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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in emotional (13)


Allow True Nature to unfold

Notice non-duality is a realization attained as one rises above or moves beyond the thinking mind. The consciousness that identfies with thoughts is always awake, alert and attuned to that which is real, that which reveals itself as thoughts fade. Although a variety of views exist on non-duality, the common approach to fully engage here is to quiet the mind and focus on the breath. One can shift to see the mind not as a object of thought, and not separate from wider consciousness. From this point, no quest for nirvana or samsara exist. Liberation from an illusory world and forgiveness for what is imagined in it, are not necessary. We always know all of this but ego discourse distorts the Truth of who we are. Early in life, we are widely conditioned to fear what we peceive to be real in the physical. This begins as trauma that creates a glitch in the program. The emotional /psychological pain or indigestable aspects of physical reality lead one to create an ego structure to avoid them. We teach ourselves to avoid them by creating behavioural patterns that not only block that sense of "real pain and discomfort" but also block core energy reality beyond. People create phobias and ideas they fear as layers to further bury what they actually fear- being themselves which implies losing ego mind. This requires letting go of ego structrues as all ego identity is conditioned to believe is real and necessary to survive. As humans, we are taught distance self from feared objects or experiences. The ego defensiveness does not allow true love for along with love comes facing the terror. Ego cannot enter fully into divine love because this representes the end of the Ego. As one grows more mature, one can examine one's own condition, deconstruct and open layers that produce the suffering or byproduct of defensiveness, closed-heartedness and imaginary reality. The unconscious core does not wish to lose its core identity. This fear reappears in suffering and anxiety, nightmares, intrusive fantasies,and perceived karma. Ego is constructed by illusory thought structures and fear of return of the real. A key revelation is ego only sees or accepts its own projections. Let ego-driven realities go and allow True Nature to Unfold.


7 Dimensions to Breathe into wellness

Many people have heard that mastering the rhythm and power of the breath is the key to optimal health and well-being.  Yet, fewer are familliar with the dimensions of wellness and the ways each one is positively affected by breathwork. Feeling a spark of curiousity growing within?

Turns out, our breath is the energetic stream in the background that shows us everything is interconnected.  What if we could be guided through breathing sessions that empower us to see, feel and release our own blocks? What if we are primed to feel more love, joy, balance and realize greater potential naturally? What if the experience of pure freedom is closer than we think? What if we are missing something and this makes things seem harder than they are? What if we could align the conscious with the subconscious mind and let go of what we outgrow?

Thoughts, feelings, beliefs and emotions are in a perpetual dance. Thoughts and beliefs lead to emotions. Our feelings and emotions shape our thoughts, and other areas of life. We cannot affect one without affecting all. As we uncover origins of our negative self-talk and unconscious behaviours, and shift, our emotions and conditions shift. As we honor our feelings, voices of anger or fear diminish.  Ponder 7 dimensions to breathe into more holistic wellness;

1. Physical
2. Emotional 
3. Mental 
4. Social 
5. Financial 
6. Intellectual 
7. Spiritual 


Only one thing matters

Only one thing that matters is state of consciousness.  Everything else is relative. To connect with that which is beyond the self is the most selfless thing and yet, is often missed.  Notice what you decide has power to make you unhappy. What is missed?

The mind tells you what it wants. The heart says the world unfolds as something else. Peace is what transcends every mental perception. The purpose is not what ego mind assumes. Connect with what makes you weightless.  This is not a physical diet.  Feel the incredible lightness of being that is nothing, a state of non-division, pure innocence.

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