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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in death (20)


Look at self through new eyes

To view yourself as an eternal being helps you view and understand the physical self through new eyes. Every moment, you continue to be that which you are. You choose to be born into a physical body to experience resistance, states of thought and emotion. Why begin the quest to connect with things beyond self, be it God or source? The spirit knows. Until you stop fearing death, you do not allow yourself to live. As you stop not wanting death, you realize what this transition truly is, and the process you feel now. Know that nothing is wrong with where you are or how you feel. You arrive knowing what is happening.


What if you are not this, but that?

Part of you may assume links must exist between your perception of the real world and imaginary worlds.   What if there is no need for such a link? What if they are interdependent yet, no need exists for a bridge? How else could you intuit existence? Do you sense a dream?

At this moment, your points of reference may extend from a sense of being born at a certain place and perceived moment in time.  Imagine the possibility that the assumption you are born is misplaced. If the real you is not born, then it does not die. Imagine you never truly own or possess anything, including the physical body you inhabit, the identity and labels you adopt. What if everything is borrowed, even time? Invite self to discard ideas that define what you are. This is how you gradually shift perception and Transform Your Life.


How do you feel the implications?

If ever you have known anyone on the threshold of leaving this world, then you may feel invited to contemplate new levels of meaning in impermanence.  For some, to reflect on death is to explore new degrees of freedeom. Yet, many people are conditioned to believe it is hard to ponder death and freedom.  When you attempt to evade fear, or ignore facing death, somehow, both seem worse than they are.

Every moment, you have opportunities to gain insight into mind as more than physical processes in the brain. A different perspective says the mind is a threshold to boundless freedom and boundless realities. It is where you are faced with true self, core judgment, and the implications of choices made throughout your physical incarnation.  And yet, such a review is also possible while still being alive.

Consider how you view responsibilities, how you collect them, to what degree you feel you control them or feel they actually control you.  How do perceptions mezmerize and deceive you into creating misplaced prioirities? Maybe only those people who grasp the fragility and impermanence of life truly recognize how precious it is.   In truth, impermanence is ironically the only lasting possession.

Everyone has free will to make the most of time he is given. To what degree you ponder life and death opens a panoramic reveiw.  Nothing distrubs you unless you choose. To love unconditionally and serve collective humanity is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.


Savor things as they are

Regardless of your conditions, as you reconnect with your core self, you realize you are happy as you are. You always have the choice to view things with a liberated attitude. Savor things as they are. You are always gaining something valuable. If you do not yet sense love and acceptance, you still can with faith. Consider revising your perception of life and death right now.

The following classic Zen story offers related food for thought;

Before Ch'an Master Pao-fu passed away he told his disciples, "I have been feeling weak lately. I suspect that it is almost time for me to go."

Upon hearing this, some of his disciples said, "Master, you still look very healthy."

Others implored, "Master, we still need your guidance," while some urged, "Master, please stay for the sake of all beings."

One disciple asked, "Master, when it is time for you to go, will you go or will you stay?"

Master Pao-fu asked, "which do you think would be better?"

The disciple answered without hesitation, "Whether it is life or death, let it be!"

The Master started laughing, "When did you steal the words that I was going to use?"

Upon saying this, Pao-fu passed away.


Reach inside for the key

Analysis of dream submitted by P.

Dream- Herse driver stands on a beach beside trailer towing a dingy.  A man, woman and child leave in a larger boat. Driver waves goodbye, then, realizes he does not have a certain key. He drives a distance along the water and keeps family in sight. He heads them off where they have to pass closer to shore. Driver waves his arms to get their attention. The man comes ashore in relatively calm water. He jumps off the boat, gives a key and returns to family. Driver opens trunk and uses key to open the casket. He puts something inside. Then, he tries to run, but feels paralyzed and cannot move.

Name three key issues you grapple with now in waking life:

1) When to have children
2) Legal obstacles prevent freedom to travel
3) Family health issues (life and death matter)

Notice what stands out:

The herse driver represents endings and new beginnings. He transports a casket that symbolically contains something you have outgrown or no longer need. Part of you resists lessons available to help you move on. Deciding to appreciate where you are helps you to sense reasons to stop struggling. If the mind focuses on something or somewhere you are not, you miss the value of just being and opportunity to surrender.

To feel immobilized suggests your unconscious desires are not yet aligned or 'in-sync' with current conscious wishes. When ego mind imagines fear and soul echoes love, this can result in confusion. Misunderstandings about imortality trigger physical experience that humbles you and offer new insight.

Helpful people or guides are never out of reach. Your intution directs you to what you need. This includes family, support systems or, the appropriate moment for certain biological and other life choices. Your thoughts and emotions create your life. Boats symbolize coping mechanisms at your disposal. 

Part of you is ready and willing to confront the unconscious and whatever frightens you. That part is shifting your sense of reality and what is possible. If you are not completely honest with yourself and others about what you really want and how you feel, then you permit fear to control you and obscure truth.

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