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Entries in energy vibration (34)


What if anti-gravity is possible?

Many people are reluctant to detach from their points of reference, hesitant to think outside-the-box.  For example, it is often assumed a person must exert enough energy to overcome a physical resistance or gravity rather than imagine gravity itself can be reversed. Many people also assume certain popular teachings are fact rather than choose to explore possibilities beyond what is taught in school.  This video encourages you to remember the power of intuition.  You are encouraged to open your heart to experience energy beyond the physical. Imagine how your dreams transform from within as you decide anything is truly possible.  Tap into Cosmic Synchronicity.


How do you experience your transformation?


Who do you want to be? How do you choose to feel? What if you decide what comes next for you? What if multiple events are unfolding simultaneously and the degree to which you experience darkness is the degree to which you are preparing to experience the light? Consider everything prepares you for right now.  You are remembering and merging with different levels of Cosmic Synchronicity.  Ride the wave of light and love.  Many forms of abundance exist. Each one awakens the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it. Recognize that what happens is awakening you to the authentic self.  What flows to you without resistance?


Do you live what you believe?

Many people base their life choices on conditioning or conclusions passed down through generations. To experience things in a physical body and to take in info through certain senses seems logical. This mindset creates low vibration.

Yet, what happens when you discover physical perceptions do not explain everything? What happens when invisible, indescribable forms of energy and other mysterious concepts awaken unwavering faith? What happens to beliefs then?

The result is a genetic unfolding beyond anything you have yet experienced or imagined. The divinity in humanity is awakening. You move beyond believing you are a simple mammal with a mind, beyond believing you are a powerless creature unable to find your own answers.  You move beyond limitations ingrained about capacities and physical senses.

The higher vibration of your being is gathering momentum.  You are choosing to break free from physical conditioning and to recognize the nature of your own belief systems.  As you undo misconceptions about the past, you dissolve misplaced beliefs and stop defining miracles experienced in the present. 


Expand inter-dimensional possibilities

During my November 15/16 Blog Talk Radio show, I explore some perspectives about inter-dimensional experiences. This program is acessible in the radio program archives.

I note the nature of multi-universes is endless. Diverse beings and experiences encountered prompt new levels of reflection.

During the program, I offer a few paradoxes traditionally raised by Scientists to deny the possibility of inter-dimensional travel. You may have heard or sensed some of these before?

I mention the example of a person who goes back in time and kills his parents and returns to the present, to a period when he would not have been born. I also mention a man with no past, someone who invents a time machine based on the advice of a man who turns out to be himself from the future.

Let's say no authority exists and you have nothing to prove. You can decide the mind is not meant to explain certain realities you experience. Part of you may sense that infinite paths exist and that severing one path is simply a way of creating another somewhere outside your radar screen. You are creating new energy paths that expand consciousness.

To borrow the words of one listener of the radio program: 'If a man kills his parents in the past, then a new dimensional or parallel future is created where the killer does not exist. Its like a new branch of a tree being created by an insect that messes around with a flowering bud.' The branch is a great analogy!
The same listener reminds us a time machine is; 'just a symbol that prompts people to think and believe they travel in time. The intention of doing so creates a flow of energy to make it seem it happens.' An energy being is reminded he only truly travels inward, into the labryinth of mind. As you realize you never leave where you are, its a conscious revelation.

Inter-dimensional travel sparks dialogue and inspires ideas for future shows and books. Some ideas suggested to explore in more detail include; soul retrieval, Near-death-experiences (NDEs), bloodless surgery (4th dimensional energy medicine), interdimensional shamanic healing, shape-shifting, and more.

What is your own understanding of inter-dimensional travel? How would you like to experience this more consciously? How do you do it now? What does it teach you?

David Icke & a new spiritual revolution 

David Icke is a former professional athlete and news presenter. What he describes as a "synchronistic almost daily journey" of connecting with something beyond himself led him to become an author known for writing about who or what is controlling the world beyond 'normal' perception.  He claims a guiding force is transforming his life. His books and interviews, like this one with Max Igan, speak for themselves.

You may wonder what this vibrational communication means for you and your existence. Note the butterfly effect. As humans exist on so many levels of consciousness, acting as receiver transmitters, the implications are profound. If you only speak words to pacify the brain, part of you senses there is a spiritual revolution in process in the form of vibrational change. Most of your communication is non-verbal.  As you tune into switching frequencies, you sense energetic changes unfolding. Your outer life is realigning to new states of being.

Icke explains how intution enables him to learn more and more as he is drawn to books, people and experiences.  He is drawn to specific places without always knowing why and synchronistic things continue to happen. Icke notes he is gradually de-programming the social conditioning of his mind. This enables him to raise consciousness in ways that open his senses and heightens his energetic sensitivities. Although he attributes this partly to reptilian beings, other reasons also help explain ongoing changes.

Ever notice how something beyond you is whispering or guiding you in particular directions? Ever make certain choices without really consciously beng sure of why except to say something feels right? Ever sense energy pulsing through you that affects your awareness and level of concentration? Some people feel they have a lot in common with the protagonist in James' Redfield's book, The Celestine Prophecy, who impulsely headed to Peru on s quest that changed his life.

Energy is indeed travelling through you every moment. What you choose to make of it depends on many things. What do you feel is happening to you right now? What do you sense the purpose of raising your consciousness or kundalini energy? When you sense incredible opposition, something is always protecting and encouraging you to do what feels right. Your sense of perception shifts and you may not feel a need to explain what, how or why.  Just face the fear. Go with the flow.

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