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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in life (56)


Appreciate the little things

Whatever situations are unfolding in your life, you choose where to focus your attention.  You decide how to interpret your unique  experiences, whether you get something meaningful out of each stage of your life journey.  Notice the true nature of any restlessness you feel.  Why find anything wrong where you are, doing what you do? Be creative.  Love something about where you are now. 

Notice your conditioned ways of thinking.  Notice whether you focus on thoughts that trigger sadness, joy or evoke other emotions like anger and fear.  Notice when you focus on gratitude or allow discomfort or dissatisfaction to cloud your focus.

This said, you can always renew appreciation for 'the little things.'   This brings clarity. They may be people, aspects of nature or the environment, conditions or anything that uplifts your spirit. Notice whether you view the glass of life as half full, half empty, or as something else. What happens as you are kind to yourself and show kindness to others? The sun always shines.  You see, you take it with you wherever you go.

Take a few moments to reflect on little things that  bring joy.  What stands out? Share your perspective of 'the little things' that truly make life feel worthwhile.

"It is good to appreciate that life is now. Whatever it offers, little or much, life is now - this day - this hour."  - Charles Macomb Flandrau

"None of us has gotten where we are solely by pulling ourselves up from our own bootstraps. We got here because somebody bent down and helped us." - Thurgood Marshall


Listen to your life

Your thoughts and emotions are constantly communicating through you.  You focus of attention determines your priorities as well as which emotions control you.  Pay attention to what you see and do not see, to what you say and do not say.  What do you notice?  Where is your focus of attention?  That which is ever-present cannot be obtained by moving away from it.  Notice the priceless treasures that are forever hiding in plain sight.  Be intrinsic awareness.  What wisdom or insight do you take away as you observe your own behaviour?

"Listen to your life.  All moments are key moments." -Frederick Buechner


Breathe easy

Notice how it feels to breathe deeply. What are you doing when feeling calm or exhilarated? What could you be doing differently? What would you like to change here or leave as is?

Regardless of what you are doing or not doing, the heart must pause to breathe.  In the gaps between the thoughts,  the light of the sun flows forever through you. Allow the winds of life to inspire, energize and pass through you.  Breathe easy knowing you can release yourself from any perception.  Stand tall.  Everything that matters creeps in.  All else is already gone.

"...see without looking...hear without listening...breathe without asking..." - W.H. Auden


Embrace what is here already 

Through direct experience in different areas of your life, you open up to how the body speaks to and through you. With certainty, you know your body is not a fixed entity.

Regardless of how you view the body, love is here already and constantly expanding through your choices to sense it or not. Every moment, the clouds of confusion are parting. Your body's alignment and energy levels shift.  What kind of communication do you notice?

Notice how you attract seemingly different external practices and behaviours in others. What this reflects back draws attention to a common thread.  They all invite you to recognize The Ten Pillars of Buddhism or guiding principles we can apply to daily life.  Gaining deeper insight into thoughts and feelings empowers you to transform from the inside out.  Allow compassion and inner wisdom to be your rudders in the ocean of life.

“Recognize that you have the courage within you to fulfill the purpose of your birth. Summon forth the power of your inner courage and live the life of your dreams. ”
-Gurumayi Chidvilasananda


Life turns around quickly

Amazing things unfold in life.  Notice what happens as you keep all options open and allow yourself to notice what is going right.  As you do the best you can where you are, you begin to realize, there is no such thing as purposelessness.  Here and now is where your future is being made.  Watch what happens as you make use of what you know to help others with kindness and good intentions.  Doors are already opening in directions that you could not possibly imagine. 

Notice true freedom exists outside your comfort zone.  This is not a state of mind but a state of being.  Be aware of your habits and expectations.  Let them go. If ever you hear yourself using the words "wrong" or "mistake," catch yourself.  In truth, nothing is ever wrong with you.  All experience is just that.  You may simply not allow yourself to see it. This revelation is some kind of wonderful.  Life turns around quickly as you remove the clouds blocking the silver lining.

"Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting gold." -Maurice Setter