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Liara Covert, Ph.D

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"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in energy vibration (34)


Reach new dimensions of existence

At this moment, many people remark on different stages of their own awakening. You may notice that you feel different, develop new interests or prioirities. You ease into something you may not put into words.  And yet, you know you are coming ful circle toward the end of a cycle. What does it mean?

A possibility is you reach new dimensions of existence or, prepare for the next stage of becoming. A particular place jumps to mind.  Part of you knows you have been there.  Another part knows you are going.  You sense renewed  purpose in this location. Consider how these 7 ideas relate;

1) To fear prevents expansion and blocks access to fulfillment.

2) To raise vibration echoes thought & feeling directly.

3) Transparency opens you to layers of shifting energy. 

4) To honour the self is necessary to honour anyone else.

5) To hear the authentic self, reveals other people hear it.

6) To nurture curiosity is needed to propel you ahead.

7) To know reality is light that conforms to your intentions, changes everything.


Lynn Grabhorn & 23 ideas to open the stargate

When you ask questions, and the body offers answers, part of you reaches into cosmic intelligence beyond the body's physical comprehension. The quest of life is part of a journey.  Its what makes you what you are, life and in process of opening to a new stargate.  What could this possibly be?

Lynn Grabhorn is author of Planet Two, a book about a sister world in a higher dimension.  In her view, each person is awakening on levels that are inviting the self to step outside what he has been taught in order to reconnect with the heart and spirit.  Some people link the ultimate transformation to 2012. Consider 23 ideas she offers to help you sense your energy shift is opening the stargate into a higher dimension; 

1) Death & destruction as humans know them, do not exist.

2) What is truly important is not seen by physical senses.

3) You are not alive by accident, but due to energy synchrony. 

4) You have spirit guides that do not judge and only love.

5) You are not alone in this world & this is not the only world.

6) You have amazing untapped, talents and  potential.

7) You are a child of the infinite light, a luminescent being.

8) You come from other realities, and incarnate again.

9) You engage in a cosmic game of questions and answers.

10) You already transcend experiences in time & space.

11) You are a pillar for change, regardless how silly it seems. 

12) Your are a precious building block of the universe.

13) You are God- creator, here to help create new universes.

14) You are far more than you think.

15) You are capable of awakening all the ancient teachings you had temporarily forgotten to enable them to enrich the present.

16) You will know soon whether you are here to learn, share lessons or both.

17) You are becoming someone who is forgiving the world.

18) You 1/2 unlimited potential to increase the range of sound frequencies you discern.

19) You are in process of shape-shifting layers of energy.

20) What you do with this creative process is up by you.

21) You effect huge changes already, outside physicality.

22) You detach from dogma, limit and expectations to be you.

23) You read energy. You are free to do what you want with it. 


Paranormal events happen to normal people 

Just when you convince yourself of what it means to be normal, you discover paranormal events happen to normal people. This is apparent in the energy and enthusiasm with which stories are shared. It may also be noticable in your own perception of existence. Nothing is ever the same. Ever wonder why this is?

Paranormal events are those loosely described without definitive, and agreed upon scientific explanation. This is understood as things that happen outside what is conscious, familar and easily explained by the rational mind. Some people sense they began thinking with the heart, moved to the head and are in the process of reconnecting with heart awareness.

When a biological life form expands to a higher level of consciousness, it does so in part by reinforcing its sense of a past and connecting it with present to make sense of what is folding. Thus, paranormal is also viewed as normal.

Electromagnetic theory offers to explain paranormal events such as telepathy and seeing spirit energy. To sense energy fields involves subtle perceptions of feelings, emotions and other energies which differ from what you associate with dense energy.  For example, people who experience NDEs are known to become more sensitive to different energy levels. Yet, they are not the only beings to sense non-verbal or other energies.

Consider the provocative impact of someone who reaches rock bottom in physical life. Then, a near death experience (NDE) opens doors to other worlds. To experience those other worlds and return to what you had before shifts perception of what you think or know. This prompts new levels of energy awareness.

Consider a voice in the dialogue of my Self-Disclosure: Changes from Within book. It reveals how each of us is given information from a higher self, that may be viewed as a spirit guide, an angel, an extra-terrestrial or something else. You go though stages of awareness where you sense wisdom is obtained from outside the self and arrive at a point where you can begin to access infinite, inner knowing.  

Consider how you sense changes are occuring within and around you.  What would happen if you choose to record everything you perceive to be happening?  Much of what you hear that is normal or not is not based on your inner sight or intuition.  As you detach from what you are told is normal, you gradually come to realize it is actually something else. 

Another view of paranormal is to realize your internal points of reference are shifting.  One result is your external perception shifts. Some people connect this to the unfolding, magnetic pole shift of Earth itself.  Every human being has opportunities to learn to change certain things within the self in order to be more calm and balanced throughout altering perception. 


What is soul travel?

Soul travel means different things to different people. Consider what this means to you and why you come to feel this way.

Some people sense soul travel is like dreaming. At different perceived periods of time, often at night, part of you floats to separate from the physical body and reconnect with identity that is not related to your physical person. This process includes rejoining the body after perceived experiences in dream worlds. Such experiences are described as out-of-body experiences (OBEs), astral travel and lucid dreaming.

In another way, soul travel is sometimes viewed as a roller coaster ride through emotions. You sense the origin of feelings and sentiments and begin to discern subtle, underlying messages. They are generated as learning tools to shift focus of mind.  Soul encounters artifical happiness to transcend it.

As you raise awareness of a higher self, that inner voice with noble intentions, you access a detached perspective on your life choices.  This sense of courage always knows the higher good. In this way, soul travel is also associated with reincarnation, past life regression and future life progression.

Still other people sense soul is the spiritual part of your being that is only truly set free when it is disembodied permanently from your physical self. This happens from the moment of physical death. Stories and experience teach you soul has a mind of its own and exists in formless states, like when a ghost haunts a mortal person or you sense the presence of a deceased loved one while you are alive.

Another view is that soul travel is constant, inter-dimensional and multi-sensory energy. This idea suggests every being is engaged in soul travel every moment, but that their conscious awareness is not aligned with this core truth. Awakening to realities beyond the one you are conditioned to focus on reveals the single, divine Source. Your perceived identity or soul is fragmented from the Source and always on route back to aligning with the original Source. Paths back home vary.

If soul is understood as every human being, then wherever you consciously or unconsciously perceive to travel is soul travel. By extension, wherever any part of your energy essence chooses to travel, this is also soul travel. In fact, if you sense soul-splitting consciousness, you sense you are engaged in many different journeys, on different missions right now.

You might ask, if you leave dandruff in the bathtub and that goes down the drain, is that soul travel? If your clipped nails go out with the trash, is that soul travel? On some level, the answer is yes. After all, part of you is going somewhere.

In essence, many levels of soul travel exist. How you view and experience soul travel relates to awareness of energy vibration and expanding consciousness. Some levels are obvious to the human mind and others remain beyond the scope of your current understanding. Be content wherever you are.


Why expand perception of time?

Human-perceived time is a concept that fascinates increasing numbers of people.You are beginning to sense time for what it really is. Reality is not what ego would have you to believe. Consider this;

1) The basis of strongly felt ideas at present is energy vibrating from events and conditions. Ideas that resonate in you actually vibrate constantly at the same frequency. At a given moment, you tap into energy of all beings who feel as you or, share your perspective.

2) Nostalgia is a vehicle or conduit that connects energy of like minds and transcends time.

3) False barriers of separation you imagine systematically dissolve as you shift energy to connect with the subspace mind (sphere of consciousness unblocked by space and time).

4) Time does not prevent renewed inter-connectedness. Love energy is a soul-level bridge. You sense beings that resonate in your field of emotional vibration the physical now. Their energy endures regardless of whether they exist in the physical form at this moment

5) To discern common ground with someone or a group is actually a reunion of invisible spirit.

6) As you raise awareness, you come to sense different levels of energy intensity. Stronger energies are often linked to beings living on the physical plane now, but exceptions exist.

7) To tap into awareness and feeling energy is a means to travel backward and forward in time.

8) Subspace energy of entities no longer on the physical plane is as transparent as your own.

9) Opportunities exist to creatively share information between physical and subspace minds.

10) To transcend time enables you to move beyond other, assumed perceptual limitations.

11) A focus on limited understanding of genetics and functions of the physical body misleads you to disregard perception or intuition that has no corroborating physical evidence.

12) Human beings choose to live in a collective state of denial regarding certain realities.

13) The expanding sense of global awakening suggests more people are willing to recognize and work through and overcome core reasons for their fear of the unknown.