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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in life (56)


Look at self through new eyes

To view yourself as an eternal being helps you view and understand the physical self through new eyes. Every moment, you continue to be that which you are. You choose to be born into a physical body to experience resistance, states of thought and emotion. Why begin the quest to connect with things beyond self, be it God or source? The spirit knows. Until you stop fearing death, you do not allow yourself to live. As you stop not wanting death, you realize what this transition truly is, and the process you feel now. Know that nothing is wrong with where you are or how you feel. You arrive knowing what is happening.


Let the meaning disappear

Every moment, the meaning of life as you think about it, is in the process of disappearing. Notice your own tacit revelations and how they unfold.  Awakening in stages may seem like silent realisations, like certain choices and conditions are no longer being energized.  What do you sense is fading in your life? Which circumstances no longer serve you or seem to hold attention? Mind echoes that all is impermanent.


Alter your position

You may think that if you stop what you are doing, then life, as you see it, would be meaningless.  Behind your eyes exists another perspective.  Consider how your behaviour is projecting a sense of happiness or fulfillment to other people and yet, may not be so convincing to your true self.  How do you do your best not to remember the magical potential you possess? Would selective recall upset the tidy universe you are creating with your choices and beliefs? Imagine stepping back right now.  How do you Transform Your Life?


What if you are not this, but that?

Part of you may assume links must exist between your perception of the real world and imaginary worlds.   What if there is no need for such a link? What if they are interdependent yet, no need exists for a bridge? How else could you intuit existence? Do you sense a dream?

At this moment, your points of reference may extend from a sense of being born at a certain place and perceived moment in time.  Imagine the possibility that the assumption you are born is misplaced. If the real you is not born, then it does not die. Imagine you never truly own or possess anything, including the physical body you inhabit, the identity and labels you adopt. What if everything is borrowed, even time? Invite self to discard ideas that define what you are. This is how you gradually shift perception and Transform Your Life.


Ever feel the world is against you?

How often do you permit the mind to convince you the world is apparently against you? Perhaps the feeling is familiar that few things seem to be going "your way." What if you chose to sense all of this is actually helping you? How can you identify what is good now?

Take a moment to reflect on things you initially sense are going wrong, and train the mind to sense something good behind it.  Decide instead that the world is always acting in your favor. Notice your beliefs about what is possible ground you where you are.  Notice how you have the power to shift your perspective and outlook from inside. You silently choose to Transform your life from within.