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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in focus (29)


You are free 2BU

You are forever free to be you. Nothing you find here imposes anything or forces you to change your beliefs.  This is about inviting you to remember the authentic you, to empower you to feel and decide what you want.  Being you has infinite advantages every moment.  Regardless of your physical and other self-perception, something fantastic is emerging to reveal to you your true colours.  If you choose, you are guided through a progessive awakening.  Every choice invites you to launch and expect, allow and receive.

For fun, to uplift the spirit, and to remind you what soul knows, you may choose an inspirational word for every letter of the alphabet.  To go further, choose to identify something good where you are and in every circumstance.  Notice your intention and focus fluctuate from natural to conditioned perspectives.  As you feel and observe the impulses from deep within, you sense and make decisions without words.  You pay more attention to how you think and feel, and recognize the power you harness by choosing to appreciate your time and place.  Empower yourself again.  Remind yourself of the feeling of timeless freedom.


Forget what's lost

Ever notice that its harder to find certain things when you focus on what you are convinced you have lost? When you are not focusing attention on what is apparently missing, and you turn away toward something else, is it not incredible how missing things mysteriously reappear? Many people ask, "what is it with that?" 

Consider how something in your vibration creates every experience. Consider that as you are vibrating the story, "I do not know where it is," then the thing continues to exist and vibrate in a place beyond the scope you are focusing on. Consider how you feel when something disappears.  Whatever the feelings, irritation, frustration, anger or others, they are in your vibration before the manifestation, before the disappearance of something you are now looking for.  Every experience has at its core the intention to empower you to raise awareness of the real issue. And this is not that which evokes the same feeling o the surface.  It is deeper.


Tap into perpetual memory

Many people speak of temporary or short-term memory yet, how often do you actually tap into perpetual memory? You may briefly forget that when ready, you open spiritual senses and timeless archives. 

Even now, you are in the process of looking out from the heart centre of your body to the external world. How does it feel to visualize yourself from inside the body gazing out? Open up and push outward now. Notice you can move your point of concentration.  Point of reference itself can Transform Your Life.


This is the perfect moment

You exist intent on reaching a place that connects you with who you are.  Being in the body is as easy as you choose.  Notice where you direct your attention.  You feel the subtle energies running through you.  In fact, energy is you.  This is the underlying current of creation.  It is the perfect moment to experience revelatons about your true formless, inconceivable and limitless self. How do you feel?

The more attention you direct in certain directions, the stronger your focus on the energy field in your midst.  The image that arises in mind is already taking shape in physical form. Your feelings are making it happen.  How you feel is what makes it seem real. You are a seeker and a finder.  This is part of the process of growing more conscious and listening to your self.  Its also Cosmic Synchronicity.

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