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Liara Covert, Ph.D

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 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in death (20)


Reclaim True Power

Notice as the nature of immortality is consciously remembered, conditioned fears about death and external attempts to control our DNA technology fall away. As we bravely take full and complete responsibility for all our beliefs and perceptions, it dawns we live the life we create and accept energetically. To recognize we are Infinite Beings with Source consciousness that exists beyond drama and linear time, is to know Soul enters body after body, to experience divisions into gender, creed, ethnicities, nations, adopt prejudices, reject Self and heal trauma. We die over and over in mind as we let go of self-created illusions. As True Nature reveals itself, illusions are replaced by Universal Love and a sacred geometric reality of light. As we lose ourselves, we see everything else that is here.



Listen closer & feel 

When ready, it comes to our attention that we express emotions on the surface which are hiding what is really going on inside.  This is a kind of unconscious split that prevents us from living in our integrity, blocks clarity, and postpones life choices that enable us to feel harmony. Various breathing practices can be used to help us get to the bottom of what is really going on. What if its possible to tune in, raise awareness, and truly listen to the signs and signals of the body in a whole new way? What if we could shift from thinking about what happening to allowing all emotions to flow? Breathwork is one tool that allows us to get in touch with our true selves.

We are each responsible for our happiness.  We create it, manifest it or stand in our own way for reasons only we can uncover at our own pace. We are each the architect of our reality.  We choose our thoughts, our preceptions, our responses or emotional reactions to external forces.  All-the-while, we each possess all tools required to our expand consciousness, see each event  from a different point of view and transform our lives. We can shift from living unconsciously in fear to living consciously by vibrating love. At any moment, we have the power to listen closer, change how we think and feel. Reminding ourselves to follow intution can help us reframe life and death.


Interview with Robin Easton

Over the years, I have had the joy of knowing Robin Easton. We connect on a variety of platforms and resonate with unique journeys.  During this period of planetary shifts and changes in perception, I feel intuitively guided to interview her. 

As a nature photographer, long-distance hiker, animal communicator, author of Naked in Eden- My Adventure & Awakening in the Australian Rainforest, she guides others to see the world differently, to trust intuition and strengthen conections with the natural world.  Thanks Robin, for reconnecting, for opening up and inviting us to feel the way into heart-warming shifts in our own lives.


1.   If you were to present yourself using three words, which would you choose?  

“Emotion, Soul, and Nature”

These terms reveal mystery, awareness and depth of character. Please expand...


I am deeply, fearlessly emotional, both by nature and conscious choice. I love exploring raw, honest emotions, no matter what they are. Many years ago, around the age of twenty-six, through personal experience and my own soul journey, I discovered that instead of resisting my feelings, instead of trying to control them, judge them, shift them, manage them, or bypass them with my mind, I could use my emotions as Living Vehicles, highly Intelligent Vehicles that had a direct connection to The Great Mystery. I knew, that given the chance, these Emotional Vehicles would carry me Home. The inherent energy of emotions is to return to truth, resolution, peace, and love. 

It sounds like regardless of what the mind tells us, feelings are vibrations that actually weave the story of our life ...

I realized that I could safely let go and flow with this Emotional River. I could embrace this ancient intelligence, these living emotions loaded with eons of Cosmic Code. If I allowed my emotions to live and breathe, they would effortlessly carry me Home, back to my most profound origins, my most honest and empowered self. My soul would effortlessly heal. 

Many people relate to the idea of the human experience being a healing journey.

I also realized that no emotions are judged by Compassionate Life. Judgment is a human condition. However, in the pristine presence of Life itself, nothing is seen as “good or bad” or “right or wrong.” In the absence of a lifetime of judgment, there was only with The Great Mystery. No evil would befall me for exploring emotions that my cultural had shunned, banned, or told me were bad emotions. I would not destroy the Great Fabric of Life by viscerally expressing and exploring my rage, hate, despair, shame, horror or any other emotion that my culture had told me were ‘bad’ or ‘negative.’ Living wild, as I was in the Australian rainforest, far from my culture, my ancient soul had room to remember a Life Force so vast that it would encompass and embrace all that I felt, all ‘wrong doings’, all darkness, all deviations and emotions, and it would do so with the utmost tender love.

Funny synchronicity- I also ventured 18,000 km from my birthplace, to Australia. This shook me up, introduced me to the "emotional river" and led me to wake up to a whole new way of being. 

In flowing with this Great River of Emotion, I would not only burst open confining, old prisons, but I would fully awaken to Life. I would always have emotions, but I would no longer fear feeling my emotions. There is a magnificent distinction there. I would no longer need to manage or control my emotions, or other people’s emotions, or the world around me…so as not to feel. I could freely feel all that arose. In doing so, I was set free, birthed into the Vast Cosmos. 

Love that you highlight from the moment we connect with the universal in our own story, we relate to something far bigger than ourselves.

With this deep understanding, it no longer mattered to me which emotion arose: rage, joy, grief, fear, love, despair, shame, or curiosity; I embraced all without judgment, and with wide open, curious heart…just as the Great Mystery embraces me. I no longer chose to manage or control my emotions. I simply walked into a place of solitude--at the time it was the Australian rainforest where I was living--and I reclaimed my birthright of emotions, all emotions. Nothing was silenced. I simply let speak the emotions that sought voice. I embraced each emotion as an already wise teacher. I let my emotions overcome me, tracking and observing them as they flowed through all the ages of my existence. I became wailing grief, fiery rage, trembling fear, and always euphoric love, empathy, and compassion. As I befriended my stunningly alive emotions, I befriended myself. It was, and still is, a singularly intimate experience between me and Life. 

What a beautiful way of describing how you shifted from focusing on words to tuning into the language of emotions and the wisdom felt in silence.

Once I committed to allowing my emotions, I became these emotions, let them speak their truth. Often generations of supressed emotion passed through me, cleansing all those who came before me and all those yet to come. 

As I allowed the dam to burst, I observed what unfolded. I didn’t need to analyse my emotions. They told me what they wanted me to know, and what they needed, why they were angry, sad, ashamed, terrified, despaired, joyous, or in love. I saw them as highly-intelligent, Living Entities that knew where they needed to go to reach resolution and fulfillment. 

The emotions you describe as 'highly-intelligent living entities" take shape in my mind's eye as geometry. I sense everything as vibration and frequency and this takes shape in sacred geometry paintings.

I set only one boundary in this emotional ‘allowing process’ or soul journey; I would not physically or emotionally harm another life in any way. I would take full responsibility for everything I felt.   

I feel that much of my American culture lives with animotophobia; fear of emotions, any emotions. We live in a type of institutionalized deadness or numbness, lacking the inherent vigour of Life itself. Our culture fosters and supports this state of numb unconsciousness and amnesia. Legal and illegal numbing agents are as readily available as blades of grass on a green lawn. Even our psychology, our medicine, allopathic and alternative, as well as our religions and alternative spirituality, our schools and higher education systems teach us to control, reign-in and shut down our emotions. This emotional starvation and eventual shutdown usually start at a very young age. With time, it is seen as perfectly normal and rarely questioned. 

Animotophobia is familliar in practice even if many peopel are unfamilliar with the word.

 Could well be. However, the soul never experiences this shut-down as normal. Emotions are kin to our souls; they will not be denied. They have a will and life force all their own. When we do not acknowledge our emotions and honor this brilliant life force within us, when we deprive our emotions of witness and healthy, natural expression, they invariably slip out sideways, desperately straining for resolution in whatever way they can. In this frantic, often out of control push for resolve, our emotions then can cause chaos, suffering, and destruction…possibly, desperately trying to get us to feel. Emotions want to be seen and honoured, for they are the Soul of us. 

That is so true! Breathwork is one tool that reveals the nature of blocked emotions people often do not even know they have.  It helps me remember so much, including how to let go, be fearless, open to experiencing everything. Truth exists to be uncovered directly.  Surrender is a timeless teacher.

I live in a culture with few places to sit, explore, and feel our emotions. I do not mean to just sit and talk about emotions, but to actually have a visceral, animated experience, one with sound, energy, movement, tears, wailing, released rage, or laughter, one that can appear messy, confused, raw and seeking, a living experience where we momentarily lose ourselves to Intelligent Emotion. Given the chance, children emote as naturally as rain. They cry, wail, scream, rage and laugh, sometimes all at once. I feel that at some point we all need to be able to experience our emotions without tidiness, judgment, context, or correction.

So, would you say that emotions teach us about emotions? 

If allowed, emotions can shatter long-held emotional dams, dams that we have unconsciously grown weary of constantly reinforcing and plugging repeated emotional leaks. If allowed, this Emotional River will crash through our seemingly safe deadness to finally set free Life’s inherent flow. Once the river flows, the entire landscape of our being is reshaped, our world view forever altered. We heal the Soul of us, and the Soul of the world. 

We feel what feel and our bodies know what we need to feel. To allow emotions is one of the most stunningly beautiful experiences we can give ourselves or witness in another. We enter Sacred Ground. When claimed and honestly allowed in ourselves, without harming ourselves or others, emotions are a gift of the purest, most honest Life. We are recharged, uplifted and healed. Emotion is a sign that we are fully alive, that we are flowing with Life.

Indeed. What I hear and feel you saying is we exist to be conscious, to feel fully alive and to guide as many as possible to experience this. Would love to hear you expand on the word  "Soul".


For me, Soul is the deepest part of who I am, and will always be. The Eternal. It is where I landed many years ago when I headed straight into all my emotions of grief, fear, despair, anger, joy, and love. It is why emotions are so important to me. Since my Emotional Soul Journey, I have lived completely from a place of Soul. It now is all I know. I was so utterly reshaped by Emotion that I cannot clearly remember a ‘me’ before my Emotional Soul Journey. 

Over the years, I’ve been told numerous times that I relate to others totally on a Soul level, as opposed to a more surface level. Through this feedback from others, I was able to see the truth of how I relate to those around me.  

I am extremely empathic, so I feel and hear the soul feelings of every soul that comes my way, whether that is in person (face-to-face), on the phone, or through their written word. It doesn’t really matter which way, as I still hear their soul talking to me. Not necessarily what they are thinking, but deep down, what their soul is clearly reaching out to say, or how their soul needs to connect, to be heard, the truths, yearnings, pains and joys that the ‘mind’ denies or reasons-away. 

On a soul level, wordless exchanges are carried out in mere seconds, with lightning speed, and are always profoundly moving and completely honest. I tend to not think of people as humans, but as souls because that is what I foremost see and feel. It is how I experience other species, as well, which allows me to easily communicate with many wild species. 

I love both the Light and the Shadow of Soul, especially the stunningly beautiful ‘Dark Night of the Soul’, a place filled with stunning Light. I have experienced Soul as something that will not be denied, much like Emotion. It lives wild and free, a powerful, Sovereign Entity. It is highly emotional and will not be tamed. Like a mighty river, we can either flow with it or spend our lives struggling to contain it. When denied, both Emotion and Soul will ultimately find a way to express themselves. However, it might not be in a way that we appreciate or would choose. But then, they are trying to get our attention, trying to get our help in setting them free.

There are many humans who move through the world using psychology or even 'enlightenment' to rob the soul of its beautifully organic expression, its grieving, raging, wailing, indignant, confused, unsure, frightened, raw humanity. We humans often forget that the path to enlightenment is rarely via a by-pass. Although, the thought of avoiding the deep, dark pit that yaws open before us, can be enticing. 

While we may cling to our emotional by-pass, often the only way to the Light is through the deepest, darkest shadows…where eventually the Light shines more brightly than we ever imagined. Soul and deep, abiding enlightenment, spirituality, creativity, passion, music, art, writing, dance, and radiant Light are often found through honestly, fully allowing our messy humanity. And, ultimately it is beautiful and magnificent.

I consciously choose to let Soul live and breathe. I love that Soul does not care about tidy emotions or keeping up appearances. Eons old, it is direct, honest and irrefutable, a timeless truth. In my book, Naked in Eden, I write: “Soul is an experiential learner with little use for concept and reason.” When Soul is honoured and allowed to live and breathe in its own powerful way, under its own directive, it is a clear, healing force. When we live with Soul, we know who and what we are.

And what does"Nature" feel like?


Many of us humans think of the brain as the remarkable organ that lives in the skull, but I tend to see the whole of Nature as my brain. Nature would include the entire cosmos, the ‘All of What Is’. 

When we are not plugged into Nature, we are much like a lamp sitting on a table trying to glow. Although the lamp has a bulb in it, and the lamp thinks the bulb is its source of light and energy, its brain), if the lamp cord is not plugged into an outlet, its Power Source, the lamp cannot glow. 

Without deep connection and merging with Nature, we humans are much like an unplugged lamp. We might still look human and even look beautiful, but we are not plugged into our Source. We are not glowing. Left unplugged, we wonder why we don’t feel light and energized, or why we feel depressed, lethargic, unfulfilled, hopeless, lost, angry and alone. 

Left unplugged, we often experience mediocre intelligence, little creative impulse, and even less desire to explore our own lives or Life in general. We tend to operate far below our true Nature, our inherent Gift of Life. 

As a human-collective, when we walk around unplugged from our Source, often in a state of amnesia, we exist within the confines of a very small, illusory reality. We act independently of the rest of life on Earth, independently of the rest of our ‘Self’ (Nature). We walk around thinking that the reality we live is the ‘all of us’, the ‘all of everything’, a reality where we hold dominion over all other life, both animate and inanimate. 

In truth, we can never exist separate from Nature, not even in death. Separation is a physical impossibility for we too are Nature. However, we can and do exist in ‘separation thinking’, which has far reaching ramifications on ourselves and all life around us, including air, water, and soil.

As a species, when we plug into our right place, along with all the rest of Nature, the inevitable outcome is a ‘re-membering’. We become a member, again. We plug into our greater brain and infinite intelligence…Nature. We discover more peace, heightened creativity, reassuring sense of connection and belonging, and an endless supply of love and a vital intelligence that is capable of guiding us throughout our lives and beyond. We begin to empathize with other species as we understand their lives, needs, and gifts, as we understand that they are part of us. In this dawning we recover our empathy toward all life. This Intelligent Love flows through all things, is all things.

Ultimately our intelligence does not come from books, schools, teachers, or gurus. Intelligence is who we are. Just as the tree knows to grow toward light, its Source, we also are hardwired to grow toward, and with, our Source.

Although, I have 'called in' and communed with many species in the wild, such as beavers, mule deer, rabbits, crows, and more, every single time I do it, the awe of it never diminishes. I never feed or touch my wild Friends; we simply spend time near each other to commune. The wild ones are always safest left wild. During this merging of souls, I hear their thoughts and feel their feelings, and more thrilling is that I feel them feeling me. We often exchange breath to leave imprinted memory through scent. I always go away filled with stunning intelligence and wisdom, directly downloaded from my wild friends. 

The intelligence that we can tap into and be part of is breathtaking. I have often thought that I am only a 'body' and all of Nature is my brain. Without conscious connection to Nature, which in truth is the rest-of-myself, I am like a body walking around without a brain. Since my intelligence and creativity is Nature, without it I am less than mediocre.

If we allow it, Nature has a beautifully humbling effect on us. We realize that we have more to learn from other species than we ever imagined. We tap into the most piercing intelligence going. To sit and witness Nature is to see intelligence unfolding before our eyes. Everywhere we turn Intelligence is happening; from the unfolding petals of a rose; to the heliotropism of sunflowers as they follow the sun east to west; to the green leaves that turn sunlight into chlorophyll; to the cawing blue jays warning their tribe of intruders; to the morphing of billowing white clouds; to the stunning fuchsia rays of an evening sunset. The world around us implores our awakening, eager to commune, teach, love, and reveal itself…as yourself. 

When we forget that we are connected to all life around us, we suffer a grievous loss to our beautiful humanity. Our grace and dignity fall by the roadside. Without awareness of our Extended Self, we lack empathy for each other and all other life forms. We often feel little or no connection to the natural world that we are inseparably part of, and no compassionate connection to ourselves. We become the deadliest species on the planet. An absence of empathy usually leads to fear-based actions: greed, abusive power, decimation, unconscionable cruelty, and blind quest for the almighty dollar. 

Right now, on planet Earth, our collective absence of empathy is epidemic. This absence of empathy allows us to kill, destroy, and decimate on a mass scale so vast that we have brought about the world’s sixth great extinction. It is the only mass extinction in planetary history that has been caused by one species…humans. Because we live in separation-thinking, and yet cannot physically be separate from Earth, we destroy the source of our life. Hence, we destroy ourselves.

Resonate your alternative love-based view of the fearful idea of pandemic.

Yet, when we consciously merge with Nature, our Extended Self, we are rich beyond comprehension. We understand that the very Life we now love…is quite literally our own. We are not separate from anything. When we merge with and empathize with all Life, nurturing is born. We hunger to protect that which we so dearly love. We humbly know that we cannot live without it.

Likewise, children raised in relationship with nature, and adults who reclaim their relationship with Nature, are far more likely to develop empathy for all life. They usually have deep values, caring natures, awareness of the world they live in, and clear, strong values and conscience. We naturally protect what we desperately love.

If it feels right, please share a relevant excerpt from your book...

~ Excerpt: Naked in Eden – Robin Easton 

“Your love decomposes all that is not me. You leave me with wild prehistoric eyes. In our mating I forget myself and separation vanishes as if it has never been. I’ve fallen desperately in love with Earth. If we do not desperately love a thing, we cannot care for it.” 

When we spend time with Nature, with our senses fully captivated, we forget ourselves and expand our souls into tree, rock, lizard, water, fresh air, hawk, and all things. Merged with Nature, we start to see how truly vast we are. We begin to experience our Extended Self. As we become the snail, the crow, the deer, the rabbit, and the snake, our own intelligence expands as we take on all that these other life forms teach us. We become as vast as the Cosmos. We come to know the Soul of Existence. 

To understand with our whole being that everything is infused with, and of, Intelligent Love, is to realize that all things are connected. We are never alone. Everything around us is aware of us, curiously observing us, feeling our intentions, and merging with our souls, awaiting to welcome us Home. It is humbling to know that all life around us, even the rock, has been aware of us all along. This awareness gives birth to deep abiding love. We feel safe and held. We unequivocally know our humble place amidst all the rest of life. We realize how little we know, how much we have missed, how much there is to learn and become, and how infinite Life’s possibilities.

In 2010, you shared the extraordinary book, Naked in Eden: My Adventures & Awakening in the Australian Rainforest.  In 2020, the second edition of this book was released.  Please share highlights of what has happened during the gap in editions. Why revise & re-release?

I wanted more liberties with my book than my publisher afforded me. Many book contracts (especially those with large publishers) can limit what an author can do with their own book: like recording and selling an audio book (which I want to do); like limiting how much of the book can be shared or used (such as how many paragraphs from the book can be used in promotion, or shared on a social media network such as Facebook, or on the author’s website, etc); like having to ask permission from the publisher every time I wanted to use any quotes from my own book; like the publisher owning the rights to my two future books before they are even finished (which was a bit like someone owning my soul). Some people might like this situation. I did not. I also felt very uncomfortable with the price that my publishers set for the book, especially the Kindle format. The Kindle was almost as highly priced as the hardcover book. In the book cover design, I had little say, so the resulting cover did not express who I feel I am. I have since redesigned the cover. 

Blessedly I got back all of the rights to “Naked in Eden”, and all future books. I now have my own production company, Robin Easton Productions, LLC., and I publish all works under my own label. It is glorious! 

What a beautiful example of listening to your heart, reclaiming that power you gave away and taking responsibility for next phase of your writing journey. The climate of publishing is indeed changing. We each have the choice to listen closer to ourselves, our feelings and do what feel right to us at each stage of the journey.

What brings you from Australia to New Mexico?

I grew up in Maine, USA and blessedly ended up in Australia running wild and free in one of Earth’s oldest rainforests, which saved my life. After several years in Australia--with much of that time spent living off the grid--the forest told me that it was time for me to leave. I knew I could choose to stay, but I was continually being told that I had other things which I had to do. I felt a strong, alluring pull toward something new, although at the time, I had no idea what that ‘something new’ would be. However, I had learned to trust my heart and soul…and the rainforest. So, I left. 

What is your greatest lesson or insight? 

I wouldn’t call it a lesson, but rather an experience of awakening. In my second book I am writing about dying to myself, a death and rebirth. At age twenty-six, I realized that all that I had experienced, all that I 'thought' was me was not me, not even close. It was all a lie, or other people's pain, other people's beliefs, other people's violence, manipulations and control. 

I finally decided to stop running and to turn and face all this ‘distortion’, to head straight into the fear, horror, violence, hate, deviation from both my culture and from personal experiences that occurred in my life. Once fully embraced, wailed and raged over in the rainforest (where I was living), no matter how horrific, no matter how brutal, it all started to fall away as if vaporized. It lost its hold on me. 

At the journeys deepest end, I thought I would find a beautiful new Robin, but I came face to face with the Great Nothingness...and I did not run. This was the first, real, honest, feeling (lacking all deviation) that I had ever felt. I embraced it with tender mine. 

For almost two months I wander naked, both physically and spiritually, through the rainforest. I did not speak with one human soul that whole two months. As I wandered, torrential rain cried with me and cleaned all residue. 

Finally, one day sitting by a tiny creek, I said to Life, "I do not mind this Vast Nothingness. I cherish it, but am I to always be alone here?" A clear voice spoke, "You are not alone, Robin. You never were. I live here in this Vast Emptiness. You are me. This, dear one, is who you are. Now that you are empty, there is room for me to enter."

With an infinite sigh of love, The Great Mystery breathed Life into my emptiness. I fell to my knees on the forest floor and wept. From that day to this...I know who I am.

I have never been the same since. I live in love, breath in love. I wail, weep, and rage in love. I am alive…with Love. All around me, every single soul, rock, tree, blade of grass bathes me in Love. I fall into love, over and over again. Who could resist such intimate tenderness? Not I. I throw back my head in ecstasy…and sigh. 

When we no longer cling to the tiny, illusory, isolated self, when we ‘merge with’ and have no self at all, we become All Things, as vast as the Untouched Infinite. Merged with all Life, we know how it feels. Empathy is born. We no longer want to harm, only to love. 

We extend into the infinite stars and beyond. Our 'mind' is not contained in a tiny skull. We ‘think’ with our entire Being, all of Existence. Our mind is The Great Cosmic Brain, as it always has been…and will be. We think, feel, and love with wildly beating hearts, with passion unleashed. In this Vast Emptiness, we come Home.

Please share your perspective on ongoing world events? 

Something I learned, many years ago in the Australian rainforest, is that Life is always trying to heal itself…on every level. Since we are Life itself, we are automatically included in this healing process, whether we like it or not…and often we do not like it one bit because we don’t recognize the healing for what it is. We tend to perceive it as the bane of our lives, ‘everything is falling apart’, another uncontrollable disruption, a curse, a plot out to get us, or an unthinkable disruption.

Love your reminder that order and disorder exist simultaneously. It is like a choice to sense and experience integration.

In Life’s wisdom and desire to constantly heal and balance itself, we are very blessed. We are not offered only one chance to heal, or one chance to understand ourselves and the Life around us, or one chance to change the course of our lives; we are offered infinite opportunities to grow, heal, and become conscious. This gift of healing and awakening may not always come in a form we want or when we want, but it does come. Every moment is a new opportunity to reach out and connect with Life, to reframe our world view, and to awaken more vastly to life. 

Well, more and more people are certainly prompted to step back, question information given, self-reflect and re-evaluate priorities. People are changing jobs, habits, moving geographically, healing and it feels like energetic shifts on the planet and universe are reflecting this.

Although we might not recognize it as such, Life is infinitely compassionate and continually offers us an opportunity to awaken. When we resist and choose not to see the proffered gift, when we choose not to grow or awaken from the events of our lives, Life does not stop there and say, “Well you blew that opportunity. I tried to get you to awaken and you shut down and clung to your unconsciousness. Well, that’s it for you.”  

No. Life has all the patience and determination in the world. It will circle around yet again and again, creating events that attempt to bring us to our humble knees. Life desperately wants us to awaken. It sets up situations in an attempt to dismantle our rigid defences, and shatter our numb deadness, exposing us to Life, to our Greater Self. We usually do not see these gifts as opportunities. We tend to see them as unfair disasters, setbacks, mistakes, and we are the poor victim placed in the middle of the swirling chaos.  

As hard as it might be to understand, these challenges and disasters of our lives are here to help us awaken. Right now, on the planet, we are being called to awaken in a very big way. Yet, as a collective we have ignored the Call of Awakening. We live in deep somnolence, dead to ourselves and the world around us. We surround ourselves with as many ‘sleeping pills’ as we can. We cling to our amnesia and fortify its maintenance, as we resist awakening. Yes, there are, and have always been, those who walk among us, beautiful, rare souls who implore us to rise up into consciousness, to open our hearts and minds and see that “we are the ones we are waiting for.”  

We humans cannot live on this planet in a state of unconsciousness. Life knows this, and deep inside we know this. Currently, in our chosen state of unconsciousness we are killing everything around us, including each other. We create violence which weaves its way into every facet of our cultures. 

Of course, we lament the presence of this current pandemic. We dislike having to be aware. We grieve the loss of our beloved dead ones, and often fear for our own lives. We hate the isolation. We are restless, and many don’t know how to be still, to be silent, to simply be with themselves. We panic when we can no longer ‘go, go, go’…run. Many don’t like being forced to stop. We don’t like to ‘feel things’…anything. We are uncomfortable with the weirdness of it all, the not knowing when it will ‘pass’. We want to control it or pretend it is not happening. We feel stunned, angry, indignant, and want it to all go away so that we can go back to our ‘normal’, safe lives. We greatly dislike having to be this aware. We don’t want to think about masks and protecting ourselves in the grocery store, being aware of how physically close we are to others, or who we can and cannot be around, what information is true and what is not, and what about our kids and the grandparents. We don’t like this pressure to be so aware. Awareness initially takes effort, especially when we have been living in unconsciousness. Yet, if we want to stay alive---not only live through a pandemic, but stay alive as species on planet Earth---we now need to awaken.

We are not asked to live in terror or even fear, although we must honor these feelings, as they are a natural part of being human. However, we are being asked to live in a constant state of awareness…not alertness...but Awareness. As hard as it may be to comprehend, constant awareness is our natural state of being, our innate state of being. This piercing awareness is who we are. We have just forgotten. Now is the time to remember.

I pray that collectively we do not miss the gift this covid-virus brings, as painful as it is, as much tragedy and grief as it brings, and has brought. I nonetheless feel that this virus is here to help bring about a global shift into awareness because at this point on the planet, it is going to require a massive global shift to save the inherently beautiful human species from extinction. We can no longer respond to ourselves, each other, and the planet from a state of unconsciousness that only leads to fear, greed, chaos, violence, and destruction. Now is the time to align our consciousness with that of Planet Earth. The alarm has gone off, the long sleep is over, and now we awaken. Lean into and flow with the magnitude of this planetary shift and life will carry us forward. 

It sounds like you are increasingly aware of different ways of viewing the pandemic and everything in perception...

In light of this awareness, my heart, soul, and tears cry with the thousands of people who have lost their loved ones during this covid-pandemic. These souls know awareness, and will never be able to forget it. Please, rise to awareness and move safely and respectfully through the world so that there are no more losses. Rise to the awakening call, and live your life with awareness, integrity, and respect for yourself, others, and the planet. Do not waste the life you have now, no matter how limited you might feel it to be, no matter how afraid you are, no matter how weird the times. Live your life in honor of the lives lost, in honor of the Life that still lives, in honor of all Life on planet Earth. Live as fully as you can in every moment because it is what you were born to do. 

If someone asked you to describe death and your experience with it, what would you respond? 

For me, there is no death. There is only Life flowing into Life. We do not have to physically die to be merged with The Great Mystery, we can die before we die. It’s who we already are, but we fear letting go, relinquishing control, when right at our doorstep the whole world beckons us to let go and merge with our Greater Self. 

very excited that you share a workshop recording: Things Eating Things- Reconciling Death in Nature

I am one who lost all illusion, died to self, crumbled to dust--never again to pick up my illusory self. What I thought was me, was not. I grieved my own death, and found my Soul in the Great Darkness. It was there in the deepest silence that I heard the sweetest voice. It was there in the darkest dark that I saw the brightest light. It was there in the Vast Emptiness that I found ‘god’. 

Merged with All, we are never alone and we never die. 

Resonate completely.  Love a relevant quote by Nisagardatta Maharaj: For me, the moment of death will be a moment of jubulation, not of fear. I cried when I was born and will die laughing. 

Breathwork is one path which reinforces the same revelation on a conscious level. It is freeing!

Some people describe 'kundalini awakening.' Can you comment on this? 

Since I choose to not read spiritual books or most books, I don’t know what Kundalini Awakening means. I tend to prefer to learn through firsthand experience, observation, intuition, and feeling. When I do this, I am immutably altered for all time. 

Like cloud watching, people do tend to use different ways to describe different ways of seeing and feeling the experience of energy flow.  Words are less important than the experinece itself.

If you could share some advice with our readers, what would that be?

I rarely choose to give advice. I am not even sure what that might look like. However, I do love to share my own personal experiences and feelings--as I’ve done here--and let others derive from it what they might want or need in this moment, if anything. We all are so different and unique; I prefer to witness the uniqueness of each soul, rather than crowd sacred space with an agenda. I love to listen to other people’s stories, feelings, and experiences, with no intention but to see yet another aspect of myself, another aspect of Life itself. I now know that every life I meet has something astounding to teach, something incredible to share. 

Please share anything else you feel the urge to share. What is your greatest wish? 

Although, I might use the word, “wish” in passing conversation, I don’t usually think in terms of ‘wishes’. Not that people can’t have truly beautiful wishes, they do. Wishes can sometimes give people hope in the way that having a dream might give hope. However, I tend to think in terms of, “How can I help?” What can I do here, in this moment, this day, this situation or event? What is needed? How can I help ease the suffering of humans, other species, or the planet? Or, likewise, how can I foster love, balance, or harmony?” 

How can people get in touch with you? Contact details, upcoming events: 

People can reach me through my website. They can also follow my Facebook page, subscribe to my Robin Easton Newsletter and Blog and sign up to be notified about updates.

Thank you again Robin, for your candidness and the energy of this conversation. You invite each of us to listen more attentively to what we all know and feel in the heart.


Listen to the breath speak

How often do we hear breath speak and truly listen? Here is an insight shared by a Rabbi: 

The name of God back in the day was Yahweh because breath was life. Give it a go.  As we breathe in, we make a sound similar to 'Yah' and out sounds like 'weh.' That's how God got that name. Originally, it was believed that every time a human being took a breath, we are praising the name of the Creator.

Imagine that every creature on this planet, whether they know it or not, says the name of the creator in the language of every breath. Imagine the impact of consciously reminding ourselves this is also the first thing we say when we are born in abody and the last thing said when the physical body dies and soul moves on. Every moment of every day, we are voicing who we are under and through our own breath.


Interview with Randolph Rogers

In early July 2011, Steven L. Hairfield and I interviewed Randolph Rogers on our Aware Talk Radio show.

Ever sense that you encounter others in your life to reflect back some deeper insight that you are already conveying to and through yourself? What if the nature of your own openness determines what the universe reveals?

The enthusiastic response to the show means we are going to have Randy back as a guest again. The intriguing nature of Randy’s book, The Key of Life: A Metaphysical Investigation inspires me to interview him here. I offer the exchange for your consideration.  Notice feelings or timeless inner knowing is triggered inside of you.

Many people switch careers and even have “life-changing” experiences, yet all do not write books. Why share this personal detective story, and why now?

My story begins with an old friend from grade school, Kathy Lynch, reaching out to contact me from beyond this physical plane of existence. As I began a search to find what had become of Kathy it became apparent that I had to document everything.  This came partially from my previous 20 years as a photojournalist, having to keep notes and records of everything, and was also heavily driven by Kathy asking me not to forget her and to tell all her friends what had happened with her.  I knew there was no better way to remember Kathy than to write a book telling her story.

It would help readers who are unfamiliar with your life experience if you would describe the turning point that triggered your awakening (shifted your focus of attention from the physical world to non-physical states of being).

The real turning point in my life came on the evening of July 5th, 1996 when Kathy reached out to me in my dreams and then in the out-of-body experience (OBE) that followed immediately after I returned to my bed.  I knew after that evening, things were never going to be the same with me again.  I brought my secret search for her out into the open and from there it became a full on investigation.  The events that occurred that evening opened my eyes to an entirely new way of looking at life and especially shed any fears I may have had of dying.  Feeling her spirit with my that night was something that I'll never forget.

People who are sceptical about OBEs do not recognize the nature of their own fear and self-doubt. What insight about moving from ‘believing to knowing’ could you share to empower others to be open to expand their perspective?

Belief is a word I never like to use. The word places you in the psychological state of holding a proposition or premise to be true without the knowledge that it is true. Growing up in a Catholic family, I am all too aware of how the church used that word to bend your thoughts into their way of thinking. The nuns used that word day in and day out to imbed a myriad of church doctrines, none of which had the slightest proof of truth behind it. In the earliest days the church condemned Galileo for promoting the idea of the Earth revolving around the Sun.  His knowledge was in direct opposition to their belief.  You see from that example what will always win out. 

I love Galileo and the nature of love and fear he invites each of us to recognize within.  One of his timeless quotes is: "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."  This seems to ask each person to feel his way to the truth, whatever that means. Is that your point?

My point is that working as a journalist, I put things into two categories, it was either the truth or not the truth.  I had no use for a belief system. Following a belief was a dangerous proposition. If you always search for the truth you will never be disappointed. The place to begin that search is in the details of your own life.

Some people also say, 'expect the unexpected and never be disappointed.' The dreaming of the world is seen as meaningful and meaningless. How do you sense the truth in different layers of dreams?

The dream world holds many truths within it.  The biggest problem we have is sorting through the tangled images upon awakening [from night dreams]. 

What do you notice about the evolution of your dreams, in other words, how you sense what is valuable and real [in this moment]?

During my own journey, I found that keeping a good dream journal is imperative. It helps to log important events so a clear pattern can be interpreted and recognized quicker.  If you are awakened in the middle of a dream that helps to bring back real information that will prove more accurate than sorting through a mix of events that combine images from past waking moments.  In the end it is hard to tell which elements are important but I've found that the truth will easily reveal itself when you document everything.

Many people can appreciate conditioning limits their views on situations and prevents them from seeing clearly. Stepping back and writing certainly invite deeper recognition of symbolism behind thoughts and feelings.  This said, what, in your view, is the best way to honour the deceased?

I feel the best way to honor those who have passed is by celebrating their life and keeping their memories alive in stories about them. I know with my own father and mother now on the other side, I find myself always speaking to my son about my life with them. He was with me during my own mother's last days in hospice and has a good understanding that it was not her end but merely her transition onto another plane of existence. She spent all that time with us sharing stories about her life as a young girl and all the fun she had experiencing it.

Your current focus of guiding people through and teaching about past life regression hypnosis reveals a particular perspective on the immortal soul. How would you suggest a person who fears death explore his beliefs and see his resistance for what it is?

I know that in my own experiences of helping people to view their own past lives and then connect with their spirit guide in higher self, they all come away with a more complete understanding of who they really are, not the person they see in the mirror every morning, but the true spirit that is driving that character.  Understanding that imbeds you with the knowledge, hence the truth, that we never die. We are indestructible spirits that live on forever.

Some people sense experiences unfold with outcomes in different worlds or dimensions.  How is your understanding/ perception of time and space shifting?

My knowledge of time and space is only perceived on this dimension.  Outside of here there is no time or space.  All things exist at once beyond this plane of existence.  There are many mornings that I wake up here knowing that somewhere else, on another time-line, I'm living a different life.  I feel as though knowledge of elements of that life have come back with me into this existence.  I can never seem to grab onto them for very long but they are there none the less and I find myself having quick glimpses of them occasionally as I move through my waking hours.  We've created these time-lines to give dimension to our being.  Our spirit grows as a result of moving along the time-line and experiencing all the karmic challenges we bring into our lives.  Upon our return to the other side, our universal spirit has grown as well.  Some may call it God, Deva, Allah or a host of other names, but who they are really talking about is the combined spirit of us all.

What advice would you offer to help people be more aware or discerning of synchronicities in their own lives? 

There are a lot of things you can do to help you recognize the synchronicities in your life.  To begin with, give full attention to all conversations and positions you find yourself in everyday.  This means paying attention to the stranger who talks to you in the grocery line. Chances are there is a message being sent in the simplest of situations.  It helped that my background included 20 years in the news business.  I was use to paying attention to the smallest of details and then retaining that information. This is one trait that is helpful in recognizing the synchronicities in your life. Again, keeping a journal or diary also helps when the synchronicities span several days or weeks.

To realize we each give all the meaning to whatever we experience can be quite an eye-opener.  It invites awakening to responsibility and accountability. How does it feel to recognize the nature of this choose-your-own adventure?

A lot of people may say they would never choose the life they are living. I know for a fact that you not only choose it but write the script you are going to follow.  Knowing this gives me a solid feeling of confidence as I move along my path in this life.  You know that any challenges in front of you are obstacles you created and you can overcome as you strive to achieve the experiences your soul needs to grow. The greatest gift this life experience offers each of us is recognizing the connection we have to each other.

You might say then, people are increasingly allowing themselves to talk less and feel more.  They begin to see messages in their language and discomfort. Why would you say emotions guide people to recall their true state of being?

Using your emotions to guide you is key in helping you recognize who you are.  On the other side everything is driven by one emotion, love.  When we open our hearts on this plane of existence, we are opening a direct communication link to the other side.  All of us have the ability to do this but so many people close it down or never open it to begin with.  It's as simple as following your inner thoughts, that first thought of visiting a friend or calling someone, before your conscious mind shuts down the idea to keep you on track with that day's schedule.  Learn to live your life more in the moment and not plan out every detail with no room for spontaneity. If you do that, you will gradually discover the essence of the spirit within.

What does “seeing” mean to you and how is your sense of reality changing? 

Seeing to me is an illusion.  I've come to know that everything around me, including my own body, is an illusion being created by me and all the other souls on this journey.  To go a step further, we've created a perfect movie set to play out each of our own life stories as they mesh seamlessly with each other. The power required to do this is beyond anything you can imagine while you're on the set.  I find myself constantly marveling at the events blending effortlessly together with a precision that defies all attempts to understand it.  It leaves me with one thought constantly on my mind, the only thing that is real is the spirit within me.

Amidst all that is available, what are you determined to be or experience?

I'm determined to complete the contract I've made before incarnating into this life.  I know that one of the reasons I'm here is to keep track of events along this timeline.  I've been a photographer since I was 10 years old and I always have a camera with me.  Being here at this time and place is the most exciting assignment you could possibly receive. It is a great time of challenge and change that will move us onto a higher vibrational plane of existence.  As we move closer to December 21, 2012 we will experience not the end of the world but the beginning of a new one.

People can indeed be reassured that they are never upset for the reasons they think. As people begin to accept more is going on than the mind can fathom, then thoughts are suddenly less relevant. Please share with our readers the essence of you would like them to take away.  Let them know where they can find more about you and your current endeavours.

My favorite story is one that was told by Krishnamurti.  I reference it in my book and here it is:

One day the devil and his friend were walking down the road when they saw a man up ahead of them stop, bend over and pick something up from the roadway. He examined it a moment then put it into his pocket. 
The friend said to the devil "What was that man putting into his pocket?"
The devil replied "It was a piece of the truth."
"Well that's not good for you then," the friend replied.
"Oh not at all," said the devil.  "I'm going to help him organize it." 
This story speaks volumes as to the reason we must all search for our own truth.
The name of my book is The Key of Life; A Metaphysical Investigation. It's a great blueprint for examining the details in your own life. All the names, dates, times, places and events in it are true.  But don't believe me, go out and discover the "Key" within you.  All you have to do find it is follow the truth.

You can read about my book and purchase it at or  It's also available online through Amazon or Barnes and Noble.  Also connect up with me under Randy Rogers on Facebook and get the latest updates off my Key of Life fan page. I do conduct past life regression workshops and private sessions using hypnosis. These can be done both over the phone and in person in Los Angeles.

Thank you, Randy. We greatly appreciate the reflections you offer readers who visit Dreambuilders Australia. Your insight touches on the nature of dreams, immortality, awakening, spiritual essence, inner knowing and indescribable experiences that resonate in ways many people cannot explain.

Love how you invite people to connect with the sleuth within, to feel more comforable with who they are, to be more open to transitions in career and perspective, as well as to courageously face those fears that block the truth from revealing itself with unquestionable clarity. As you imply, you know what feels right. Allowing intuition be your guide shifts everything.  What resonates in a heartfelt truth speaks for itself. Life reveals it is wise to trust the heart.