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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in dream (50)


Let the inner sun shine

Every moment beckons you to open up to deeper revelations about who you are.  What does this mean? Supposing everything; thoughts, feelings; events are all optional.  Focus of attention shapes everything. You have unlimited choices about what to recognize, live and experience.  Examine, reflect, do nothing or everything.

As you encounter perceived contrast, this reminds you of choices to interpret or not, to react emotionally or not.  This is a moment of decision. What stands out? Why focus there? What prevents the inner sun from shining? Thought. Let it all go. Nothing is as important as you think. What if nothing matters, but attachment, memory, desire selected focus or judgment? Stay still. Be the dream.


You are in this world, not of it

Its easy for people to allow external events to trigger emotional reactions within them and to allow something else to control them.   Perhaps this sounds like you. Perhaps you know what this feels like.  This moment, this dream, is about you.  The reason you exist is not to strengthen any beliefs.  The reason you appear here is not because you are looking to be convinced of anything.  You connect with theis stream of energy as part of a process, a shift in consciousness.  You recall you are in this world now, but not of it.


See good in everything

You may know what it like to have a dream or endeavour that you focus on whole-heartedly with initiatives.  When that dream does not pan out as the mind plans, or not on your projected timeline, part of you may wonder why. You may ask what you could do differently next time.  The mind is conditioned to expect disppointment, to focus on what does not unfold.  And yet, there is also the opportunity to see the good.

After the expected roller coaster of emotion, you may come to tell yourself everything happens for the best. Everything is a stepping stone to the unforeseen. You find the silver lining. You see the mind tricks you into believing its possible to do something wrong. You only ever do things right. As you step back and take the perspective of the universe, you are always travelling. The longest journey is inward where you awaken to the feeling of being and accept whatever comes.

"I absolutely believe that if we see the best in others, we bring out the best in others – and in ourselves. " -Jenny Blake

"If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Travel anywhere

It can be a fun exercise to take out a globe or another kind of map and choose places to visit. Dream your way there using all senses. Perhaps you have deja-vu, like you feel as though you have been somewhere in particualr before and are going back.  Imagine that  you are able to travel anywhere, without limits.  What sort of adventure would you undertake?


You see it all 

As you imagine a place without any distinction whatsoever, you no longer notice anything is bad or wrong.  You love something about everything. You know everything turns out well.  At any given moment, you exist in the best-feeling place you can find.  It is no longer possible to experience the absence of something you want.  You only vibrate on the same frequency as that which resonates with you and you have it all.  You choose to allow everything. You only see things through eyes that sense wellness, love, abundance, appreciation, value, compliments, advantages, optimism and align this.  You see it all through you.  You only see the best in yourself.  Focus on that feeling.  You expand love into places you do not yet dream.