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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in consciousness (31)


Why are you here?

You already know why you found this website.  You already know why you exist and what brought you to this moment in your life.  It does not matter what other people think or tell you.   Your inner self has the answer.  When you choose to trust, you sense the core message and you branch out.

Sometimes you permit fear to get in the way and you forget you are great no matter what you do. Let the fear go. Take a deep breath. This is about learning how to give and receive in ways that promote self-discovery. The more you receive the more you can give back. Many people are not taught it is okay to receive. They tell themselves they do not know how.

When you are not honest with yourself, you sell yourself short.  To be exerting energy in pursuits that are not related to your core passions may teach you valuable lessons, but it is not where you want to be long-term. You are constantly growing confidence, courage and can tap into whatever you need.

Life is a process. Open your eyes to possibilities.  What makes you feel excited? What can you do to nurture your talents now that can take you to the next level? People exist to support, encourage and assist each other. As you get-to-know yourself, you can choose to take steps to transform how you perceive and experience everything. Choose to be more conscious now. You have unlimited potential. Where you go next is up to you.


Soul work invites attention

Soul work is the exercise of learning to engage in heart-to-heart dialogue with your internal voice and also to listen.  This includes initiatives that empower you to explore underlying reasons for all emotions you choose to feel. 

As you consciously choose to detach from emotional energy, learn to notice hidden value and gradually move beyond it.  Consider inner tools your have overlooked or disregarded. 

Suddenly, you realize soul work invites much closer attention.  Allot regular periods of time for soul work to reveal itself to you.  Consider these 5 ideas as meaningful points of departure;

1) To judge anything as positive or negative overlooks the point of where you are and why you exist right now.

2) To appease the ego reflects lack of insight into the underlying strings or hidden agenda of praise and criticism.

3) To choose to be grateful for perceived critics helps you rise above resentment, envy and other destructive emotions. 

 4) To be motivated by power shows you are never fully empowered until you consciously choose to be disempowered.

5) To rediscover inner sight reconnects you with what you are and offers a path and direction to higher potential.


Dream jumper, dream walker or teleporter?

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.

Dream- I walked beside a fast-moving river near trees. A familiar man walked across from me on the other side. I looked for a bridge. We found the bridge and met face-to-face.

Location shifted to an auditorium, I sensed two of four white walls around me were shields. A big man in dreadlocks turned out to hide a dog under his long coat. He thought dogs were forbidden in the hostel. He tried unsuccessfully to hide dog in a soda vending machine. I said he did not have to. He was glad.

Then, I turned, jumped through the wall and was in the kitchen of a friend. She had just remoddelled. White and brown cupboards lined wall opposite to the one I came through. Immaculate. She pulled out a sliding drawer. I saw man from bridge leaning against far wall. My friend did not see him.

Next, I walked through the wall to find myself in a stage dance show. No clue what I was doing there. Felt loss of control. Flashy costumes did not suit my personality. Energy was intense. I sensed roles shift at carnival. I wished myself away.

Note Dream body sensations & perceptions; weightlessness, movement, vision, shifting levels vitality

Interpretation-dreamwalking, jumping and teleporting are reality for certain beings. Teleportation is where physical matter is dematerialized at one point and recreated at another. This happens on the physical plane. Lighter energy moves in dream realms. Dreamwalking and jumping are possible was one grasps lucid dreaming. Presumed limits in the physical do not apply in other realms. You transcend logic and laws there.

As mind grasps the inner workings and sight of the higher or spiritual self, consciousness shifts. One view is every dream element reflects aspects of repressed or ignored inner selves. You give each object or feeling meaning. Another view is foreign entities or spirit take form and formless states to watch and sometimes help you.  Ask why you go where you go.

Dreams are like doorways to places where you explore abilities. To understand and experience more than one energy realm suggests you are never alone, whatever journeys you take. To note the presence of something or someone could be a shadow, ego, split soul or whatever else makes sense.

Different levels of conscious dreaming exist. These range from being aware you are dreaming to being able to control some dream actions, to ultimately disciplining capacities to control all dream events or environments. As a dreamer masters certain skills, he discerns how and when to take full control of dream events and when to not control or, to allow the subconscious mind to take charge. Every dreamer is a participant and observer to things not noticed by mental radar.


6 Ways to confirm your mystical side

It may surprise you to learn all humans have a mystical side. Yet, not everyone acknowledges or accepts the truth. Not everyone consciously explores and expands this either. Unconditional self-acceptance is often daunting. Do you struggle to identify or explain things that do not flow through the traditional five senses? As you work through fear, you discern something remarkable in the sixth sense and beyond.

As you listen closely, something orients you to areas of personality that seem unbalanced or out of control. What is it about mysterious encounters that are so difficult to explain? How do you sense and work to accept that mystical side?  Consider 6 ways to bravely confirm your mystical side;

1) Experience defies words. You think in metaphors, sense visions of symbols, and register foreign sensations. This happens during dreamtime and changing consciousness.  Ever sense who is calling on the phone before you answer? Ever predict what someone will say before sounds are uttered?

2) Experience affects life as you know it. Your familiar life is temporarily put on hold as mind switches focus. You suddenly know things and are unsure how. ESP strengthens. Bursts of insight fill the mind. You sense deja-vus. You meet people and already know how they help you. Your base of understanding is shifting. You read energies and sense what others feel. You anticipate and circumvent reactions.

3) Experience transcends time and space. You are aware of unity with the Absolute, of immortal soul, of something beyond reverie. This experiment is your created life. Its bringing you back to oneness with creation.The feeling emerges from a reinforced connection with cosmic consciousness. In the blink of an eye, you are it, it is you.

4) Experience is intense and fleeting. In human, linear time, this means it does not last. Yet, in some way, how your mind, body and spirit register what is happening seems much longer, like the world round you is in suspended animation. Advanced mystics prolong this experience and gain from meditation. The value of the indescribable is in the after effect. You may catch a glimpse of a spirit or ghost and suddenly go from believing in possibilities to knowing what is true.

5) Experience evokes kundalini energy. This phenomena is described among Kung bushmen of Africa, in Sufism, Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism and shamanism. You may detect heat, energy, bursts of pain and spontaneous body movements. You sense a wrinkle in matter is opening. The base of spine feels it.  The sensation extends up through the back to your crown chakra and beyond.

6) Experience humbles you.  Instances exist when something beyond you, beyond the physical world, is clearly in control. This is apparent in trance states, mediumship, intuition, loving inner voices, dream visitation by spirit, contact with spirit guides and angels, Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), astral dreaming, premonitions that come true, healing power and links to higher wisdom.  You cooperate as a channel, telepath, empath, teacher and willing student.


Move beyond the chains of time

Analysis of dream submitted by Ian in Melbourne, Australia.

Dream- I had an astral travel experience which took me to England. I flew through atunnel and found myself in the home of a friend (whom I have never visited in person). I saw him with his feet up on the table. He was smoking a cigar. I observed his furniture in detail and telepathically read his mind about his intentionfor a project.When I awoke, I wrote my friend and received confirmation of all I hadseen and feltin the astral. Part of me knew telepathically and through ESP what he would say. I struggle to separate dreaming fully from reality.

Predominant Emotion- fear, surprise, self-love and acceptance

Interpretation- This dream highlights an advancing awareness of timelessness. It is a process to learn to surrender completely to wherever you are, that is, to be totally present. It is one thing to visualize and reveals progressto experience it. As you drop levels of inner resistance, you discover hidden spiritual power. Imaginary projections are only in the future.

Many human beings live a fragmented existence. The physical body does things and the mind wanders between past and future. When mind is unsatisfied, it refuses to accept what is. When mind wanders away from the now, negativity arises, the inner space is not clear and conscious astral travel is inconceivable. As mind empties of thought, you are no longer trapped in the time continuum. You not only realize every event is happening simultaneously, but you travel between moments.

Telepathy is free-flowing dialogue among open minds.  All that is necessary is heightening levels of sensory perception.  An outer sense of purpose has limits yet and inner sense of purpose offer a labryinth of possibilities.  As mind-created layers of problems dissolve, untapped abilities present to you.