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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in core values (6)


5 Tips to take things in stride

Life is full of surprises.  We may tell ourselves that we assume we always know our destination and are familliar with the route of travel.  Yet, in many cases, our journey turns out to be more of a winding path with frequent stops or detours in unexpected places.  It can sometimes feel very confusing, even trigger emotional roller coasters.  Our personal and professional relationships may also be challenged. Here are ten tips to take things in stride;

1. Listen to the breath

2. Tune into body sensations

3. Grow aware of thoughts and beliefs and core values

4. Ask for advice or guidance from someone you trust

5.  Grow aware of to whom and why we give our power away 


What are we here for?

A question more people are asking is, "what am I/ why are we here (for)?" Initial ideas that come to mind include; to nurture meaningful relationships, to create fulfilling career, to find balance, heal a physical illness, or unresolved emotions that surface as a symptom of something deeper.    

Imagine for a moment, what is behind every choice you think you make, every dream or project you conceive, underneath every emotion you feel, repress or hide, mirrored back in every relationship and encounter you have had, is a yen to feel more comfortable with vulnerability. Imagine any loneliness, dissatisfaction and fear you secretly feel inside, is a path to deeper connection with yourself and the world.  Where do boundaries fit in? The clearer and more respected your boundaries, the higher the empathy and compassion you feel for others.

This moment is an opportunity to explore what Brene Brown describes as True Belonging: Believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness as both being part of something and standing alone in the wilderness.  True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are, it requires you to be who you are.

Ask yourself what you are recognizing and celebrating about yourself today. How intimate are you with your own core values? Living in complete integrity with core values allows you to live in harmony with the Soul. Only then are you fully aware of why you are here and being authentic.

Stop walking through the world looking for confirmation you don't belong.  You will always find it if you make it your mission. Our call to courage is to protect our wild heart from constant evaluation. No one belongs here more than you.- Brene Brown


7 revelations for job changers

More and more people are deciding to change jobs or careers up to five times before their mid-thirties. Traditional retirement from one career is often a stepping stone to a new role. You might be considering change, even if you are unaware of what is going on in you or where you are headed.  Ponder 7 revelations to enrich your journey:

1) It's you that wants to make a change, but you also stand in your own way

2) Traditional anaylsis keeps you going in circles

3) The conventional job market, boards & lists may not suit your needs

4) Consulting a career change coach brings support & forward momentum

5) Interacting with different people & exploring new environments is key

6) Stepping outside the box requires shifts in perception & priorities

7) The urge to change relates to growing awareness of core values & why you are here beyond the obvious


10 Reasons why clients choose Dreambuilders Australia

Sometime clients come to us with a particular issue or situation to examine and resolve.  Other times they request guidance in figuring out the next step in a life transition.  We offer a variety of services. If you are considering coaching, consider 10 reasons why clients tell us they choose us:

1) We align what we do in our business with our core values (live in integrity)

2) We empower clients to identify and align their lives with their core values

3) We support our clients in their changing job, career or leadership roles

4) We guide clients to connect the dots to their dreams, challenges and fear 

5) We offer strategic business coaching based on direct experience in small and medium sized business

6) We highlight the importance of growing self-awareness

7) We learn at least as much from our clients as they say they learn from us

8) We encourage clients to make beliefs conscious & let go of all they outgrow

9) We invite clients to see & actualize untapped skills, potential & abilities

10) We support clients to clarify what matters, be focused or regain balance 


Creating a Personal Vision

Notice a personal vision is a pointer for why you exist or what gives your life meaning and soulful direction. Give some attention to the following statements and write detailed answers in a journal.  Clarify and add new dimension to your dream.

  • What are the ten things you most enjoy?  These are the things without which you feel you are missing something or feel somehow incomplete.
  • What do you feel compelled to do everyday to feel fulfilled?
  • What are your five core values? (key principles you live by)
  • Your life has a number of key dimensions, all of which merit attention in a personal vision statement. Write one important goal for each of them: physical, spiritual, work or career, family, social relationships, financial security, mental improvement and attention, and fun.
  • If you no longer had to work to support yourself, what would you do?
  • What do you absolutely wish to do before moving on from this world?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses according to others? What strengths  and/or weaknesses do you see in yourself?
  • How does your evolving vision statement incorporate all this?