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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in love (373)


Consciously shift frequency

Notice the more we take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, health and conditions the more we recognize being vulnerable is what allows us to be real, connect with others, dissolve illusions of separation. In fact, as we gain insight into trauma or adversity and the message or lesson offered, it would be selfish to keep that insight and source of growth for ourselves. It is in sharing our stories that others are inspired to bravely face themselves and blossom into true nature.
So, we must be willing to be completely honest with ourselves, recognize where and with whom we are, have been dishonest. Turns out, we are only ever dishonest with others in the same way we are dishonest with ourselves. As we expand, we are able to hold what is happening in the consciousness of love, to honour the interconnectedness of life. This is about seeing from wider view, so we can be what we came to be, access all of who we are.
Many people forget the deeper vibration of responsibility. Contrary to popular belief, its not about duty or meeting others' expectations. Its about being spontaneous. We have response -ability to be in this moment. Our attention, consciousness, focus, is only ever present. Being here is responding with our whole being. Be like a dragonfly, consciously shift frequency & vision.



10 Ways to Take Responsibility for Your Life

Many people say they would like to change their lives or make positive changes but seem to encounter obstacles, complain, feel restless or postpone taking decisive action.  Now is the moment to be more pro-active.  Consider 10 ways to take greater responsibility for your life:

1. Prioritize Yourself

To take more control of life, deep down, we must feel worthy, deserving of good things, better decisions. Holding self-limiting beliefs, perpetuating negative self-talk ("I can't or won't...")  causes us to avoid responsibility.  Thus, we may feel undeserving of better. Thing is, we can only love and support others if we love and support self first, practice self-love and self-care.

2. Stop Blaming the External

Although common practice, blaming others for our conditions is a form of self-sabotage, an unconscious attempt to escape from growing up (maturing as a soul). Society teaches us to and judge others rather than address our own actions. When we are hyper-focused on other people’s behaviours, we often overlook signs and signals we give ourselves and available big life lessons.

3. Develop Self-Awareness

To take responsibility for our thoughts and actions, we must grow self-aware. Self-reflection allows us to deepen awareness.  To grow mindful of feelings, thoughts as they arise, helps us understand our actions,  patterns and reasons behind the things we do.

4. Be Accountable

Being responsible entails being accountable to yourself.  Some people love external praise and their own positive feelings and yet find it hard to realize they are the source of all their behaviour, perception, feelings, or results. Pride blocks growth.  To be accountable is to accept and understand our role in each situation.  How we are treated depends on how we treat ourselves. The key is self-honesty, not avoiding transparency. Of course, self-pity and guilt are not helpful.

5. Get to Know Yourself

Turns out, we are conditioned to adopt other people’s beliefs about us.  Beyond external conditioning, we all have our own sense of success and happiness.  Though family and peers may have good intentions, we cannot act to appease others and live in integrity.  If parents may want their child to look a certain way, choose a specific training, career, or partner. We would not blindly listen if we took steps to get to know self, our version of happiness and success. This requires self-honesty.  We may even need to separate from people who constantly impose their views.  This can create internal conflict, complicating our decision-making.

6. Love Yourself

Taking responsibility can be difficult until we love ourselves enough to get that every moment, we control our thoughts, feelings and life direction. Realizing this changes things.  When we judge ourselves harshly, we throw off our inner balance. We feel ungrounded, unsupported, unsustainable, and very discouraged. Self-love guides us to the wisdom within the self. A mere shift in perspective is a potent action in the name of love.

7. Eliminate Excuses

To make excuses is not responsible, like denying you are the captain of your ship. An irresponsible person may say they want to eat healthier but say they don’t have time. However, to be responsible, accountable, and honest, is to prioritize creating time. We can find many reasons not to make life changes.  Yet, this is giving our power away. We all have the same 24 hours per day. We are all responsible for how we choose to use it.

8. Remove Toxic People

Toxic people enable us to continue unhealthy habits and toxic behaviour. People who genuinely care for us and love us will hold you accountable.  They want to see us achieve our dreams. Other individuals want to keep us  co-dependent.  To take responsibility for life means taking responsibility for our entourage, and relationships. People who frequently complain, self-loathe, self-deprecate, and speak down on your progress do not benefit our growth.  Creating distance brings us inner strength. Nourish healthy and supportive interaction. Also, seek to establish emotional independence to make better decisions from an objective stance and attract authentic people into our life experience.

9. Eradicate Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk can arise from childhood trauma inflicted by abuse or bullying. These negative, self-limiting beliefs we have of ourselves usually originate from the projections and judgments other people throw at us. When we are younger, we tend to internalize these words, and they become ingrained. It takes time to un-condition such negative ideas about Self. However, it’s possible by doing activities aimed at self-love and self-care. We come into this world with a very clean slate.  As we grow, we begin to take on our personality. Much of this has to do with the environments. However, we can take responsibility for our lives and reclaim our full potential.

10.  Take Quantum Leaps outside Comfort Zones

The only way to truly take full and complete responsibility for our lives is to rediscover what it is to experience examples of fearlessness. This may begin in a playground swing,  allowing ourselves to fear the wind in our hair as we pump the swing higher.  As we gain courage and confidence, we increasingly make choices to do what we have not done before, confront our fears and see where assertiveness and adventurousness take us.  This may guide us to new job, new relationships, new entourage, new pastimes and ways to spend out time.  Remind yourself the five people you spend the most time with are the five people you are becoming.


Awaken your Light Body

Your Light body is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional self with the infinite universe. Your light body is an energy body that exists at a higher level, closer to your soul, than your chakras. You have seven vibrational energy body centers and three light body centers, for a total of ten centers that power and make up your light body.
As you awaken your light body you will learn how to change less harmonious energies into positive ones and use the energy around you to go higher. You may experience a stronger sense of personal power and a greater ability to control your emotions, stay centered, release old blocks and stuck emotional energy, and respond with love and compassion.
Your light body opens doorways to the higher realms of light, such as the soul plane. Awakening your light body assists you in adding light to your thoughts, opening your channel upward, and connecting with the Universal Mind. As you awaken your light body you will learn how to get into states of consciousness where you can more easily choose actions that reflect the light of your soul and higher self. You can experience many illumined states of awareness in these journeys; states of consciousness that are deeply insightful, blissful, and take you beyond thought into direct experiences of beingness. In these states you can see, sense, or feel the expansive energies of the higher dimensions and make them a part of your daily life.

5 Tips to Live More Fully

Consider 5 Tips to Live more fully. 
1. Be true to yourself 
What you the most pressing issues in your life? Safety and survival are key.  Live a life that aligns with your own values, dreams, rather than trying to put up appearances or meet the expectations of others. Embrace your authenticity and follow a heartfelt path.
2. Prioritize what truly matters
How long have you been enduring key challenges? Perhaps long enough? Now is the moment to make new choices.  Stop getting caught up in appearances, pursuit of material things or societal notions of success. Instead, focus on relationship with self, what brings joy, love, and fulfillment.
3. Express your feelings
What are you working to resolve? How have choices so far been working out for you?  Do not suppress your emotions or keep your thoughts and feelings hidden. Practice honest and open communication, expressing your emotions and needs in a respectful manner. This can lead to deeper connections and more meaningful relationships or, simply guides you out of a situation that may not be good for your soul and overall well-being.
4. Cultivate friendships
Make time for your friends and nurture those relationships. Prioritize human connection and invest in meaningful connections that bring support, joy, and shared experiences.  Value interconnectedness.
5. Choose joy
Allow yourself to experience joy and happiness. Don't postpone happiness for some unknown time or wait for external circumstances to dictate your well-being. Find joy in the present moment and actively seek out activities and experiences that bring you happiness. Remind yourself you create your conditions and can change thoughts as well as circumstances. Many underestimate the power of intentiom. 

What lets true light emerge?

Notice what will get through or touch a person's heart is not always obvious. At a given moment, we may taste deep longing to be open, vulnerable, yet remain closed off. What will crack the chest open? What will activate, let light emerge, from Heart and Soul? Entering into the unified energy field does, but to be here requires we consciously face the ultimate initiation. We may be touched by a sensitive gaze, pure presence, shaktipat. We may fall into love or hate with another. The hard thing is to be touched energetically, let inhibitions go. Once emotionally connected as friend or enemy, magic happens. Energy is harnessed, transformed, transmuted.
Growing or expanding into our mature energetic state happens very fast without resistance. Soul growth occurs as we endure sacrifice, challenges, letting go of what we think we value. Only then do we gain freedom at the expense of ego's neediness and fear. To attain fearlessness requires honouring oneSelf on all levels. Sounds easy. Yet, in practice, egoic thoughts suffer from bondage- distrust, dishonesty, disharmony. This dense energy weighs heavy.
That is, we come to distrust the self, the other, universe, and this can lead to paranoia, leading us to fear risk-taking, fear speaking our truth or being overbearing, while feeling we walk on eggshells. Resistance to love relates to those who cared for us and those who didn't meet or abandoned our needs, those who cared too much or too little. To integrate energies of both loving and neglectful carers in our field, restores balance. Fear of the unpleasant, unknowable, is another issue the ego finds hard to surmount. Yet, right now, infinite opportunites exist to shed light on darkness, find wholeness.