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Entries in energy vibration (34)


How Spirit work through you

Human beings are often at a loss to explain how Spirit works through them. That is to say, it is human conditioning that prompts the mind to grasp and define what Spirit is and how it functions. Explore these five ways ways Spirit works through you;

1) Meditation.  Images that arise during waking meditation actually come from nowhere. This nothingness is also known as the Spirit dimension.  This points out the tangible or physical world is imagined into being by Spirit.  When Spirit initially emerged as a body, it could taste more, touch more and had no need to eat.  Its connection to nature was deeper than many humans allow themselves to experience inthe modern world. You decide to what degree you listen and hear Spirit in all you do.  Walking and life can be experienced as meditation.

2) Mind mapping. Spirit offer opportunities to listen to heartfelt guidance in your life. The mind can complicate images with associations or interpretations of feelings. Spirit always guides a person to make choices based on feelings of increasing inner joy. 

3) Dreamweaver assistance. Spirit help to incorporate ideas into night dreams and contribute to the mental puzzles you put together to solve. They may visit you in spirit form, send signals as metaphors, symbols or sensations. Spirit appear as you expect them in dreams, consciously and unconsciously.

4) Energy vibes. Human beings have free will.  They generate emotions as part of a learning process. Each thought and feeling has an energy vibration. Spirit send love energy which overrules concerns and adds stability to your energy field.  All human beings have not yet raised awareness to detect spiritual presence.  Consciousness determines degree of discernment.

5)  Keepers of neutrality. Spirit help you to know reasons exist for the particular body you occupy, for every event and creature you encounter. In fact, Spirit support you in unseen ways to evolve and recall what you choese to temporarily forget. This includes why you exist and create the situations you do all for your own expansion. In essence, Spirit is an ever-present, silent observer of all. It is not separate from "you."


Rewind the life review

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.

Dream- I was walking in the huge courtyard of a French Renaissance castle. I knew a man inside. I was walking away. I retraced events that had transpired between he and I as if I was an observer and unsatisfied with my past choices. I was able to stop what turned out to be a phase in a life review that flashed in front of my senses. I rewinded to particular situations and consciously revised my thoughts and actions. I did not wish to do harm and was more aware of the consequences of my actions after gaining insight into what occurred the first time. A guide observed my self-evaluation.

Predominant Emotions- shame, guilt, non-acceptance and acceptance.

Interpretation- From a spiritual perspective, energy changes form when a being moves from physical to non-physical planes of existence.  Souls that pass to the Other side go through a period of reviewing life experiences in order to better grasp their attitudes and judgments. Its par for the course.

Flashbacks are conveivable for inter-dimensional travellers. Glimpses into past lives are increasingly common. The purpose is to assess primary, secondary and other lessons during physical existence. Connecting with spirit guides enables you to gain new insight. You learn on a need-to-know basis. One progressively learns about some incarnations as a way to work through current misperceptions.  Messages arise in meditation.

In a general way, your restless spirit seeks resolution. You are alone in thoughts about memories of certain experiences and it appears you grapple with layers of honesty. Core identity is recovered after you peel away layers of deception. You may feel as though you are inside someone else's body. As you discern you are the observer, you begin to sense effects of karma.

On another level, you are shifting energy vibration. That is, you are more keenly aware of pain you may have caused other people and you work through the residual energy.  Sifting though unresolved emotion enables you to gain wisdom you would not possess if you had not encountered certain difficulties.  You are becoming adept at boiling situations down to the heart of the matter. This is a useful skill to master.


5 Tips to tap into your divine gift of creative power

When you sense you receive guidance to undertake something profoundly new, you can feel safe, protected and loved during the process.  To reassure yourself is a choice. We each have innate skills, including natural intuitive and clairvoyant abilities.  Even if you do not choose to develop such skills for use in a career, you would benefit from being able to access different information sources as you navigate various phases of your life. 

For some people, life purpose is a notion that changes and may evolve with them.  Other people believe a sense of purpose can be lost or forgotten.  You may benefit from help to tap into your divine gifts of creative power to reinforce meaning and purpose.  Your intention is key.  Whenever you ask for guidance, it will be given.  It is up to you whether you will choose to be receptive and when.  If you decide to explore what you have yet to experience, consider these 5 tips to get you started (and remain open to others):

1) Realize imagination is a gift.  Society seems to teach us imagination is "airy-fairy" or, not to be trusted.  You may falsely believe it has no measurable value, couldn't lead you to a good job, or sense it would distract you from focusing on more 'reliable pursuits.' You may fear developing faith in your imagination would lead to rejection or folly.  We are conditioned to devalue the power of our creative abilities. Yet, in reality, before anything materializes in the physical world, it starts as an idea with energy potential. 

2) Let the information flow through you.  What you sense about the process is not the result of how you think so much as the result of letting down your walls, learning to visualize what you wish to see, and permitting images to flow.  Throughout your life experiences,  you are taught by Spirit guides, Angels and other non-physical beings. You only notice them when inspired to bridge the gap between the physical world and other realities you would imagine and perceive.  Everyone channels images their own way.

3) Nurture yourself.  In order to grasp things and put them into perspective, you will benefit from learning about and connecting with your spiritual anatomy.  This includes regularly clearing your chakras, channel, and inner emotional screen. To develop faith in your skills and intuition, physical and emotional repair and maintenance are required.  Varied pproaches will help you uncover your emotional blocks and work through them.

4) Appreciate all breakthroughsThis is not a race.  You are not competing.  You learn as you go and when ready and willing to do so.  Many books and information sources are available tools.  What you choose to learn and unlearn empowers you to remove or let go of unwanted or undesirable things from your mind and body.  Revelations ("ah-ha" moments) will add energy to your life force. 

5) Enjoy the twists and turns.  Learning techniques to clear your mind and re-align unbalanced energies will allow you to tap into your divine gifts.  Its all about learning to give up control, to discover how to relax and 'let it happen.' Each person reacts differently to life changes.  To confront misunderstandings and blocks will lead you to experience a kind of rebirth.   Awaken your dormant self and enjoy the ride.


10 steps to awaken your third eye

It is felt that the third eye is active and makes wider sensing possible as humans dream. As the physical eyes are closed, the physical mind works in conjunction with this heightened sensitivity. Many people wonder how they could learn to open this third eye while conscious. What if learning is not the issue but rather, getting out of the way?

Consider the third eye," is where, as the Bible notes, "thine eyes become single," where there is no longer a difference between male and female, and where "the peace that passeth all understanding" dwells.  Another view is that deepening awareness enables a seer to access Godhood. Allow yourself to truly be open and receptive to this other eye.

To deepen awareness, you must truly believe the third eye exists and know the pineal gland used to be the third eye.  It is actually a cosmic receiver and sender of multi-dimensional information.  This gland gets calcified (blocked from functioning/ seeing) as you ingest fluoride and certain foods. You can research this.  A good rule of thumb is to stear clear of processed foods and high fructose corn syrup. You may choose to alter your standard food and beverage diet and toothpaste brand, and drink purified (non-fluorinated) water to decalcify the pineal.  Watch how seeing takes new shape.

You may think its desirable to force the third eye open quickly, like with a drill.  This is not advisable.  An unexpected bump on the head, meditation and yoga are practices that help quiet the mind. The gradual or spontaneous rising of kundalini energy has a huge impact.  When you are ready, the third eye reveals itself.  Ask yourself why you want it open now.  What is the urgency? Did someone tell you to do it? How do you suppose this can serve you?

It is relevant George Boyd explores the attentional principle (purusa). As you evolve to separate yourself from its vehicles; the astral (used in dreaming), causal (your logic) and mental (assumptions), you discern how the third eye functions alone.

At its core, the nature of your attention is like a wave of self-understanding. When you focus at this level, you move from contemplating your 'attentional principle' to being it. Different kinds of meditation focus  attention on the expansive view of the third eye.  Engaging the third eye reveals that you are raising your core vibration.

Practice of Purusa Dhyan Meditation (Based on work by George Boyd)

Sit upright in a chair, or in a comfortable cross-legged position on a sofa or, on a cushion on the floor. Loosen your shoulders. Do head half head circles. Close your eyes. Focus attention at the point between your eyebrows. Shift attention to the areas blow for 3-5 minutes each. Discern experience at each level, then move on:

1) Sense what it means to sit 'here & now.'
2) Become aware of sensations arising from the external environment 'in the now.'
3) Detect sensations arising in the body 'now.'
4) Feel emotions arising 'now.'
5) Recognize thoughts arising 'now.'
6) Reflect on 'I AM' statements, with related thoughts, feelings, & memories.
7) Notice memories and impressions bubble up from the Subconscious.
8) Identify the present sense of time is being recorded in memory.
9) Refocus attention be move through each chakra of the Subconscious mind.

After you have completed the 9 steps above, you are ready to focus attention behind the point between the eyebrows towards the top of your head. You will encounter a presence behind this center that silently observes. Focus more intently on this presence. You will begin to see and feel light emanating from this presence.

Affirm quietly, "the self, the size of a thumb, is seated behind the two eyes. It is self-effulgent light. It is consciousness itself. I am this consciousness." This outlines the attention principle. In a nutshell, its your third eye that expands your vision within when your two eyes are closed.  How detailed your visions become begins inside.

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