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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in energy vibration (34)


Shift your vantage point

You may forget that you experience the world through your own senses. Yet, you are conditioned to reach out into the world, to embark on physical journeys, in order to obtain or experience what you want.  Part of you feels unsatisfied. Its why you are here.

This is the stage of your journey which invites you to shift your focus.  You move from what is unfolding or could be unfolding in the physical world, to remember and recognize who you already are.  Choose to be that.  All the  fear, doubt, judgment opposition and complexity exists in the mind.  Let it go.  You decide on what level of awareness to live, whether you decide to connect with soul.

It all comes back to the base vibration within.  You may wish to heal illness, move beyond issues that no longer matter.  You manage to keep focus on what is beyond the distractions. You prepare to realize the solution to every problem you ever see.  As you recognize what truly takes place, you are the observer within, sense the misdirected action and core beauty.  Choose to Transform your Life.


How are you a transmitter?

What would you say if you began to feel like a transmitter, a relay station for incoming and outgoing energy vibrations?  Like any instrument, the accuracy of transmission depends of the receptiveness and awareness of mind and brain and links to the Source.

Even now, your creative expression is inspired by the strengthening of your inner hearing.  What is this? It is what happens as you remember how to shift focus from the external to internal mental plane.    It is how you experience telepathy, divine inspiration, and other kinds of soul-level communication.  To tune into the reservoir of universal thought is to attune to the wise voice of silence.

Human beings will ask, where do dreams, inventions and inklings originate? One view is everything emerges as energy and sound from nowhere.  You call soul into action and resist the flow or not.  When there is no hindrance, it flows to unleash Cosmic Synchronicity.   


What brings you closer to the truth?

The truth exists beyond any words.  Some people ask how is living according to personal truth supposed to affect their perspective and circumstances?  Thoughts and asking someone else what you are meant to feel is not listening to the self.  Insight beckons to you who is ready.

The truth of who you are is the truth of what everything else is.  As you choose to explore beliefs and mental attitudes, you open up to feel inner shifts of coinciding energy vibrations. You move from being unaware to choosing consciously every idea and experience.  The core of you feels its way through life. As you let go of beliefs you outgrow, you simply join the dots inside you.

Many people come to realize how they are unconsciously clinging onto thoughts that do not serve them. Rigid mindsets prevent you from being the flow. If you believe in serendipity (accidents), you prevent yourself from sensing the symchronicities that connect all you meet and do.   As you move to realize accidents do not exist, you see through the quagmire to ways of allowing and resisting.  The truth of why you are here seems forever changing, but is it really?

As you choose to let go of what you outgrow, you remember to feel who you are.  You also respond to impressions coming to you from all forms of life, from worlds of spirit, intuition and beyond.  You  begin to sense all you do or do not do is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.  When ready, you move beyond seeing coincidences.  You realize chance encounters do not exist.

"Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness."- Kahlil Gibran


How is the new Earth unfolding?

Have you ever imagined the experience of shifting a segment of the planet and population into a completely new dimension? If you feel things shifting in your physical body, this may be a sign your frequency and vibration are undergoing profound changes.  You only ever experience what you are ready and willing to accept in the now. Your thoughts create the experiences you project into being.  Changes related to fourth and fifth energy shifts transform perception and experience.  The human species is evolving faster than you may realize.  Our DNA is shifting now.


What is a multi-dimensional actor?

As you choose to raise conscious awareness higher and higher, you sense entertainment arises from within.  There is less the inclination to seek tapes, movies and external tools as you create your own iving experiment.

Not everyone has the same level of awareness, the same perspective or, same desire to be free.  Part of you knows there is no reason to force anything.  Each person carries his own frequency and creates a coinciding experience.

On different levels, everyone's perception of reality is changing.  How you view these changes and how you respond to everything exernal also changes. This process involves the multi-dimensional self even if this is not grasped on a conscious level. As you expand inward, you sense multiple selves present diverse perspectives.

The more you open to what is inside of you, the more comfortable you are with everything that is happening. You experience the revelation that there is nothing to fear. You choose to be on the leading edge of contrast and still hold within you the spiritual awareness that you exist to explore being and create. The expansion enables you to learn what forgetting and control feel like. You gain insight into limitation and transform. No mistakes exist.

You remember how it feels to be patient, understanding, loving. You naturally transmute fear. Revelations open consciousness. Your creative ability reveals to you that you are in more than one perceived place right now. 

The realisation that you joyfully choose to be where you are now empowers you to remove your own veils of separation. You realize every thought and feeling serves you. This is all aligning in Cosmic Synchronicity.  Some people sense this is feeling of Source energy, the opposite of resistance. To know self is to be consciously aware.