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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in focus (29)


Imagine being what you love

As you imagine being what you love, suddenly, you are just that.  When you focus on love, that is, doing what you love, feeling and sharing love the best way you know how, everything else falls into place.  The universe knows precisely what you need and brings it to you.  Notice that as you focus on feeling good, knowing what success, self-acceptance and other appealing states of being feel like, you imagine them into being.  Its magic.


The answer is yes

As you choose to realize you can focus your thoughts in any direction, you know all things are possible.  You no longer question your abilities or doubt what you are.  Figure out what thoughts and feelings prevent you from realizing certain dreams, from getting to where you want to be, from allowing energy through. You translate through physical senses and more.

In other words, suspend reality, let the mental resistence and beliefs about practical limitations go.  Be the unlimited being you are.  Allow contradictory thoughts in your vibration to disspiate.  You are aligned, secure, and healthy.  You no longer focus on how you will achieve, or what is probable.  You focus on how it feels as you are doing it.   As you feel the exhilaration and appreciation, you know what is real and live it.  As you shift alignment, you tune to vibration and dimensions that resonate.  Whatever you imagine, you already are in more than one way.


Its about what's inside

Consider which choices allow well-being into your life.  You cannot help but make a contribution to this world. You cannot help but be worthy.  You intend to feel good where you are.  Your intrinsic value is never in question.  You only determine whether you focus on the present and its associated realities or not. Anything you want to know is within reach.  You require no outside guidance or stimulation. Its about what's inside.  You determine how you vibrate and what resonates or feels right.  To turn inward enables you to obtain all answers to your pressing questions now.


Shift your attention

No isolated events exist.  Notice what you think matters.  Notice why you measure or interpret as you do.  Notice that everything has a function in the totality though mind only grasps a limited fragment of all that is.  Notice when you react emotionally and find yourself thinking something should not be happening.  You can also choose to shift your focus.  What happens as you do?

Step back to grow aware of how you can distance yourself from collective emotional reactions and perceptions.  They are not you.  You are not limited to the forms understood by the mind. Something flows through you beyond form.  Reality emerges as you observe without judgment.


Feel good where you are

Notice how you feel where you are.  The inner judge is conditioned to criticize or complain.  You can choose to benefit from everything. Be a silent witness to your own thoughts, feelings and behaviour.  See lessons and internal messages.  Recognize that what you think about you bring into being.  You invite situations that resonate what you feel and how you vibrate. As you choose to envision things that have not yet unfolded that you hope to experience, they come into being.  They become another layer of your current reality.  Your conscious focus shapes your life.  You are in more than one place in mind, body and spirit.  Every feeling is a stepping stone to the next phase of expansion.  Become all that you already are.