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Entries in OBE (8)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Wounded Healer

"Wounded Healer" Painting by Tino Rodriguez

Dream: I saw big transparent pages of a holographic book, and imagined a large, blank canvas. I focused the power of conscious thought to open the book. In this version of reality, a woman had hemmaroids (piles) and was clearly distracted from attempts to sleep in a bed. She itched her butt furiously, asked herself aloud if it might be worms? She went downstairs, ate something in the kitchen then applied apple cider vinegar with q-tip to the sensitive area.  Just as the discomfort would fade, it would come back. She then realized her head was itchy and wondered if she had nits. As she allowed herself to laugh loudly and spontaneously at the disturbances rather than get annoyed, the itches went away. She was able to fall asleep, exit her body in an OBE and the page turned.  In another version of reality, a woman was getting a sri yantra tattoo on her lower back and a stellated dodecahedron on the back of her neck.  Her eyes were closed. When the tattoos were completed, a multidimensional version of each levitated above her, rotated quickly and re-integrated into her body which illuminated in light.  After, another book page turned. In the third version of reality, the woman is sitting beside a crackling fire and surrounded by animals, communicating to each one though the heart. She plays a drum and sings and engages in euphoric dance under the light of the moon. As the fire burns out, the page of the book turns to a blank page.  It remains open.


An itch, as a dream symbol, echoes something is bothering you that you cannot escape or get out of your mind.  It may to refer to conscious or unconscious attachment to something that will not go away. You may know its not good for you yet hesitate or resist letting go. The dream is a warning let go or purify the mind.

Sacred geometry in dreams echoes ancient symbolism. It is known to guide humans toward inner completion,  enlightenment or self-realisation.  Specific geometric shapes in our dreams may emerge during periods in our lives when we have gone off the beaten path on our life’s journey, only to guide us back on track. The Creator metaphorically uses these shapes in hopes we become closer with the divine energy that will lead us toward the best course at this stage in our lives.  These shapes are found throughout the Universe. Sacred geometric objects exist in our everyday life – patterns that can be broken-down into a language of math that rules our visible and invisible world.

Three versions of dream reality shared echo a trilogy.  What happens for you in threes? Is this a good omen?  Turning pages is like moving through chapters of change and transformation in your life. Meditate on what you resist, what you let go and what you allow to emerge to replace old or outgrown versions of you. This is a healing process, a process of emergence of a shaman regrounding and reconnecting with true divine nature.

in dreams, animals often represent emotions, expression and the response of your more 'wild,' uncivilized, yet natural self. This part of your nature can be in conflict with the inner critic that urges you toward conformity.  The drum symbolizes the heartbeat of the spirit, the leader of the people.  Its vibrations connect people to each other and to every living thing, backward and forward and in all directions in time, and out into the universe.

We offer Dream Consultations and dreamwork as part of coaching packagea. We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us.


Consciously shift brainwaves

Notice to consciously create the most positive timeline: the Optimal, Core, (spiritual) Zero-Point one, requires mastering #breath and #brainwave states. The human body augments itself naturally into #superconsciousness in the absence of #electromagnetic interference, distractions and distortions. Knowing about the 5 main brainwave states assists us to better grasp our awareness types. The classic names of these EEG bands are delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma. More recently, Lambda and Epsilon brainwave states come to our attention. Through these states, we are beginning to discover what monks have known for eons: Rarely seen brainwave states associated with ecstatic states of consciousness. Lambda waves are very high frequency brainwaves linked to wholeness and integration. They are also linked to mystical and out-of-body ( #obe ) experiences. #Artificialintelligence (A.I.) is not helpful to activating the Natural Path. Lambda brainwaves are rarely seen in most people, but are present in minds of Tibetian monks who meditate. Between gamma and lambda brainwave states exists a higher level gamma state: hyper-gamma. Hyper #gamma #brainwaves exist within the highest range of gamma, (~ 100 HZ ). #Lambda state creates #synchronization of the left and right #brain #hemispheres. This is felt as the “aha” state. Some would call it the more natural state beyond duality.
Hyper-gamma and lambda states of consciousness are associated with #Tummo, the ability of certain sects of Tibetan monks who can mediate in sub-zero temperatures wearing little clothing and keeping a hot #body temperature which melts the snow. The heat generated by this #frequency gives the body ability to radiate heat and melt snow. Its #synchronicity that #WimHof, nicknamed “The Iceman”, shares life-transforming #breathing techniques (#wimhofmethod ). He exhibits ability to control his core body temperature and withstand extreme freezing temperatures.
Turns out, #Epsilon waves are very low frequency brain-waves linked to wholeness and integration. They are also linked to #mystical and out of body experience. Most electro- encephalogram (#EEG) devices are not able to measure below .5 HZ. This is the #yogi state when they achieve “suspended animation”. In this state, western #physicians will no longer perceive a #heartbeat, #respiration or #pulse. The Epsilon state, like lambda state, also shows synchronizing of the left and right brain hemispheres along with feelings of #wholeness and #integration. Many groups of independent EEG #researchers have found these states to be the same, suggesting a circular link between these two extremes of brainwave activity. Upon taking a closer look at the extremely slow epsilon brain-wave patterns, researchers discover super fast hyper-gamma/lambda brainwaves “riding” within and vice versa. This helps explain why the same consciousness experiences occur with widely different brainwave types.



Breathing exercise

Take a few moments to relax and focus on your breathing. Tune into the path of the breath (does it reach the lower, middle or upper chest or diaphragm-tummy area before the exhale?)

If possible sit crossed-legged on the floor.  If this is difficult, then imagine you are sitting cross-legged on the floor. Imagine energy flowing through the top of your head, down through the  limbs and torso of the body into the floor and back up and out your head.  Imagine the energy simultaneously flowing up from the floor through to the top of your head and back down. These are two simulataneous pathways of energy flow.

Imagine you are gently sitting cross-legged then floating up and up into the air until you are looking down on yourself and all that is happening around you.  It is an exercise in levitation that enables stepping back from what is happening inyoru life and the world around you. breath deeply into this refreshing new perspective.

Take a moment to focus on what is happening within.   Look down on your body and feel at peace as you float in the air.  This is more than a simple breathign exercise. It is a remidner you are not the body, not the mind, not the emotions, but far more. 

Now lift your right hand up in front of you and imagine you pause all the activity below. In that stillness, allow your mind to clear. Watch the energy flow out in front and beyond you. Feel it flow out of you in all directions.

Simply allow your mind to flow and tell you exactly what you need to know right now.

When ready,float back down. Be aware of the new perspective you gain.


Interview with William Buhlman

I am pleased to reconnect with William Buhlman. His work is widely known through the Monroe Institute as well as his books and workshops. An author, researcher and expert in out-of-body experiences (OBEs), his insights arise from over 40 years of OBEs. His engaging books invite you to shift how and what you see in this world and yourself. I highly recommend you explore his work.

Since our initial interview in 2009 and your guest spot on my then Dreambuilders Australia Blog Radio Show, much has happened. The purpose of this interview is to  explore themes presented in his most recent book Higher Self Now!, co-authored by Susan Buhlman. Readers can view sample  Higher Self Now reviews on Goodreads. It is available on audible , in print and ebook. 

William, I have always found your books fascinating and engaging and better understand more than ever before why everything is preparing us for the unforeseen.  At different stages, by following steps in your books, I gained insight into OBEs and Astral adventuring.  I thank you for your insights then and again for your willingness to follow-up here.

In your classic book, Adventures Beyond the Body, you reveal astral travel not only expands consciousness, it can verify existence of the Soul, teach you about past lives, enrich your daily life.  This is a riveting handbook for all who wish to venture beyond the body and take the ultimate trip. 

Many people are getting wht 2Cellos echo is a Wake Up call.  Tell us about the most profound discoveries you have made during astral travel about the expansion of personal, collective and planetary (Earth) consciousness?

One of the most profound discoveries that I have made is that the universe, both seen and unseen, is a multi-dimensional continuum. We exist in multiple dimensions, each of those becoming less and less dense as we move inward. Our evolution is an inner journey of consciousness through these dimensions.

Many people are taught to seek fulfillment outside themselves.  Restlessness can cause people to think shifting jobs, homes, partners or life situations is the answer. They often discover changing focus itself does not eliminate discomfort and confusion.  

As it happens, in Adventures Beyond the Body, you state that “A sense of purpose and order becomes clear: I'm witnessing the evolution of consciousness, the evolution of myself through eons of time," (p.51) and, "I have come to realize that the answers to the mysteries of our existence are not hidden; they are patiently waiting for us to extend our vision beyond the dense limits of matter" (p. 212). Based on this, please comment on linear time and how this this is affected by expansion of consciousness? What is Earthly existence like beyond time?

The only thing that really matters is our state of consciousness. There is no physical time and therefore no biological aging or decay.  Non-physical life is a series of experiences – totally unrelated to linear time as we know it in the physical. There is no past or future, only the present.

 My own expanding awareness of OBEs has greatly expanded through regular breathwork and the domino effect after recalling being a womb twin survivor (WTS).  I agree completely with what you say that “Some of the toughest lessons we are here to learn are directly related to thought control and taking personal responsibility,” [especially for our own misperceptions]. What is your experience? 

First you must realize that your thoughts manifest instantly in non-physical reality. Through my out-of-body experiences (OBEs), I have learned that I must take complete responsibility for each thought that I project. I discovered from personal experiences that my thoughts have incredible creative power and it is up to me to take responsibility because they are my creations.

Please share a few examples from your life where you have deepened your awakening by taking profound personal responsibility.

No external force molds our life – we are the creative force.  I have had several OBEs where I have created my entire environment – every nuance of it. One winter, it was particularly cold and dark, so in my OBE I created a beautiful white sand beach with magnificent blue green water. I relaxed on the beach, feeling the warmth of the sun and provided myself with a new atmosphere that didn’t require a plane ticket.

On a more dramatic note, there were times where I encountered my subconscious fears. One of these was revealed in the form of a giant sloth appearing in my OBE. I was faced with a choice – confront it or run from it. I took responsibility to challenge it by sending love to this large and vicious creature. It immediately dissolved and I was relieved that this fear would no longer influence me in the physical. This experience is detailed in Adventures Beyond the Body.

I recall reading about this in your book. It is a wake up call to all of us that finding courage to face our fears is the key to taking our lives to the next stage of consciousness.

 Some people view your latest book, Higher Self Now! as a kind of preparation for the final out-of-body experience: physical death. Death is a topic many people fear. Ego death is different than physical death.  It is said ego dies over and over again while we are still in the body. WHy do you feel OBEs are the perfect tool to prepare for the journey into the afterlife?  

The physical world is a very temporary training ground.  We will all evolve beyond the need for it; some faster than others. Our current experience in matter is but a tiny fraction of our continuing journey beyond the body. Humans remain obsessed with their biological condition and physical form. They still believe that they are physical human beings. In other words, physical life is less than one tenth of one percent of our continuing existence through eternity. Non-physical life is where our primary evolution exists. There is a bigger picture that we sometimes do not see because we are too focused on the physical. We only see the densest level of reality.

This feels like a friendly reminder to meet people where they are, to recognize people only see and experience what they are ready and willing to accept on energetic and other unseen levels.

Let me be clear, we are not biological beings at all but non-physical beings evolving beyond matter. Evolution of consciousness continues through multiple stages beyond the physical experience. We are just beginning our journey.

What a wonderful reminder you offer. A useful mantra is "I am not the body, I am not the emotions, I am not the mind, I am the Soul." Saying it is aloud is one thing, internalizing and living consciously is another. 

The second part of Higher Self Now! was written by your wife, Susan Buhlman.  She draws from her hospice work experience. How do you feel this view contributes to the death culture and rituals in the Western world?

This part of the book is about hospice, dealing with the terminally ill and the death of others. Providing an effective action plan to approach death, the second part of the book was written to highlight the choices we have during the dying process. It opens our mind to the greater picture of conscious transition

In the West, from the moment we are born, we are conditioned to prepare to die, that life and who we are has a beginning and an end.  We are taught to forget our immortal Soul and being. Do you feel this revelation or awakening about expanding consciousness prompts readers to rethink the death process?  Invite your comments on death rituals too.  

In the west, we avoid the topic of death rather than embrace the opportunity to influence our transition of consciousness. We must consider physical death as just one step in our journey. It is not the end of our existence, but the next phase of our evolution. Effective preparation for transition of consciousness is sadly lacking in many of our traditional religious practices.

 What if a human does not need to die to fully merge with the Higher-Self? Could the next stage of human evolution involve a biochemical and energetic change or DNA activation/upgrade that would create a new kind of existence on Earth? What do you see during your own OBEs? 

It is important to recognize that the emotional and physical attachments we have do not automatically reconcile at the time of death. In fact, our entire state of consciousness will carry with us from physical to non-physical being. This can be guided by the words and actions taken before, during and following the physical transition. We encourage people to be an active participant in their own spiritual growth.

 As you imply, support and encouragement are key. I refer people to films and books because of the power of the imagination. Sometimes people accept ideas easier when presented as fiction. The new film of Madeleine L'Engle's book, Wrinkle in Time invites viewers to see themselves and what is possible in a whole new way.  Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan  is a 14 -book series that also invites people to engage in different kinds of journeying which permit expanding more than the imagination.

People love inspirational quotes. Each chapter of your book Higher Self Now! contains them. They inspire seeing from outside ourselves, like having an OBE. Why do you choose the particular quotes you include in this book? How do they shape or reflect your own transformation?

(Loveyour opening quote in Ch 1:

"If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation."- Lao Tzu)

The quotes were selected as a content summary of each chapter. These comments also support the fact that there is harmonious wisdom and others have eloquently expressed their representation of our consciousness journey.

 Please share your most significant spiritual lessons and the circumstances that triggered them. Where is the most memorable place you went astral travelling and what did you retain or learn from the journey?

The most significant experience that I have had is to merge with my Higher Self during an OBE. This was a life changing experience that is very difficult to describe. Imagine floating in an atmosphere of pure love, clear light and an all knowing wisdom of consciousness. It was the foundation for much of what I know and teach today.

 In Chapter 4, you offer your readers "The 21 Day Transformation Challenge." This involves a series of steps for spiritual transformation, including asking tough questions. Is this something you did (or you and Susan are doing for yourselves)? What comes up? How does/is your physical reality change/ing?

The 21-Day Challenge is a documentation of our personal conversations. Seeing value in this as an exercise, we decided to share it with the goal of supporting others in their spiritual evolution.

 It is said everything is preparing us for the unforeseen. In all areas of our lives, we learn or recall certain innate skills and then find ourselves in situations putting them into practice. You remind people we must be prepared for rapid shifts of consciousness and quick reality changes. What are some of the biggest surprises you have experienced yourself? 

The biggest surprise for me was how many incarnations I have had. It seems that I needed to be part of the same lessons much more than I thought I would. For example, I have been a wartime soldier more times than I can remember. Some of these experiences are detailed in my writing. Apparently I am not a fast learner, and I have to repeat the same lessons until I finally get it. I believe that I have broken this chain of events in this lifetime, as I now have an aversion to this kind of conflict.

 Please share your view on how technology impacts the path to Enlightenment. In Chapter 5 of Higher Self Now! You refer to sample tools, such as breath work, yoga, sound technology, chanting, and drumming. To supplement astral, lucid dreaming and OBEs, which are the most effective? 

I have found that sound technology is very effective as a supplement to deep meditation. I use Hemi-Sync in all of my workshops because it is proven to be a powerful tool that enhances the techniques. It assists people in their explorations of consciousness.

 What advice can you offer individuals on a spiritual journey who are still seeking? Anything specific you would like our readers to take away?

Obtain the knowledge and methods to have your own profound spiritual experience. Discover a method of inner exploration that resonates with you and practice it daily. I have found that beliefs are an obstacle to our evolution. This is why it is imperative that take our own journeys and discover the answers for ourselves.

What would you like to leave with our readers as useful information to take away?

Please invite your readers to visit my web site:

  • Learn more about out-of-body experiences
  • Develop a plan for your transition of consciousness
  • See my workshop and event schedule

Thanks again William. I simply love the way you invite peole to step back, view and understand their lives from a different point of reference. Your suggestion for developing a plan for the transition of consciousness especially stands out.

While on this subject, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche is a good read. On-line, Kevin Williams also explores The Tibetan Book of the Dead and Near- Death Experiences (NDEs).  Otherwise, check out the classic audiobook of the Tibetan Book of the Dead read by Richard Gere. Many other options also exist. As always, follw your heart-felt intuition.


7 Beginner's Tips for Intentional OBEs

Several techniques can be used for intentional out of body experiences (OBEs) also known as astral travel.  The rope technique is one of the most common and popular methods. Consider these 7 Tips for intentional OBEs:

1. Prepare the Mind

Make sure you are comfortable in a place you will not be disturbed and try to leave enough time so that you don’t have to think about time at all.

2. Feel Yourself Relax

It is best to be in a relaxed state of mind for astral travel, so you may like to meditate for ten minutes so that your Consciousness is open and receptive.

3. Allow Yourself to Almost Fall Asleep

It is best to practice astral travel when you are not too tired, otherwise, you may fall asleep! The goal is to feel as physically relaxed as possible while maintaining a wakeful mind.

If you do fall asleep, consciousness is shifting along a scale of dimensions.  Your physical eyes are closed, yet the dream mind sees.  As you grow more alert and aware of the out-of-body experience (OBE), you begin to sense the physical mind continues thinking and being while the projected double is split into an independent aspect. You can shift focus or point of consciousness out in front of the body, even above and beyond it.  More than one aspect of you is expanding on experience.

4. Notice Your Senses Sharpening

At this stage, you may notice mysterious visuals or sounds as well as sensations such as floating or falling. You may also feel slightly numb, which is exactly where you want to be.

It comes to your attention that the mind is recording more than one set of dream memories. In fact, you discover you can have two or more sets of memories for a single time period, that of the participant and the observer, and possibly other perspectives.  More than one set of dream memories co-exist.  As the projected double re-joins or re-integrates with the physical body, the strongest set of memories stand out.  Other, shadow memories also exist, but are often lost. 

Even now, you gain insight into a range of experiences from non-physical sight to projection. Mind's eye vision is revealing itself. The depth and complexity of dream recall sharpens as you practice, strengthen awareness, learn to keep OBEs short and train the mind so physical and projected aspects are aware and focused on each other. You see what you are ready to accept.

5. Visualize a Silver Cord

Now imagine a silver rope dangling from the ceiling, just within your reach. Spend some time visualizing this rope in detail, to the point where you can imagine what it will feel like.

6. Attempt to Grab the Rope with Your Astral Hand

Instead of diving right in and trying to astral project your whole body immediately, simply begin with one limb. Focus on reaching out to the rope and grabbing it with your astral hand.

7. Allow the Rest of Your Body to Follow

After you have successfully gripped the cord with your astral hand, feel the rest of your astral body rise from your physical form, and begin to climb the rope. It may seem heavier or lighter than usual to lift yourself.

Ultimately, it can take practice to master OBEs at will, but with persistence and discipline, travel anywhere is possible. If you don’t succeed the first time, or have lapses in your progress, encourage yourself to keep it up.  Conscious visits through astral realms are closer than you imagine.

"Men are the dreams of a shadow." - Pindar (Ancient Greek lyrical poet)