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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in lucid dreams (2)


5 Reasons to Lucid Dream

Its widely agreed that lucid dreaming has many benefits and yet how do we get here and practise consistently?  Consider 5 Reasons to lucid dream;

1. Know Power of Intention

People are motivated to do things because of an underlying intention.  As we make the intention conscious (or grow aware of it), this creates momentum for the experience to take shape in our lives.

2. Strengthen Memory

Good dream recall  strengthens memory. This essential to lucid dream. This starts with the firm resolve to recall your dreams. Dream journaling helps. A proven technique is to wake up a few hours earlier, stay up for fifteen minutes or so, then go back to sleep with the intent that “I will wake up in my dreams, I will remember my dreams.” 

3. Be Willing to Explore Techniques

Eastern and western techniques exist to help orient the dream journey.  Taking supplements, using technology that tracks brainwaves, visualisation and specific meditation techniques are some of the options available.

4. Feel the Urge to gain mind mastery 

The real point here is not to gain mastery over your dreams but mastery over your mind.  By gaining mastery over your mind, you grow fearless in the dark. The nighttime lucid dreams and yogas can illuminate, eliminate fear, the primordial emotion  of samsara.

5. Interested in Universality

The practices of the night lead us to this unified field and awaken us to the universality of the human condition.  In truth, when we go to sleep, we actually going to meet every other sentient being on this planet, at this deepest possible level. We’re going to sleep together and rest in the same luxurious bed of the primal mind. Our job, when we arise each morning, is not to forget this nightly reunion.


Honour Being in-Limbo

Notice amidst ongoing shifts in consciousness, emotional and global upheavals, its crucial to honour the "liminal space", in-between gap or transitional phases of transformation. There are periods of being "in-limbo", when what used to make sense to you no longer does and yet, you still resist completely letting go with peace and certainty to move ahead, above, beyond. It touches relationships, situations, identity- previous foundations or perceived truths of your reality are crumbling. Its those points where the mind does not yet see clearly where to go from here, does not yet completely accept or reject new ways of seeing, know how you will survive or operate beyond the familliar. This is where surrender happens.
It is my experience that we discover a great deal of freedom during this process of shifting to think less and feel more along our winding road. A similar feeling arises during lucid dreaming as we come to sense different levels of awarness and energetic activity.  This freedom does not necessarily imply the total elimination of suffering or all our expectations. And yet, it does free us to live more fully, can lead to profound changes in character, priorites and being open and receptive to the unusual and unforeseen.
From the moment we begin to accept we do not have to know everything, that our assumptions are unfounded, that ideas of past and future are distractions to the ultimate truth, our life shifts in profound ways. New opportunities arise as if from nowhere, what we had aspired to or struggled toward unfolds without effort, teachers and invisible guides make themselves known. Suddenly, it feels natural to experience pure presence. This is about bringing the ind to the present moment, seeing blessings & wisdom in whatever presents.