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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in energy (252)


See Life in a Nutshell

Notice none of us is a stranger to the darkness, to challenges or adversity. We exist to make the unconscious, conscious, to face our version of dark, to bring it to light and see things as they are. This is the cultural metaphor of the Hero's Journey, quest for the Holy Grail, the blossoming of the thousand-petalled lotus.
Admittedly, experience is not always wonderful. We might find ourselves engaged in conflict, feeling rejected, abandonned, humilated, betrayed, experiencing injustice or other suffering. Yet, we thrive in unlikely conditions. We are like the phoenix, rising from the ashes as we grow conscious of wisdom of true nature.
Everyone of us is special. None of us is like anyone else. Solving our own mysteries, unveiling, materializing our gifts, translating those into service, is the point of this human experience. We move through layers of energy fields at our own pace, detect and perceive is based on expanding levels of consciousness.



Notice effortlessness is a sign of how much we have evolved into the cosmic flow. Effortlessness is what it is. The journey to surrender is mind-blowing. At some point, the entire universe conspires to allow dreams to be. Resources, teachers, insights, simply come to us, without need to struggle.
Like the lotus opening, its petals blooming to their fullest in their delicate colours. The whole world can vibrate to the rhythm of that single flower. Blooming happens without us. Simple, gentle, sacred expression in multiple dimensions.
At some stage virtually everyone has experienced this natural flow. Until one learns to let go consistently, merge with the flow, miracles seem to happen. Yet, miracles can happen at will. To set the intention, create the energetic need and resources arise without any effort. Regardless of the dream or how big the vision is, it just happens smoothly, fluently, and silently, without making any noise.
Many ask, 'when can instant manifestation be my reality?' When our entire existence is flowing as the living of ‘Who we are’ and ‘How we are meant to live’. Our intentions, thoughts, and intellect, our heart, energy in motion, focus, existence, and co-existence, all align. True Nature arises. Purpose we imagine for us and purpose of Nature, are in harmony. Obstacles vanish. As we become sufficiently skilled at lucid dreaming (being aware of dreaming), we will eventually find our lucidity active while we are awake, eyes wide open, in full clarity.
In essence, energy of all existence is dancing. Infinity dances from the heart. That limitless joy, source of inspiration and serene presence, enriches everything. It is also far-reaching, boundless, and infinite. Here, in this state, 'miracles' happen. Whether noticed or not, miracles happen every single moment. All great works arise here. This is where masterful co-creations emerge.



Transform your frequency

(Image Credit: visionary art Samuel Farrand)
Notice what we perceive in a non-physical environment is determined by our sklll in reading and translating energy transformations. In holographic reality, energy shifts and changes in stages that evolve from one state or form to the next.
Every moment, our body receives, decodes and transmits light. Our experience varies based on level of consciousness and intiations successfully passed. At any given moment, our perception of reality reflects our understanding of ourselves.
As we allow blockages to dissipate, to communicate in new ways, we deepen adventures in consciousness. Every adventure has an entry point, a middle and an exit point. Some relate to a beginning, middle and end of a path. Others relate to a spiral or simply energy in motion without a predicable path. Come what may, each chapter or stage of the journey alters us. We are never again the same.
As it is, we transform in parallel with the evolving journey. To be on the same wavelength as someone allows us to read the mind. tap into the hive mind or collective consciousnes is to know that telepathy is possible on a wider scale. This is not an easy shift for everyone. Deeper connection happens through the vibration of compassion. Learn to tune your own frequency.

Dream Analysis of the Week- Crop Circles

(Image: Hand of God Nebula; source: ESA)

Dream: I dreamed crop circles are being created on the side of the moon.  The sacred geometry is willed into place by a floating finger shape that is conducting stars like a symphony.  Patterns are drawn in the air (vaccuum) and materialize magically on a cosmic rock.  They are then projected from planet to planet like a film until they materialized in particular earth grain fields. Its as if they finally know where to materialize. They only stay until they disappear. 

Insight: crop circles represent communciation with your highest Self and reflects deep awareness of higher vibrational life forms.   You are tuning into suble senses and the presence of a wider reality. This invites you to pay attention to the mystical in everyday experiences.

Geometric shapes are widely viewed as highly symbolic as their configurations lead the dreamer towards inner completion or enlightenment.  Despite this, we are conditioned to seek fulfillment and success in external worlds, to nourish our own dissatisfaction, as though we are continually empty and repeatedly need filling up.  Such an insatiable hunger is perpetually unfulfilled and cannot guide us to the truth or what we truly are.

Symphonies are powerful expressions of creative energy. The presence of sound suggests the dreamer may be ready to express some strong feelings, may not know in exactly what form would be best understood to the intended audience.  It may call for an experiment, to test out and share one form of expression or another.

On a deeper level, focusing outside of us prevents or postpones subtle experiencing of Oneness that we already are.  We are in this world, but not of it.  It all comes back to facing our own mind which is the source of love as well as all of our suffering.  The process invites us to reclaim inner power over our own mind, putting that into practice, one thought and feeling at a time. 

So, on some level, we are each the key to deciphering our own crop circles. Much like we can each look at a cloud in the clear blue sky and see something different, we can all tune into crop circles and allow them to guide us to hear not only the silent music of the spheres, but also our own self-created music and harmony.

Among our services, we offer Dream Consultations as well as an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course. Contact us for more details.


Get to root of dis-ease

Notice we must each get to the root of our dis-ease (discomfort) if we truly want freedom to be our reality. How deeply can we heal our bodies or the bodies of loved ones when it comes to healing? How can energies outside the body be harnessed to heal? The energy that made the body can heal the body.
The what always comes before the how. The feeling or sense of direction presents itself in conscious awareness before the path that allows it to happen, before even clarity of exactly what is blossomin through us or in our midst. We get cues from body signs and signals, the environment. Opportunities show up. We may act in the moment before mind attempts to talk us out of it.
Trusting our gut is just as important as listening and allowing ourselves to tune into subtle senses. It helps to make deliberate choices, about relationships and situations we engage in. We can empower ourselves by deciding to stay engaged for a period, create boundaries, or an exit plan rather than allow others to create our limits, decide for us, take the upper hand. The ball is always in our court.
Consider dreams are the brain’s way of processing information that’s left over from each day. They are rich with valuable data – experiences, memories, learnings. Theya re valuable tools to work with if we allow this. Paying attention to dreams can provide information that we may not have access to when awake. Before falling asleep, we can turn our thoughts to any unresolved issues or situation. Focus energy on exploring options or resolutions as we fall asleep. This is an exercise in both self-directedness and surrender