are more than any physical perception or situation.  You do not have to try to be more positive, to try to feel better, to try to change what seems to be your current state.  Personality and ego are not you.  They are conditioned patterns, grounded in illusions of time that are irrelevant. 

Notice whether you hear a voice telling you that you are anything less than unlimited, successful, confident and expanding into more.  Be aware of the mechanism at work within the mind without allowing it to control you.  At your centre, the authentic you feels another perspective.  Be that.


5 Ways to strengthen self-worth

Human beings are conditioned to be dishonest with the self. This nurtures a misconception of being unworthy. Suddenly, you are caught between what you feel and what is taught you 'should' do. Unaware, you suppress the true self.  Intution tells you the truth. You decide to listen or ignore inner knowing.

From a young age, the body is suddenly viewed as an enemy, something to be mistrusted and subdued. Many people learn to deny themselves intuition, natural urges, choices that feel good or right. It grows desirable to control and unthinkable to surrender. How can everyone learn to strengthen self-worth?

1) Accept that self-esteem is a choice. Reasons explain why you feel as you feel at a given moment. You either reinforce what you know in your heart or, choose to obscure that as part of a process of learning lessons. No matter what the perceived rules in a given environment, you experiment with expressing desires. You define boundaries. You take responsibility for your thoughts and feelings or, you do not.

2) Learn you are completing unfinished business. Every moment, you are learning to love and accept yourself differently. The key issue is learning to love without guilt, to give and receive selflessly. As human beings choose to explore core feelings without judgment, they enrich awareness, relationships, self-mastery and connections with everything.

3) Be aware behavior patterns are energy cycles. Every thought and action transforms existing energy.  This is a perspective of consciousness where infinite circles are interconnected in a moving kaleidoscope of life forms and formless states. You never leave an energy cycle you do not complete. Residual energy from positive or negative thoughts stays with you to manifest situations.  How you view energy determines if you know vicious circles or reasons for joy.

4) Learn to love and explore yourself in peace. To accept and affirm your own sexuality, self-valuing and caring instincts, you create a foundation for additional layers of self-acceptance.  To recognize where you repress certain instincts or, why you feel uptight, helps you move through that.

5) Recognize thought energy is multi-dimensional. When you feel good about something and you listen to that, you think moreabout that. The resulting positive energy reverberrates in other areas of your life. You begin to sense blessings wherever you are, regardless of conditions. You begin to realize how you think affects your personal life, work, spiritual or religious perspectives, and other situations. You know everything and everyone are deeply interconnected.